The Advantages of Studying in a Boarding School

Boarding schools can trace their history back during the medieval times when boys were sent to monasteries and in the homes of monarchs and those with high standing in the society to be educated. The monasteries then established charity schools that soon included paying students. This gave birth to the concept of boarding schools, which up to this date, is a learning institution that provides education to students who live on the school premises.

The boarding school concept was spread worldwide during the colonial times when the administrators of colonies wanted schools for their children to teach the culture and ideologies of their mother countries. They soon accepted locals who also acquired the ideologies of their colonists. During these times, this concept is adopted by international schools where foreign and local students can enroll.

Although day schools are more predominant during these modern times, boarding schools are still around because of the following advantages.

learningIdeal Environment for Learning

Most boarding schools are located in peaceful and relaxed neighborhoods where noise, air pollution, and other forms of disturbances cannot be found. It is in a compound where education is central to all activities. This concept inculcates the importance of education in the young minds of the students.

Developmental Interactions

The number of students per classroom is usually much smaller than that of a day school. This will allow them to participate in more activities. It will also let them interact with their fellow students and teachers. This will make them able to relate to various kinds of people, which can be best experienced in an international school Bangkok where students come from many parts of the world.

Dedicated Teachers

Teachers in international boarding schools have to go through the school’s strict screening procedures before they are hired. They have to share the same vision and mission with that of the school. Teachers are not only highly qualified, but they are passionate about their profession. They do not only impart knowledge, but they also prepare the student for the bigger scenario that is waiting for them when they graduated from the boarding school.

Better Preparations

universityA boarding school teaches a student to be responsible at an early age. And with their advanced curriculum, students are better prepared for the rigors of college life. With all their potentials discovered and honed, graduates of boarding schools can definitely meet the challenges when they go to the best colleges and universities in the country or abroad.

One thing that will also ensure that a graduate from a boarding school will be able to face future challenges is the independence that was bestowed to him upon enrolling in a residential learning institution. Being away from home must have made him a stronger and a more rounded person…