Pia Borlund


Pia Borlund er professor ved Institutt for arkiv-, bibliotek- og informasjonsfag ved Oslomet – storbyuniversitetet.

Pia Borlund
Født24. apr. 1968Rediger på Wikidata (56 år)
BeskjeftigelseProfessor Rediger på Wikidata
Utdannet vedDanmarks Biblioteksskole
Åbo Akademi
NasjonalitetKongeriket Danmark

Borlund har tidligere vært professor ved Royal School of Library and Information Science, der hun også tok sin bachelor- og mastergrad. Senere tok hun sin doktorgrad i Åbo Akademi Unibersity i Finland. Hennes doktorgrad og senere forskning har omhandlet emner innen IIR (Interactive Information Retrieval) der hun har spesialisert seg på informasjonssøkingsatferd og interaksjon mellom mennesker og informasjonssøkesystemer. Hun har engasjert seg i metodologiske temaer, testdesign og anbefalinger for evaluering av brukerbasert ytelse og søkeinteraksjon.

I 2018 vant Pia Borlund Tony Kent Strix Memorial Award (Strix Award) som en anerkjennelse av hennes arbeider innen informasjonsgjenfinningsfaget. Hun har også i flere år vært medlem av Strixkomiteen.

Vitenskapelige publikasjoner


Et utvalg av Pia Borlunds vitenskapelige publikasjoner:

  • Borlund, Pia; Bogers, Toine (2018). Injecting Realism into Simulated Work Tasks: A Case Study of the Book Domain. Freund, Luanne (Red.). PROCEEDINGS of the ASIS&T 81st annual meeting. Short Papers. s. 759-761. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Hertzum, Morten; Borlund, Pia (2017). Music Questions in Social Q&A: An Analysis of Yahoo! Answers. Journal of Documentation. Vol. 73.[1]
  • Clemmensen, Melanie Landvad; Borlund, Pia (2016). Order effect in interactive information retrieval evaluation: an empirical study. Journal of Documentation. Vol. 72.[2]
  • Borlund, Pia (2016). Interactive Information Retrieval in the Work Context: the Challenge of Evaluation. Journal of library and information science. Vol. 42.
  • Borlund, Pia (2016). Framing of different types of information needs within simulated work task situations: An empirical study in the school context. Journal of information science. Vol. 42.[3]
  • Borlund, Pia (2016). A study of the use of simulated work task situations in interactive information retrieval evaluations - A meta-evaluation. Journal of Documentation. Vol. 72.[4]
  • Nielsen, Bo Gerner; Borlund, Pia (2015). Public libraries and lifelong learning. Perspectives of Innovations, Economics and Business. Vol. 14.
  • Hertzum, Morten; Borlund, Pia; Kristoffersen, Kristina B. (2015). What Do Thinking-Aloud Participants Say? A Comparison of Moderated and Unmoderated Usability Sessions. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction. Vol. 31.[5]
  • Borlund, Pia; Dreier, Sabine (2014). An investigation of the search behaviour associated with Ingwersen’s three types of information needs. Information Processing & Management. Vol. 50.[6]
  • Nielsen, Bo Gerner; Borlund, Pia (2013). Information Literacy and the Public Library: Danish Librarians’ Views on Information Literacy. Kurbanoglu, Serap (Red.). Worldwide Commonalities and Challenges in Information Literacy Research and Practice. Research paper. s. 632-638. Springer.
  • Borlund, Pia (2013). Interactive Information Retrieval: An Introduction. Journal of Information Science Theory and Practice. Vol. 1.
  • Borlund, Pia; Dreier, Sabine; Byström, Katriina (2012). What does Time Spent on Searching Indicate?. Kamps, Jaap; Kraaij, Wessel (Red.). Proceedings of the 4th Information Interaction in Context Symposium. Research paper. s. 184-193. Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).
  • Nielsen, Bo Gerner; Borlund, Pia (2011). Information literacy, learning, and the public library: A study of Danish high school students. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science. Vol. 43.[7]
  • Borlund, Pia (2010). The Cognitive Viewpoint: The Essence of Information Retrieval Interaction. Larsen, Birger; Schneider, Jesper W.; Åström, Fredrik (Red.). The Janus Faced Scholar : a Festschrift in Honour of Peter Ingwersen. kapittel. s. 23-34.
  • Borlund, Pia; Schneider, Jesper W. (2010). Reconsideration of the Simulated Work Task Situation: A Context Instrument for Evaluation of Information Retrieval Interaction. Belkin, Nicholas J.; Kelly, Diane (Red.). IIiX'10 Proceeding of the Third Symposium on Information Interaction in Context, New Brunswick, NJ, USA, August 18-21, 2010. Research paper. s. 155-164. Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).
  • Borlund, Pia (2009). User-centred Evaluation of Information Retrieval Systems. Göker, Ayse; Davies, John (Red.). Information Retrieval : Searching in the 21st Century. kapittel. s. 21-37.
  • Borlund, Pia; Kirkegaard, Brian (2008). Karakteristika ved brugernes informationsbehov i en tv-udsendelseskontekst. Dansk biblioteksforskning. Vol. 4.[8]
  • Schneider, Jesper Wiborg; Borlund, Pia (2007). Matrix comparison, part 1: motivation and important issues for measuring the resemblance between proximity measures or ordination results. Journal of The American Society For Information Science And Technology. Vol. 58.[9]
  • Schneider, Jesper Wiborg; Borlund, Pia (2007). Matrix comparison, Part 2: Measuring the resemblance between proximity measures or ordination results by use of the mantel and procrustes statistics. Journal of The American Society For Information Science And Technology. Vol. 58.[10]


  1. ^ «Music Questions in Social Q&A: An Analysis of Yahoo! Answers.». Arkivert fra originalen 24. august 2007.  Parameteren |archiveurl= støttes ikke av malen. (hjelp); Parameteren |archivedate= støttes ikke av malen. (hjelp)
  2. ^ «Order effect in interactive information retrieval evaluation: an empirical study.». Arkivert fra originalen 24. august 2007.  Parameteren |archiveurl= støttes ikke av malen. (hjelp); Parameteren |archivedate= støttes ikke av malen. (hjelp)
  3. ^ «Framing of different types of information needs within simulated work task situations: An empirical study in the school context.». 
  4. ^ «A study of the use of simulated work task situations in interactive information retrieval evaluations - A meta-evaluation.». Arkivert fra originalen 24. august 2007.  Parameteren |archiveurl= støttes ikke av malen. (hjelp); Parameteren |archivedate= støttes ikke av malen. (hjelp)
  5. ^ «What Do Thinking-Aloud Participants Say? A Comparison of Moderated and Unmoderated Usability Sessions.». Arkivert fra originalen 24. juli 2008. 
  6. ^ «An investigation of the search behaviour associated with Ingwersen’s three types of information needs.». 
  7. ^ «Information literacy, learning, and the public library: A study of Danish high school students.». 
  8. ^ «Karakteristika ved brugernes informationsbehov i en tv-udsendelseskontekst.». Arkivert fra originalen 24. mars 2018.  Parameteren |archiveurl= støttes ikke av malen. (hjelp); Parameteren |archivedate= støttes ikke av malen. (hjelp)
  9. ^ «Matrix comparison, part 1: motivation and important issues for measuring the resemblance between proximity measures or ordination results.». 
  10. ^ «Matrix comparison, Part 2: Measuring the resemblance between proximity measures or ordination results by use of the mantel and procrustes statistics.».