Modern Times and Ancient Truths
Edward Curtin

Eighty-nine years ago this month, the film Modern Times, starring Charlie Chaplin, was released. Considered one of the greatest movies ever, it was a comedic but savage critique of industrial capitalism and a prescient indictment of the alienated modern life to come, as Chaplin’s character, the Little Tramp, worked on an assembly line where he suffered a nervous breakdown from the stress and repetitive nature of the work.
But the film ends on a hopeful note, as the Little Tramp and his beloved Ellen hit the road and walk away from the mechanized life. It is a poetic call to replace the iron discipline of the machine life with rebellious spontaneity.
In All Consuming Images: The Politics of Style in Contemporary Culture (Basic Books, 1988), Stuart Ewen writes:
In Modern Times we confront a factory world which increasingly usurps human initiative. Within the scope of the film, people are trapped beneath the thumb of productivity, their bodies and souls shaped and overwhelmed by the assembly line. The priorities of such a world submerge human needs; misery and homelessness abound. People are seen as useful only if they can be plugged into the productive apparatus. Otherwise they are tossed aside like garbage.
Today, the Little Tramp, has been replaced by big Trump and his sidekick, Elon Musk, owners and operators of the new AI Digital factory Internet system, posing as saviors of the Little Tramp.
Just the other day, Musk, with an imagined twinkle in his eye and little boy grin, tweeted out on his bullhorn X (Twitter): “We are on the event horizon of the singularity.”
By the “Singularity” is meant the time when the machines – computers and artificial intelligence – exceed human control and dominate society. For technologists like Musk and his ilk in and out of government and in Silicon Valley, the idea of a machine run world is heaven on earth. A place where death will be defeated by synthetic means and love reduced to a passionless technique.
This is the myth of the machine that has grown from a superstitious cult to a world-wide religion with the cell phone its cult object.
Up in the lake and down in the river the ice is breaking up. In the house a few little black bugs have appeared. The maple sap is running. And we have seen flocks of robins and cedar waxwings eating leftover berries that have clung to the bare ruined choirs of the trees and bushes. Even the turkey vultures have returned to perch everywhere, looking down like caring teachers over students’ desks, as if to say – wake up, look around, these are resurrection days.
By the late 1980s, the “Little Tramp” was pitching computers for IBM in a series of advertisements. His problems were again portrayed as caused by industrial chaos, but as Ewen writes:
But this time the solution is different. Beleaguered Charlie is saved by the computer, the quintessential modern instrument of order, control, surveillance. Here the frenetic conditions of modern life are solved by modern technology. The 1936 film had pointed an idealistic way out. The ad points the way back in. The critique has been turned on its head, packaged and used against itself.
Now the “smart phone” is sold as the way out and the way in, as resurrection battles singularity.
Even the bears are waking up around here. A guy I know said that on his way home the other night he saw one walking down Main Street. Now this is a nice little tourist town in the Berkshires of western Massachusetts, not a town in northern Canada, so I was a bit surprised by his sighting. It became somewhat clearer after I asked him where he was coming from and he said he had been down in The Well, a local bar, having a few drinks with an old girlfriend who had told him he had always been her true love but she had to marry the local police chief for protection. Confused, he asked her what did she need protection from. When she said – life, and got up and said good night, he ordered another round. Soon after that the bear appeared.
Now we have crossed over to a country led by a man and his sidekick so sick that no words are needed. Their use of artificial intelligence is fulfilling the dream of Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, the Italian fascist, friend of Mussolini, and founder of the art movement called futurism, whose claim was that “the entire human drama revolves around the machine.” It was a ruse for power cached within an artistic manifesto based on the belief that the machine was the new god with supernatural powers beyond human control – very similar to AI and the alleged final coming of the singularity. “War,” said Marinetti, “is the father of all things…the culminating and perfecting synthesis of progress.”
Anyone who thinks this is what it means to Make America Great Again had better think quick – you have been deluded. This video is a shocking, psychopathic, and fitting result of years of U.S. supported genocide in Gaza.
I look forward to Ash Wednesday on March 5, the day on which as a young man I went to church to have the priest rub ashes on my forehead and say, “Remember, Ed, that you are dust and back to dust you will return.”
