
I was in a local college today …

I was in a local college today, University College Cork, when I sat down at a PC and turned on the monitor to be greeted by the KDE welcome screen! Turns out they’re using Suse/KDE as a dual boot with NT. There were two girls using KDE in the front row so I couldn’t resist. I asked them how they found Linux and they said they were very impressed, that it was stable, and even easier than Windows to use! I just wish the college I attended woke up and replaced some of their NT machines. *grrr* More bugs and […]


Another Install-Sendmail updat …

Another Install-Sendmail update. Sendmail can now be configured so that local mail is always delivered, but remote mail is queued until it’s manually sent. (Handy for networks on dial up connections.) I added history too so data is saved between runs of the script. Download Install-Sendmail-4.2.tar.gz


Something new for you: Install …

Something new for you: Install-Webserver is a small script that will install Apache, PHP and MySQL. This is the first release, and while rough, it works well. New version of Install-Sendmail. This version has way too many new features to list here so just download it and try it! I wonder what’s happened to The site displays an empty directory!


A few cool sites: 3D Artists S …

A few cool sites: 3D Artists Stating the Obvious Ozone Memepool Camworld Some links taken from an article by JonKatz on /. yesterday. I actually read a Jon Katz article.. The Ozone link above has nothing to do with this site. Just a coincidence that he’s called the same name as my demo group!


Nothing much new as far as con …

Nothing much new as far as content goes. I updated the software pages with some info on Install-Sendmail as well as sites offering free email services. I also redesigned the site a small bit. Better? I’d like to hear what you think. Finally, I’m going to do some work on converting TSN to PHP3 from Perl. There seems to be quite a few people interested in it..


Almost a month later I update. …

Almost a month later I update. A new version of Install-sendmail is written. I added virtual user/domain support although I haven’t been able to test it myself. Feedback required! There’s also another Linux demo out. It’s called eft and I don’t have a URL at the moment, but you can get it off It’s a mainly 2d affair with nothing new or ground breaking 🙁 It runs in RedHat 5.2 so not sure about older distributions.