
Anthony Weiner registering as a sex offender

Anthony Weiner will register as a Level 1 sex offender following his conviction for sexting an underage girl, a judge ordered Friday.

Bronx Supreme Court Judge Raymond Bruce gave the designation — assigned to pervs considered to have the lowest risk of re-offending on a three-level scale — based on the board of examiners’ review of Weiner’s case.

He said the panel had noted two risk factors — that the victim was aged between 11 and 16 and that she was a stranger — but that didn’t rise beyond Level 1.
Under the designation, only Weiner’s zip code will be made public.

Weiner, who has been holed up at a Bronx halfway house, didn’t appear at the hearing, where he was represented by an attorney.

Attorney Arlo Devlin-Brown said the 54-year-old planned on registering by mail.

After sinking his political career in a series of salacious sexting scandals with adult women, the married ex-pol was busted in 2017 for sending obscene messages to a 15-year-old North Carolina high schooler.

Weiner wept and called himself a “very sick man” at his sentencing, where he was ordered to serve 21 months behind bars, pay a $10,000 fine and to register as a sex offender upon his release.

He was transferred from a Massachusetts lock-up to a halfway house in mid-February as part of a federal re-entry program, and is scheduled for release on May 14 — after getting three months shaved off his sentence for good behavior.

Additional reporting by Ruth Brown