I no longer go to the priests, but I will still feel the ashes and those sacred words. I will do so on a little tramp up by the lake and into the woods, where perhaps I will detect the tracks of that bear my friend saw walking through town. He exists in us all.
And the night before that walk, I will drink deeply from the well – what my father learned to call “the smiles” from his Irish Uncle Tim, a blacksmith for the NY Fire Department, who so called the Irish whiskey he drank – and I will smile, knowing I will die with the winter and be resurrected in the spring as the sap rises.
It is Resurrection time, and despite the machine people, God rises in us all as we resist their machine dreams, and rejoice.
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The Trump Zelensky meeting was so fake it’s laughable. A pair of actors on a stage. It’s so cringeworthy people thinking it’s real.
But you’re not real of course.
Yes. Good luck, Curtin.
Thanks fort this, Mr Curtin. Best article on here in a very long time.
When you come begging for alms, it’s important you wear a
suit and tie. Remember that !
Natty came suitably dressed, in nice pressed white shirt and blue tie,
and he was given lots and lots of 2000 lb tunnel busting bombs he’s
just itching to use to complete the controlled demolition of Gaza…
Remember, Gentlemen Wear Suits !!
Poll Results for: “Who performed better in the White House ?”
14% – Voldomor Zelen sky
86% – Monica Lewen sky**
** (borrowed meme)
So Clinton’s Lewensky was Biden’s Zelensky?
Politics sucks.
I’m confused.
When Z. explains the missing $100,000,000,000, I might have an opinion.
They went to Freedom.
In the fight for Freedom and Democracy some pennies are necessary. You are focusing too much on money Cas. FREEDOM!
Yeah. Freedom sounds great.
Seems to me the jar of ants that is Davos NWO has been sent into overdrive by the threat of a credible opposing NWO, ie Trump-globalism.
They don’t like it up ’em Captain Mainwaring !
The New Deplorables: aka “Paid Democrat Troublemakers and Sob Stories”
Donald J. Trump
Paid “troublemakers” are attending Republican Town Hall Meetings. It is all part of the game for the Democrats, but just like our big LANDSLIDE ELECTION, it’s not going to work for them!
Mar 03, 2025, 2:38 PM
Marginal, Landslide, Dictatorship
Trump: 77,302,580 . . . 49.8%
Harris: 75,017,613 . . . 48.3%
Zelenskyy: 13,541,528 . . . 74.96%
Poroshenko: 4,522,450 . . . 25.04%
Putin: 76,277,708 . . . 88.48%
Kharitonov: 3,768,470 . . . 4.37%
Top Republican goes into FULL PANIC at his OWN town hall
Brian Tyler Cohen
Mar 3, 2025
He is right a long way. The Republicans cant use the Leftists as scapegoats only, after sitting in passivity during both Obama’s and Biden’s times.
The Republicans enjoyed Obama’s raising the debt -10 trillion USD, and McCain and Wimpsy plus plus travelled around the world to all the Democrats wars, shining all over.
It is resurrection time, time for a quantum resurrection of the human spirit rising from the materialistic machine tomb and the a-spiritual existence the globalist overlords intend for us. Rise up!
It seems the Chaplin film might have been inspired by the Technocracy movement, much maligned today in most anti-establishment circles for its superficial technological gestures akin to the suggestions of the transhumanist-technofascist crowd of Schwab, Gates, Musk, Thiel etc.
It is too bad that this frantic reaction against the current agenda so blinds people to the reality of invariable technological “progress” and how it eventually dictates the complete collapse of the market system of economy, or, more precisely, the scarcity-based paradigm of economics which they are incredibly still indoctrinating so-called economists in universities as being synonymous with the very concept of economy.
If people would simply overcome their ideological knee-jerking and consider soberly the future of technology and how to navigate it as an enhancement of human freedom rather than the consummate stomping out of it that “they” have in store for us, then we might end up having nice things, somewhere down the line. Oh well. Keep dreaming, I guess.
I really can’t wait for Trump’s state visit to the UK now – perhaps he could bring J D Vance with him? The security services are probably already orchestrating the ‘spontaneous’ protests to keep the Guardian’s ‘deep state’ woodentops happy!
Trump can be Godot till Kier keels over under national economical uproar.
