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Ihre Aktion:
Suchen (GND-Nummer, Suche nach verknüpften Titeln [GND]) 120166291
| siehe auch |
Person(Phrase: Nachname, Vorname) [PER]: |
Ashbee, Charles R.
| Larisch, Rudolf
| Morris, William
| Wright, Frank Lloyd
| Ruskin, John |
| siehe auch |
Person(Phrase: Nachname, Vorname) [PER]: |
Ashbee, Charles R.
| woodroffe,paul
| crawford,alan
| Larisch, Rudolf
| Wright, Frank Lloyd |
| siehe auch |
Suche über alles [ALL]: |
| campden
| werkkunstschule
| craftmanship
| прессования |
1. |
John Ruskins Konzept ästhetischer Bildung und die Arts-and-Crafts-Bewegung / Breuer, Gerda. - In: Herausforderung ästhetische Bildung. - Bielefeld : Aisthesis Verlag. - 2017, S. 53-71 : Illustrationen
2. |
An anthology of the arts & crafts movement : writings by Ashbee, Lethaby, Gimson and their contemporaries Greensted, Mary [Hrsg.] ; Ashbee, Charles R.. - 1. publ.. - Aldershot [u.a.] : Lund Humphries, 2005
3. |
Objects from the British arts and crafts movement : Charles Robert Ashbee, W. A. S. Benson, John Paul Cooper, Nelson & Edith Dawson, William de Morgan, Christopher Dresser ...; March 4 - May 1, 1993 Ashbee, Charles R. [Ill.]. - New York, NY, 1993
4. |
C. R. Ashbee : architect, designer & romantic socialist Crawford, Alan. - New Haven [u.a.] : Yale Univ. Press, 1985 -> Inhaltsverzeichnis
5. |
C. R. Ashbee & the Guild of Handicraft : [this is the catalogue of the Exhibition "C. R. Ashbee & the Guild of Handicraft", held at Art Gallery and Museum, Cheltenham, 17 Jan. to 28 Febr. 1981; Mappin Art Gallery, Sheffield, 14 March to 26 April 1981; Fine Art Society, London, 4 to 30 May 1981] Ashbee, Charles R. [Ill.] ; Bloor, Walter. - Cheltenham, 1981
6. |
Should we stop teaching art Ashbee, Charles R.. - Repr. of the 1911 ed., London. - New York [u.a.] : Garland, 1978 [Original: 1911]
7. |
The manual of the Guild and School of handicraft Ashbee, Charles R. [Hrsg.]. - Repr. of the 1892 ed., London. - New York : Garland Publ., 1978 [Original: 1892]
8. |
A few chapters in workshop reconstruction and citizenship, and An endeavour towards the teaching of Ruskin and Morris Ashbee, Charles R.. - Repr. of the 1894 ed., London. - New York : Garland Publ., 1978 [Original: 1894]
9. |
Craftmanship in competitive industry Ashbee, Charles R.. - New York : Garland Publ., 1977
10. |
Craftmanship in competitive industry Ashbee, Charles R.. - Reprint of the 1908 ed., publ. by Essey House Press, Campden. - New York [u.a.] : Garland Publ, 1977 [Original: 1908]
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