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How DEI is coming for lawyers

This week, The Post's editorial board rightfully lauded Christopher F. Rufo’s recent article in City Journal entitled “How DEI Corrupts America’s Universities.” As the editorial board and Rufo correctly point...

Rudy's homelessness wisdom, crime woes and more: Letters to the Editor — June 30, 2024

NY Post readers discuss Rudy Giuliani's approach to addressing homelessness, NYC's crime woes and more.

Why Lyme Disease remains as dangerous, mysterious and hard to detect as ever

Surging case loads and warmer winters have made Lyme Disease worse than ever.

Why there is no 'pride' for the LGBT community this year

From the support of dubious trans treatments, to #queersforpalestine, LGBTs have little to celebrate this year.

Biden's debate disaster reveals a campaign built on lies

The burning question is what drove this self-delusion and the betrayal of the public.

Biden's debate debacle revealed opposing visions for America

Everyone paid attention to how bad Biden looked and sounded — not what he was saying — but the debate showed voters two starkly different policy paths for the nation.

Biden's now-unmistakable mental weakness is an invitation for America's enemies to attack, attack, attack

Joe Biden’s disastrous debate is a political crisis for his campaign and his party.

Grassroots Democrats need to take the party back from the elites who've betrayed them

A staggering 82% of Americans, per a new Post poll, believe President Biden should drop out of the 2024 race after Thursday night's debate disaster.

President Biden's dismal debate performance Letters to the Editor — June 29, 2024

NY Post readers discuss evidence of President Biden’s cognitive decline during the presidential debate on June 27.

Nowhere left for the lying Dems and media to cover up for jellyhead Joe Biden

After Biden’s disastrous performance in the first presidential debate against Donald Trump, there is no amount of gaslighting or deceit that’s going to fool voters again.

Post-Biden, we must secure the border to address the looming national-security threat

Two days after news broke that 50 ISIS-linked illegal migrants were on the loose in the US, Biden dismissed the threat of terrorists entering our country through the southern border.

Biden's cognitive decline was on full, dangerous display at the presidential debate

The debate exposed a weakness in the White House that has become impossible to ignore.

Dems and the media lied to America about Biden's fitness — who can ever trust them again?

Biden’s debate collapse was a wakeup call not only on his fitness, but on that of Democratic Party elites and all their eager propagandists in the press.

Biden can't survive this career-ending earthquake — and shame on those who led him to this catastrophe

The Democrats who disgracefully tried to pretend their emperor had new clothes, when they all knew he didn’t.

Don't wait until next year: Restore New York's mask ban NOW!

“We will not tolerate individuals using masks to be responsible for criminal or threatening behavior,” Hochul huffed this month.

Biden looks like a basket case in shocking debate performance -- he can't continue on

Our president is not fit to serve. Forget concerns about how old and infirm he would be after a second term. 

This debate was a blowout for Trump -- and it wasn't even close

Simply put, the first presidential debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump was an absolute blowout for the challenger. 

We just witnessed the death of Joe Biden's presidency

Millions just witnessed the end of a presidency live on television.

Gavin Newsom is riding the California wave to position himself as the future of the Democratic Party

If there’s one man who truly believes he is the future of the Democratic Party, it is Gov. Gavin Newsom of California.

Democrats’ school-choice lies laid bare in Pennsylvania — with black voucher support above 90%

Surrounded by dozens of teachers-union officials on the steps of the Pennsylvania state Capitol this month, Democratic state Sen. Lindsey Williams excoriated a proposed K-12 education-voucher program.