
Letters to the Editor — Jan. 4, 2023

The Issue: Ronald S. Lauder’s piece on the normalization of anti-Semitism on college campuses.

The Ivy League should be renamed the “Poison Ivy League” (“Ivy Fear & Loathing,” Ronald Lauder, PostOpinion, Jan. 2).

Few can any longer question that the ever-increasing hatred of Jews on college campuses is being directed at all Jews, irrespective of outward appearance or degree of religious observance. Just being a Jew is all it takes.

The lack of public outrage and the complete ineptitude displayed by both political and university leaders to stem this flood of hatred should serve as a reminder that we have only ourselves to rely upon.

When Nazi Germany made good on its threats to destroy the Jewish people, the world remained silent. Campus leaders have chosen to remain mum as Jew-hatred flows unchecked within the confines of their hallowed institutions.

S.P. Hersh


Lauder’s condemnation of anti-Semitism, which has become a widespread hatred in our universities, is an Émile Zola-like accusation.

Sadly, we need more than accusation. We need to identify and stamp out the root causes, one of which is the hiring and promotion of left-wing teachers who offer woke ideas that condemn merit and any traditional view of history as evil. Our universities are sorely damaged.

Leonard Toboroff


Does the ugly rise of Jew-hatred on campus reflect the alarming change in our society from one that allows freedom of speech to one ruled by woke values? Or are these incidents the result of ignorance of the Holocaust?

Condemning Jews has become acceptable, but do not criticize Palestinian student organizations. Otherwise, you are Islamophobic.

We erase history in our woke society by tearing down statues and indoctrinating students with activist values. Thought control reigns. Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.

A.J. Linn


As a Jew, I am so sick and tired of reading about and occasionally dealing with the rise of anti-Semitism. If black, gay or Asian people (or any number of other groups) were treated the same, it would be a bigger news story.

I have a solution. It is time for all Jewish charitable organizations to divest themselves from institutions that fail to protect Jews. Let them find other financial suckers.

The generation raised by Holocaust and Russian pogrom survivors knows how to fight back. Please don’t unleash that side of us.

Lee Fleischman

Stamford, Conn.

The Issue: A plan passed by a state panel requiring a 40% cut in emissions over 1990 levels by 2030.

The same crew of detached, clueless partisan ideologues masquerading as legislators who gave us the deadly no-bail law now wants to force an equally delusional set of “climate” policies down New Yorkers’ throats (“NY’s Green-Agenda Pain,” Editorial, Jan. 1).

As disastrous as bail reform has been, this reckless attempt at “climate reform” has the potential to be far worse. More of our neighbors, now fearing power outages, will join the hundreds of thousands who have already bolted the state.

Jim Soviero

E. Setauket

If allowed to move forward, the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act will be an economic declaration of war on New Yorkers by their government.

The act will stifle business, impoverish New Yorkers and litter the pristine upstate landscape with wind turbines and solar farms. New Yorkers will become economic victims under the thumb of an ever-increasing behemoth of government.

William Millward


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