Or announce the end of NATO from that side of the Pond-Swamp.
MI6’s AI can get a grip on Trump!!
The usual ‘Gazan victim’ fare of woke Western middle class level, that is ignorance mixed with arrogance and massive dollop of hypocrisy.
Zelenskyy is another favorite victim, like Hamas top in Qatar, swimming in $$$$$$$$$
Your article is ok, but why appoint Trump and Musk as the big scapegoats??
Where were you when Biden and Obama set one country after the other on fire, doubled the public debt, put hundreds of laws in force for mutilation of children’s gender in?
You were Nowhere!
Therefore I take all this whining and crying about Trump for hypocrisy, and yr howling for denial from looking yourself in a mirror.
I recently saw Trump’s meeting with Zelensky in the Oval House. Trump argued rationally with serious and logical arguments, and your liberal corrupt friend from Ukraine couldnt come up with anything but bs.
On the surface liberals looks like they are on the goody-goody side, but when we dig a little down its only hypocritical new speak.
Trump is the only person I have heard in this world coming up with a practical solution.
Trump and Co was NOT in power when the genocide in Gaza happened! Now the chaos is there so what do we do?
Send the Palestinians to a middle class country, let them have the sweet life for once sake, and then build up Gaza to a new paradigm! A practical solution once and for all.
Muah muah muah we liberals cant do that. This would mean the end of outrageous articles and books and bs discussions and whitewashing of empty money.
So there is a lot of relevant stuff in yr article, but we dont get anywhere by words only.
Top Trump Adviser Rains Fire On European Leaders, Zelensky Over London Summit; ‘Fancy Dinners...’
Thanks antonym. Loved it. Seeing Musk chasing EU leaders for drinking fine wines to the dead bodies the globe around.
I have not seen much of Musk’s personal views because I dont like what he is doing, AI and that shit, but as macho he wins more and more.
I get your point about cherry picking bad guys based on political leniance, but has it ever occurred to you, that the white house spat between Zelensky and Trump was deliberate and ‘Trumpeted’ so far and wide all over the mediasphere for very specific reasons?
It always amazes me to see that, even the ‘best and the brightest’ among pundits and critics fall for the subterfuge each time! The real question is: what’s lurking underneath the stage that’s of vital importance, but that the PTB couldn’t bear address?
Is it because there’s no gold in Fort Nox and the National debt is growing exponentially (37 Trillions at the last count) ? Or maybe Epstein’s ‘Lolita Express’ flight logs and client list? If you really think that the spanking of Zelensky has any geopolitical significance, beside its comedic effect, I really do have a huge bridge to sell you in Brouklyn, with a discount for the paint job!
I thought perhaps I was the only person that just assumed that the recent conflagration at the White House was wholly scripted, with perhaps a bit of ad lib thrown in for fun, and all for show. Followed by the astonished rhetoric.
Surprised there weren’t a few punches thrown followed by requisite photos with strategically placed band-aids.
If I may tweak your comment, I would add that the outrageous performance of Trump & Vance, while clearly playing to the MAGAdites, revealed for the world just how completely contemptuous of leaders of other nations the US is.
Theodore Roosevelt’s advice to “Speak softly and carry a big stick, you will go far” was turned on its head in Trump’s Oval Office. He speaks a big stick but carries a twig now that America is a failed empire – but an even more dangerous one because of it.
Not one of yr best howard.
Agreed. Setting Teddy R. as an example for Trump to follow is a bit like setting Monica Lewensky as an example for White House staff. But the central point – that even a theatrical performance can be disturbing – is a valid point.
And are the million or so Ukrainian casualties part of this Grand Guignol? Plus the many millions who have left Ukraine to avoid the inevitable graveyard?
Yes, it’s all fun and games to keep people from seeing world leaders with their dicks hanging out on Epstain Island. What a rootin’ tootin’ hoot.
The point is not simply about “seeing world leaders with their dicks hanging out on Epstain Island.”
It’s that the aforesaid leaders are thus susceptible to being blackmailed into doing outrageous and evil things.
But what you mention is just obvious. Off course we dont get the whole and true story about what is behind in this 1 hour public discussion.
What I do here, I comment on the article and its content and nothing else what we are supposed to do most.
