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Jane Fonda is an Inspiring Woman

“Make no mistake, empathy is not weak, or woke. And by the way, woke just means you give a damn about other people.” While I have your attention, watch this video, where Ted Danson and Woody Harrelson interview Jane Fonda. It’s a great interview where you’ll learn about her activism and her life.


Don’t blindly follow AI instructions

I’m trying to share a Time Machine volume with another Macbook on my home network but it’s not working. I’ve tried Google, and read through a few Reddit threads, but I haven’t been able to get it to connect. So, I asked Perplexity for help. It helpfully listed a number of things I could try, but then I saw tip number seven. When you look up advice online, don’t copy and paste any instructions into your computer without knowing what it does. What does sudo rm -rf /Volumes/* do? It recursively deletes everything in your /Volumes folder. A little bit […]