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Keessa deebiin kun gaafa 10:18, 12 Bitootessa 2023 Afaan oromoo guddisii (dubbadhu | gumaacha) irratti
(gargar) ← Foyyeeffata duraani | Foyyeeffata reefuu (gargar) | Foyyeeffata daran haaraa → (gargar)

odeeffannoo saayinsaawaa
mootummaa: Bineeldoota (Animalia)
Murna: lafee qabeeyyii (Chordata)
Gita: hoosiftoota (Mammalia)
Tartiiba: Sooratto Foonii (Carnivora)
Warra: Bashurreyyii Felidae
Qaccee: Deeroowwan Panthera
Sanyii: Qeerramsa P. pardus
Moggasa magaslamee
''Panthera pardus''
(Linnaeus, 1758)

Qerramsa (maqaa Roomaa Panthera pardus jedhamuun ogeeyyii baayoloojii biratti kan beekamu) hoosistuu Eeshiyaa, Afrikaa fi Baha Giddu Galeessaa keessatti argamudha.

  1. Template:IUCN2006 Database entry includes justification for why this species is of least concern