What I dont like is exactly this change of focus from the geo-political play in Ukraine to the smearing of the only man who sounds just a bit mature and sound when he comment and argue on a situation.
Because this mean the whole of Europe and the Liberal side of US are judging the situation in Ukraine wrong, and have done so since the beginning.
Have you forgotten what was and is behind? All right here a refresh: Occupy Central USA’s 12 steps to bring China into WW3
TDS is a real thing.
Mr. Curtin,penned a scathing takedown of the entire election system Aug 4, 2024 – just one of many which make it clear that he has no more regard for Biden & Co. than of Trump & Co.
As far as the genocide in Gaza goes, Trump may not have been in power – BUT HIS DONORS WERE!
So you think Trump is just a puppet? A self made business man and billionaire is not playing after someone else’s pipe only.
If Trump was a puppet for the bad pedos as the leftist side are, why did he issued an executive order for banning medical gender mutilation of children and many similar fine Orders? Your focus is wrong mr.
As reprehensible as “gender mutilation of children” may prove, banning it – or anything else – absent the proper legislative/judicial process is far more reprehensible. The Executive Branch ENFORCES the will of Congress as it might be tempered by the Courts. The Executive has no authority for making or ignoring laws. Executive Orders should only be a method for setting standards for those who come under his legitimate authority.
Because all of that was before the Covid plandemic and we’re all pissed off with all politicians now.
Another OG TDS rant…give me a fucking break…!
Hang around.
Trump will break you.
Only a masochist would keep coming back for more…
Your “Another” indicates you keep coming back for “More, Please Sir !”
I am unfortunately amused and entertained by abject stupidity…
What the author overlooks is the trend of machines and things NOT lasting long enough, and quickly (2 decades) becoming obsolete, worn out, and forgotten about in very short order these days.
When did we skip over to lasting and controlling forever with machines?
Obsolescence, incompatibility, early failure, no parts, prohibited repairs, high repair costs, mounting garbage.. These are the same people who preach Climate Change and green-washing. Capitalism cannot help itself.
The chick thinks its egg is the “truth” until it takes a look through the shell. Its former truth is destroyed. The world is in an artificial state of infantility. Who doesn’t want us to grow up, think and act for ourselves? Who is it that feeds us lies every day? Is it someone who thinks he is the “true and only ruler of the world”?
One of our favourite Covidians, Neil Young, has written an anthem for the Great Reset and our impending demise:
All hail the ailing rocker!
‘Profit – protection money (paid) for being allowed to earn a living’ … (anon) …
(‘though some might say ‘for being allowed to live’)…
Thanks Ed thought provoking as always ! .. My first reaction to the “Trump Gaza” video was that it must be Parody… What is clear is that below the surface it portends a World where Politicians communicate by means of dumbed down Memes, mere Puppets in a completely hollowed out facade of Democracy..
A world where Politicians only function is to herd people into Digital Silo’s , Entertainment and constant containment , the prevention of any possibility of Revolt..
Politicians Manufactured in Boardrooms by Corporate concensus for the exigency of providing cover for mass Enslavement!
A piece-by-piece look at the Trump-Gaza video here.
The site appears to be down, unfortunately.
Oh, just tried it for myself (Tues, 7.30am). It’s still down. I’ll repost the full link later.
It’s live again! Though it IS a very slow site to load.
Amnesty International has formally denounced Australian universities for adopting an insane and speech-stifling definition of antisemitism to assist Israeli ethnic cleansing agendas. So at least that’s something. – Caitlin Johnstone
That priest: Reductionist as all the high priests in society.
The mass self-hypnosis of your fellow citizens is an opportunity. There is a limited supply of everything in the universe, including consciousness. While the masses sleep there’s more for those who wish to awake.
It’s actually the opposite the world is full of unlimited potential think you need to loose the Malthusian outlook on life
Imagine Keno west or IraQ making a A.I video that has a mosque with Eliat Quick Mart and Taobao Alibaba Group newly built on the grounds of microwave oven @ A***chwitz.
Imagine the response by the MIC alt media.
“Nice arse Benny. I’ll kiss it when the cameras are gone”
Did he kiss it before he sat down?
