Toni announced yesterday the launch of the Automattic Support Network. This has of course attracted the attention of many blogs who have discussed the business implications but Peter Chris wonders if support will suffer. Here’s another post on the same issue but Matt replies with an excellent rebuttal. I very much doubt the support network will have any immediate effect on the level of support offered to non-paying users. The number of non-paying users will always vastly outnumber those who pay for support. What happens if commercial support adversely affects the time spent on non-paying users? Guess what? There’ll […]
Dog grooming on the move!
Oscar has just been groomed, washed and clipped to perfection! Leon, who runs Mobile Dog Wash called out this morning and spent the last hour on him in his van. He did a great job, and I definitely recommend him!
No more dumping in Blarney
I'm just back from the recycling area in Blarney and I'm perplexed. There's a huge sign there saying that effective from the start of this month, papers and plastics won't be collected. The large container for these products is conspicuous by it's absence. The sign also has "No Dumping!" written on it in pen, and some of the remaining glass containers have the warning, "No plastic bottles if you don't want these to be removed as well!" On the ground in front of the sign lay five or six white plastic bags full of rubbish. It's more than likely wet […]
UCC students blogging
Damien Mulley has the scoop about the latest development at University College Cork. All students will be given blogs! While that’s great news for blogging in Ireland, I’m disappointed that they didn’t choose WordPress Mu. I had a quick look around a few blogs and noticed a few things: They do have permanent links, but links to articles are only in the sidebar “Recent Posts” block. The title of each post is not linked, and neither is the timestamp. Permanent links aren’t very descriptive being of the form “/blogs/Username/item_x.htm” where x is a number. It looks like trackbacks and pings […]
Cute kitten feels so sleepy
This cute kitten symply cannot keep it’s eyes open! From Cute Overload.
Flocking Fast!
Wow, Flock is fast! I wonder if it chews memory like FF 1.5 too? It’s also a lot more polished than when I tried it a few months back while debugging their sign up page on preferences, cookies and form data were all imported from Firefox. The little Greasemonkey face isn’t showing in the status bar so I’ll have to install that again. Oh, and it doesn’t spew out a ton of debug messages to the console any more! 🙂
The Crazy Stories
Scott Adams invited people to tell their most amazing personal story. Here’s what he got.. Update! Scott responds with some stories of his own. Is San Francisco that dangerous or was it just the ’80s?
Charles Haughey RIP
Wow, former Taoiseach Charles Haughey is dead. He died about an hour ago at the age of 80, after a long illness fighting prostate cancer. RTE News has more information. Ar dheis De go raibh a anam.
Extreme Diet Coke and Mentos Display
This display, is in my opinion the best use you can make of a fizzy drink. These crazy guys mixed over 200 litres of Diet Coke and 500 Mentos mints to create multiple geysers, swinging arcs, and volleys of liquid shooting into the sky! Watch the movie and then read the science bit!