Thanks for having us The Seaweed Company 🤩
Why settle for a regular food system when you can create one that actually works with nature? 🌊 Last week, we hosted two masterminds from Arctic Seaweed AS at our HQ in The Netherlands to do some serious (okay, mostly serious) strategizing. Their expertise? Developing advanced cultivation technology to grow seaweed. Ours? Transforming that seaweed into innovative products that can change the way we feed the planet. 🌿💡 Together, we’re building a sustainable value chain as green as it gets (and just a little ambitious). Lower emissions, healthier products, and a food system that’s actually designed to work with nature—who knew a bit of seaweed could go this far? In all seriousness, our partnership with Arctic Seaweed is driving change that the world needs, whether it knows it or not. The future’s looking greener already! 🌍 #Seaweed #Sustainability #FoodInnovation #Impact #Partnership