CJ Hopkins:
The Wars to Come
Feb 26, 2025
You can find some of my solitary fighting against the Musk-psyop gaslighting under various articles; such as:
By some fluke I happened upon a video by James Carville. I’m a little reluctant to link it because of its extremely unflattering take on Mr. Trump’s behavior in the Oval Office – and OffG might be a bit uneasy with it. So if this comment gets pulled, I’ll understand.
The great leveller.
It’s brought down so many for so long.
We aspire to Godhead we fall on our balls.
There’s still the possibility that the whole thing is a psyop, with Trump playing out a role, but I suspect that the Oval Office performance was the real Trump – and that nothing much about Trump has changed. What seems to have changed is that he’s now completely surrounded with absolute toadies. He’s always thought of himself as some sort of god-emperor – hence all the gold – but he was never previously in the position of total, subservient adulation.
The Master Drone (Italian: Il Pa-Drone), popularly referred to as God Emperor Trump, was a 65-foot (20-metre) papier-mâché sculpture and float depicting Donald Trump, the president of the United States, dressed as the fictional God Emperor of Mankind from the Warhammer 40,000 miniature war game franchise. It was created by the Italian artist Fabrizio Galli for the Carnival of Viareggio in 2019.
Although the sculpture was intended to criticise Trump, many of his supporters embraced it, with Emerald Robinson, the White House correspondent for One America News Network, stating that the Italian carnival looked “more fun” than the American Thanksgiving Day Parade because of the float.[1][11] Several conservative commentators interpreted the float to be a tribute to Trump, claiming that the carnival was a parade in his honour.[5]
?? Is he auditioning for a Virologist job, or a job with
the main stream media ?
Is he any worse than Biden or Bush 2? Or the US Presidents who could speak well?
“Trump has hand spots. It’s got to be syphilis.”
TDS has screeched to yet another level. Mad Hatter 4.0.
I keep seeing this TDS but I still haven’t deciphered it. What does it stand for?
Trump Derangement Syndrome.
Toadies, Dickheads and Snakes – i.e. the Trumpian coalition!
What the Trump Personality cult claim those who rail against
‘Trump’ are suffering … (aka – The Insufferables)
Tax Deducted at Source
The assembly lines have gone to China. Now our bodies and
souls are shaped by the cornucopia of consumption. Such
a world submerges our hoomin need. We are seen as useful
if we are plugged into the consumption apparatus…….
‘Even Useless Eaters are compelled The Lingering Death’
Humans make tools. We differ from other creatures in the complexity and power of our tools and our control over the environment we live in. Unfortunately a tool is a thing, it has no understanding, so how its used and so what it does is a matter of human will. So we shouldn’t criticize ‘the machine” but rather its users. For example…..
Scientific management took root in the early 20th century with “Taylorism”, the systematic study of processes in the workplace. The original intent was benign, to find out how to make processes efficient and so conserve labor. This rather laudable goal quickly morphed into the machine of “Modern Times” (and through that to the recent Y-Combinator scandal involving Misapplication of Talorism also led to innumerable screwups in the nascent Soviet Union in the 1920s, causing chaos at not the enterprise level but at a national level. In all of these examples the machine isn’t to blame, its the users hell bent on maximizing profit at the expense of ‘expendable’ human beings. (The ultimate robot — cheap, self-replicating, self-maintaining, self-repairing etc.)
Incidentally, the latest excesses of DOGE are actually familiar to anyone who’s worked in a ‘real’ job. Humans, both individually and as a group, have evolved defenses against being maltreated that usually result in a sort of standoff where the boss tolerates some inefficiency in order to keep the place running. Government workers are largely insulated from the realities of the workplace because, among other things, the government has to obey the laws it promulgates so there’s a lot of surprise and shock when they start being treated like ordinary proles. Its not fun for the individual but collectively its a good thing because the gradual decline in workers’ rights and renumeration isn’t uniform — its a little here, a little there that just builds up over time with the unaffected always thinking that because it happens to someone else then they obviously deserve it. Now reality hits and you realize that we’re really just a form of farm animal — to be tagged, tracked, measured and disposed of as and when necessary. (Humiliating, isn’t it?)
