US News

Kanye West’s legal team to run newspaper ads to tell him they’ve dumped him

Hear Ye! Hear Ye!

Kanye West’s lawyers are so frustrated trying to get in contact with him that they’re planning to take out newspaper ads just to officially tell him they no longer represent him.

Greenberg Traurig said in legal docs that it would need “alternative means” to formally alert the apparently newlywed rapper now known as Ye that it was no longer representing him in a New York lawsuit.

The firm formally withdrew from repping Ye on Nov. 30 — the day before he appeared on Alex Jones’ “Infowars,” wearing a gimp mask and declaring his love for Nazis and Adolf Hitler.

But it suffered a complete “breakdown in communication” with the disgraced mogul — who repeatedly ghosted it and even “deactivated the phone number previously used to contact him,” the firm writes.

The legal team got permission to stop representing Ye the day before he wore a gimp mask while telling Alex Jones of his love for Nazis and Hitler. Info Wars

The company’s filing on Friday asked District Judge Analisa Torres for an extension to serve Ye with notice it had withdrawn from the case — as well as permission to use “alternative means” to do so.

Specifically, they’ll make him read all about it by putting ads in two Los Angeles papers, the document says, without specifying which papers or when the ads will run.

“Given Ye’s public status, publication of the Withdrawal Order will likely garner significant media attention, resulting in broader publication and provide an even greater likelihood of apprising Ye of the Order,” the firm wrote of the seemingly hiding star.

Greenberg Traurig also sought permission to merely mail the order to “two possible addresses likely to be Ye’s California residences” — one in Calabasas and another in Malibu.

The legal firm dumped Ye in the middle of his wild tour of media interviews spouting anti-Semitic conspiracies. Twitter/Kanye West

The firm “has dispatched process servers to the addresses it previously knew Ye to frequent, and has exhausted all methods of contacting Ye to arrange for service, including through Ye’s legal representatives and through Ye directly.” It sought an extension until Feb. 9.

The company said its frustration “mirrors that of” Ye’s ex-business manager, Thomas St. John, who “has documented similar unsuccessful attempts to serve Ye.”

That filing late last month sparked rumors that the rapper had gone missing after the escalating backlash against his anti-Semitic outbursts that saw him also dumped by business partners, crashing his billionaire status.

He faces further financial ruin if he refuses to respond to numerous lawsuits he faces, legal experts have warned.

The missing rapper was finally spotted last week after reportedly getting married. TMZ
Bianca Censori is a ringer for Ye’s ex, Kim Kardashian.

Ye finally emerged last week — reportedly after getting married to Yeezy architectural designer Bianca Censori, a ringer for his ex, Kim Kardashian. He does not appear to have made it official with a certificate of marriage, however.