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Recovery Act

Activities Related to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009

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The purpose of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 is to promote economic recovery, create or save jobs, spur technological advances in science and health, and invest in infrastructure that will provide long-term benefits. NASA, as a recipient of Recovery Act funds, has an important role to play in achieving the Act’s goals — and will do so through the program and facilities investments. In this regard, the Recovery Act provides $1 billion in appropriations for NASA programs and facilities, including $400 million for science-related appropriations, $150 million for aeronautics research, $400 million for the space exploration, and $50 million to restore NASA-owned facilities damaged by natural disasters. Appropriations in this Act are available for obligation through the end of fiscal year 2010. NASA intends to spend this funding with full transparency and accountability.

The Recovery Act contains built-in measures to root out fraud, waste, inefficiency and unnecessary spending. Accordingly, the NASA Office of Inspector General has received $2 million of Recovery Act funds to provide oversight of NASA’s implementation and execution of the Recovery Act. NASA OIG’s oversight began immediately, with a multi-faceted plan that includes objectives to ensure active oversight of NASA’s Recovery Act compliance.

As NASA develops and begins implementing its Recovery Act plans, this site will allow for the NASA OIG to communicate the results of our oversight program.

Plans and Reports »

Financial and Activity Reports »

NASA OIG Recovery Act Training »

Reporting Abuse Related to Recovery Act Funds

Anyone with information regarding gross mismanagement; waste; danger to public health or safety; abuse of authority; violation of law, rule, or regulation; or any concerns relating to NASA Recovery Act funds should contact the NASA Inspector General Hotline at 1-800-424-9183.

Information may also be submitted online at:

Or by mail to:
NASA Inspector General
P.O. Box 23089
L’Enfant Plaza Station, Washington, DC

In addition to protections for Federal employees from reprisal pursuant to the Whistleblower Protection Act and other law, the Recovery Act provides remedies for employees of non-Federal employers who are retaliated against for making certain disclosures involving Recovery Act funds. Any person retaliated against for making a disclosure regarding the Recovery Act should make a complaint to the NASA Inspector General Hotline.

NASA Office of Inspector General Recovery Act Training

The following Recovery Act Training Opportunities are being offered by the NASA Office of the Inspector General. To obtain more detailed information about a specific topic of interest, please click on the topic area of interest below.

DateTraining Topic Area
09/01/09NASA ARRA 2009 Training Slides 9-18-09. Presentation
08/27/09Recovery Act Whistleblower Protection, New Orleans, LA. Presentation
08/25/09Recovery Act Whistleblower Protection, La Jolla, CA. Presentation
08/11/09Recovery Act Whistleblower Protection, Charleston, SC. Presentation