While I agree with your last paragraph about non-union private sector workplaces, most gov’t workplaces are unionized and must respect contractual workplace agreements. That’s why workers evolved into union representation and contractual agreements. Layoffs, “there is no work for you”, can be done by anybody. Firing, “deficient performance”, in a union workplace, requires documentation of deficiency, repeated performance reviews with union rep moderation and at least informal hearing. If they fire all these workers for deficient performance they will be sued due to lack of documentation and evaluation required by union contract agreements. This is why there are unions. They keep the worker/employer relationship equally respectful, by negotiated agreement. This is why private sector workplaces hate unions. Unions make working fair, without caprice from either. This should be the default workplace environment, by legislation as necessary. This would bring us closer to democracy in the workplace. The private sector workplace is authoritarian, unless unionized or a collective. Collectives are not workplaces controlled for personal profit by a small percentage of individuals and in the long run are way more stable (if not sabotaged by lobbying employers), more flexible and less costly/inflationary. This is another reason why the employers hate employees having equal rights. This is why employers hate equality. This why elites hate equality. This is why the ruling elite models everything they do under authoritarian hierarchy (unregulated capitalism fits the bill as facade) where they can command and take excess-profit while their working class physically creates all the profit, but merely gets scraps off the Gawd’s tables. This is why the bottom 90% of US society is being crushed into neo-serfdom in the 21st C and needs the authority of contractual workplace agreements to survive in future.
Well stated Sandy.
Unions are the only safeguard wage slaves have against exploitation by the $uiturd$.
And then the union fat cats become corrupt, and the cycle starts again. New boss same as the old boss.
A shortage of workers is the real leveller. That’s why they want boundless immigration.
The story goes, Trump is a descended of King david and there is a coin dedicated to that.
The statue is the YTrump /tower golden calf needed to rebuild the temple build by demon, a thing called Solomon and for this 3rd temple to be build they must distort and get Destroy Rome(USA)
have this 3rd war and then through temple gate (portal) there messiah will appear and for the non believers they will be killed.
If this doesn’t sound like another version of a new world order.!!
This is there religion which none of the authors or OD dares to mention.
I think what Ed points out here, that we are all experiencing now, is the culmination of the evolutionary behavior of the rich elites who have been allowed to make all decisions regarding what and how humanity’s future will evolve, within the elite’s corralling of public options. They have evolved from taking advantage, to manipulation, to predatorial evisceration. The public is now predated like a hunted animal. Us normies have been sandwiched between acceptable levels of collateral damage and total deregulation of outcomes. The entirety of contemporary life in the West is being orchestrated as collateral damage.
Ash Wednesday – dust to dust – not a happy thought but part of the death cult we live in. An eternal soul is no longer believed in, even, as I recently discovered, by a catholic friend who was truly shocked that I, as someone who had not been brought up in a religion, believed in a soul. She clearly didn’t. Seemed strange to me.
I had a co-worker tell me the same thing this week, with the same response when I mentioned to her that I did believe in a soul.
We are now, in the words of Noah Harari, merely “hackable animals.”
As the priest said: We are nothing but the body.
We are NOT “nothing but the body”; we all (each and every one of us, without exception, whatever the many unaware sceptics merely ‘think’ to the contrary) ARE an eternal soul (ie, we do not have a soul, we each are an eternal soul), and precisely because of that 100% factual truth, we all (including animals, birds, etc) survive (in our eternal, immortal soul/spirit body form) the death of our physical body. We live in a multi-dimensional cosmos. Ie, there is far, far more to reality than ‘merely’ this physical dimension.
The above is 100% factual truth. No matter WHAT all you uninformed people out there merely ‘think’.
We Spiritualists are able to absolutely PROVE what we state. No ‘christian’ is able to prove even one little bit of the false dogma/false doctrine BS which they very foolishly ‘blindly believe’. They’re not aware that the evil ‘christian church’ has well and truly duped them. I well recall, in the 1980s when I still lived and worked in London, a bloke on national radio saying very correctly that ‘christianity’ was “a control system hoax for simple-minded folk to fall for”. Well, that’s exactly what it is. Pure BS. As all ‘christians’ will one day discover.
As I mentioned in a post a week or so ago, the one and only thing which the ‘christian church’ is good for is the fact that they record so-called ‘baptisms’, marriages, and burials. I only mention that because for the last 36+ years I’ve been a genealogist; it’s stating the obvious to say that we genealogists around the world would not be able to carry out our research anything like as comprehensively if ‘baptisms’, marriages and burials had not been recorded, down the centuries.
