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Another major newspaper calls for Biden to drop out of 2024 race: 'Retirement is now necessary'

Yet another major newspaper urged President Biden to step down after his disastrous debate against Trump -- saying "Retirement is now necessary."

Plane toting 'BI-DONE!' banner soars over Biden's star-studded Hamptons fundraiser

That's one way to get your message out.

Michigan Democrats pass budget after giving Republicans just 45 minutes to read it: 'Pork projects'

Michigan Democrats passed a sweeping $83 billion state budget, cutting teachers’ pensions and school-safety spending to fund ambitious new business projects — and more than $330 million for lawmakers' pet projects. 

Biden campaign working overtime to ‘minimize’ concern after disastrous debate, hold hastily arranged DNC call

"They are trying to minimize the debate as much as possible."

Fact check: Biden's horrific debate performance made worse by multiple lies and gaffes

President Biden was guilty of plenty of whoppers during Thursday night's presidential debate.

Biden, 81, has difficulty functioning outside of 6-hour window as aides attempt to spin prez's horrid debate performance: alarming report

Octogenarian President Biden has difficulty functioning outside a six-hour window of daylight, according to an alarming new report.

Millionaire Janet Yellen spotted grocery shopping following out-of-touch remarks about soaring prices

The millionaire couple had six security people in tow but pushed their own carts full of reusable Fresh Direct grocery bags out of the store after stocking up.

Elise Stefanik's Dem rival spending campaign cash on 'office rent' at upstate NY bed and breakfast: 'Unusual'

Ann Ravel, a Democratic former chairwoman of the Federal Election Commission told The Post called the rent payments "unusual."

Special Counsel Robert Hur 'vindicated,' 'deserves an apology' after Biden debate performance: analysts

Special Counsel Robert Hur’s report described President Biden as "a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory."

Trump crushed Biden in debate, new poll reveals: 'More presidential'

The poll also found that Trump made strides in allaying voter fears about his fitness for office — while Biden exacerbated them.

Nevada Trump loyalists hopeful he can finally take the state after Biden’s disastrous debate

Sin City Republicans felt a rare emotion this week as President Biden rambled on during a shambolic 90-minute debate performance.

Bill Barr joins Pennsylvania Senate candidate Dave McCormick to rail against border-fueled crime: ‘Destroy the cartels’

Taking the stage with former US Attorney General William Barr and other leaders, Pennsylvania Senate candidate Dave McCormick continued his statewide tour with a strong message on border security. 

Desperate lefties have meltdown over NYT calling on Biden to drop out — as campaign frantically hits back

The New York Times came to its damning conclusion on Friday – less than 24 hours after Biden, 81, stumbled and mumbled his way through the CNN debate.

'Squad' member Bowman's allies buzzing about possible 2026 comeback after humiliating loss

While Bowman will soon be enjoying retirement as a disgraced former congressman, progressives are plotting about a possible challenge to Rep. Ritchie Torres.

Trump says Biden 'choked' in debate, was in 'trance' that was 'plainly and openly felt onstage'

"This was a 'MONSTER' show, and it could be plainly and openly felt onstage."

Bob Woodward calls Biden's dismal debate performance a 'political H-bomb'

Woodward said Biden’s debating was “so bad, so awful” that the American people had a right to know what was going on.

Biden heading to ritzy Hamptons fundraiser today after calls to drop out

The president and first lady will head off from La Guardia at noon to a reception in East Hampton, NY, hosted by hedge-fund billionaire Barry Rosentein and his wife, Lizanne.

Bill Maher said Biden 's--t the bed' at the debate: 'His new Secret Service name is Amber Heard'

"I mean Trump told lie after lie after lie. He never would have gotten away with that if Joe Biden was there," Maher said to laughter

Trump wins over Latinos — who say he is better on immigration, economy and social issues

This year, 36.2 million Hispanic Americans are eligible to vote, up from 32.3 million in 2020.

Former doctor to Obama, Trump reveals Biden likely suffers from ‘cognitive disease,’ should resign: ‘National security issue’

“This is a national security issue," Dr. Ronny Jackson told The Post by phone after President Biden's disastrous debate performance.