I’ve several times provided a representative booklist here on Off-G re. books on the survival of ‘death’ truth. I’ve not done so for quite a while. There are tens of thousands [and probably hundreds of thousands] of very high-quality, scholarly books on this vital truth of existence. A large percentage of which have been written BY the many spiritually-aware scientists, doctors, nurses, ‘psychiatrists’, lawyers, etc etc around the world who have themselves discovered the multi-faceted evidences which demonstrate that we do indeed all survive the death of our physical body. Because of the fact that we each ARE an eternal soul.
Two of the many excellent books available are:
“Your Eternal Self: Science discovers the Afterlife”, by R Craig Hogan.
“A lawyer presents the evidence for the Afterlife”, by Victor Zammit & Wendy Zammit [his wife]; Victor,a Maltese-Australian, is a now-retired top-level lawyer in New South Wales, Australia.
One cant say a word without being put to shame and getting 100 back.
The Curious Case of Gene’s Farewell
In Santa Fe, a tale unfolds,
Of Hackman’s end, both strange and bold.
An Aquarius star, with Uranus strong,
His exit from life, a puzzling song.
A pacemaker stopped, a final beat,
His Asian love, no longer sweet.
Found on the bathroom floor, alas,
Near pills and heater, a curious mass.
The German Shepherd, loyal and true,
In bathroom closet, bid adieu.
No carbon monoxide, no foul play found,
Just questions swirling round and round.
Was it chance or fate’s design?
That took them both at the same time?
A super Aquarius to the end,
His death a riddle, hard to comprehend.
So here’s to Gene, the man, the star,
Whose final act went much too far.
A Hollywood legend, now at rest,
His passing strange, but still the best.
The explanation is nonsense, the na-
me has nothing to do with the verb.
The dogs and the Japanese (former Axis power!) wife are clear evidence of his subliminal Nazism. Already John Lennon painted Hitler at school, and Yoko Ono still raves about Adolf today. After all, Blondi also died together with her master, but not in a bathroom cabinet.
The British mainstream and system narrative “historian” Felton, however, sensationally claims that Hitler’s allegedly perverse disposition also extended to dogs, possibly through (even sexual?) abuse.
Hackman was a student of a certain Uta
Hagen, married to a Jew named Berghof
(apparently not after Hitler’s residence).
Which brings us back to “historian” Petty’s interviewer. He cites a “Claus von Bulow society murder trial” in his bio, in which “magical Jew” Dershowitz ensured that 30 years of life imprisonment were converted into an acquittal.
AI and its counterpart in a tee shirt and baseball cap, is incapable of recognizing self-parody. Otherwise, AI would have cautioned Elon Musk against using the term “singularity.” For its astrophysical meaning differs wildly from its technological meaning.
Singularities “are regions of space where the density of matter, or the curvature of spacetime, becomes infinite.”
“Density of matter” describes the Musk mind perfectly.
And I thought the word singularity in astro physics meant “we don’t know “ Nobody knows what is inside a black hole. Is space time a thing? How can you have infinite matter? It’s all scientific waffle.
“No one””? Well, you’re asking it, George….
No prizes for the “solutions” to this invented “problem” – increased military spending and more E.U. integration (one can feel them just itching to launch the push for the UK to re-join).
Starmer thinks he can ride two horses, US and EU.
Neither Trump nor Brussells will allow this so he’s going to have to choose.
He will choose Brussells.
Dark times ahead.
London city (England) owns both the US and EU as it is the financial capital of the world.
The rest is Theatre WWE for the non so wise.
Hysssssshhh. Not so loud.
It won’t be Starmer’s choice. Like Ukraine, Brexit is above politics, so Starmer just does what he is told by the Americans.
By the Americans ????
Brilliant, Ed, thank you.
Elon Musk himself hasn’t reached the singularity in himself.
He’s an unaware robot…. Weilding the chainsaw with a kid right next to him!
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2025-03-01. PCR can’t detect viruses, only proteins. Jab 6k patients, doctors paid $1.5m. Bifidobacteria vs covid (blog, gab, tweet, pic1, pic2, pic3, pic4).
See this Sunday’s, in the US, Full Measure show. 1) Care of Obama, non-informed-consent medical experimentation on US patients legalized… without informed consent. 2) Will RFK Jr untangle the bureaucratic spider web of ambiguous and tricky, labeling and/or informing the public about the true nature and risks of food and medicine in the US? 3) Autopsies have revealed clotting/death/injury issues caused by MRNA vaxxes, while information and research about this fact have been censored and refused light of day.
Jeez ed, lighten up. Trump Gaza is a silly bit of humour. Maybe Donald found it funny and posted it? Maybe some saboteur posted it on his acct? They are trying to root out a lot of people. I don’t think it changes any opinions about DT etc.
May I respectfully disagree with you?
This video depicting Trump’s vision for Gaza is quite possibly the vilest piece of stuff ever concocted. There is a grotesquerie about this piece that defies any sane sense of decency. To build a palace of sin atop the bones of butchered humans far exceeds anything silly or humorous.
It would be like building an Adelson Casino atop the graves of those buried beneath Auschwitz.
I agree with you, Howard…and this film changes a lot about what I am thinking these days. I want to believe that Trump didn’t actually make it and approve it…but even if he didn’t, I am sure it appeals to him…anyone who would suggest what he has suggested to do with Gaza (assuming it is even remotely possible) is guilty of, at the least, desiring to “build a palace of sin atop the bones of butchered humans.” That ain’t good, no matter how you spin it.
That’s because they are simply acclimatising the perceptions of the majority to genocide as norm, as in ‘oh gaza’s SO last week.’
When it’s clear that enough have been successfully seduced, reduced, it will come to our doors.
While on the subject of doors, politically both doors lead to the revolving blades, ultimately. It’s just not happening here yet, but the Irish are closer to the edge than we are.
Or like building a whole city of casinos on ancient First Nation ground….
Ever been to Wind River Res?
Or worse?
Figuratively speaking I think that casino was already built.
Wondered how long it would take for the DEMREP party MAGA a-holes, at best, to surface.
Signs of spring and waking from winter slumber… so much comfort in the rhythms of nature. More and more my attention goes there. Why wouldn’t we turn to the real and the natural, as we watch absurdity ramp up and our manufactured world falls apart?
Good riddance, already.
Yes the video referenced was shocking and psychopathic and maybe even inevitable. I know a T supporter who insists it’s part of that many dimensions deep chess game being played… If everything is acceptable under whatever catchphrases have caught-on and no one is accountable for anything anymore, then why wouldn’t I head into the woods and see what the birds and trees are up to?
“It is Resurrection time, and despite the machine people, God rises in us all as we resist their machine dreams, and rejoice.” Amen to that.
Thanks for the reality-check.
What beautiful poetic writing… full of truth and pathos
Truth indeed. God Bless (by Light .. no more ashes).
The old adage that “necessity is the mother of invention” has been inverted in industrial society. “Smartphones” are a good example of this; we were doing fine without them, now most people can’t function without them. The promise of the tech age was that machines would do all the work and the population would have more time for fun things. This vision failed to consider human nature, in particular greed, and the inability of technology to meet the needs of the soul.
Whose vision?
Buckminster Fuller was a technocrat, and his geodesic domes haven’t become ubiquitous have they?
It was all just a carrot to keep people working and with some “hope” of a utopian future.
Much like the “pension” system always has been.
Maybe people will finally realise that utopia might come, but only for a few, the rest is lies.
In fact the brain damaged Musk rat probably thinks he is in an utopia now……
Zelensky, Trumps and Vances “performance” (for that was what it was) proves they think they inhabit a different world to everyone else.
Actually, the Smartphone does exemplify the necessity=invention concept. It just depends whose “necessity” we’re talking about. As a tool of mass control, they’d have to invent the Smartphone if it didn’t already exist. Oh wait: it didn’t already exist, did it?
Where are the new Chaplins?
Hollywood has made sure there are no “new Chaplins.” Although, even Chaplin’s 1941 film “The Great Dictator” has already toned down the anti-industrial part by pillorying a specifically Fascist Dictatorship.
Chaplin made enough trouble. Plus he was a communist, and that was not the only bad thing he was.
Thought provoking indeed, I appreciate your words