NMR 2023

21st International Workshop on Nonmonotonic Reasoning

September 2-4, 2023, Rhodes, Greece
Co-located with KR 2023 and DL 2023

NMR is the premier forum for results in the area of Nonmonotonic Reasoning. Its aim is to bring together active researchers in this broad field within knowledge representation and reasoning (KR), including belief revision, uncertain reasoning, reasoning about actions, planning, logic programming, preferences, argumentation, causality, and many other related topics including systems and applications. Visit also the general NMR webpage.

NMR has a long history - it started in 1984 and, up until 2020, was held every two years. Recent previous NMR workshops were held in Haifa (2022), Hanoi (virtually) (2021), Rhodes (virtually) (2020), Tempe (2018), Cape Town (2016), Vienna (2014), Rome (2012), Toronto (2010), and Sydney (2008).

NMR 2023 is co-located with the 20th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR 2023) and co-located with the 36th International Workshop on Description Logics (DL 2023).

Programme, Proceedings and Best Paper Award

The programme and proceedings of NMR 2023 are available here: programme and proceedings.
The award for the best paper of NMR 2023 goes to Jandson Ribeiro for the paper Towards a Semantic Construction for Belief Base Contraction: Partial Meet vs Smooth Kernel (Preliminary Report).

Inivited Speakers

Diego Calvanese Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy

Verification of Temporal Properties in Communicating Datalog Programs

Logic-based languages, such as Datalog and Answer Set Programming, have been recently put forward as a data-centric model to effectively specify and implement network services and protocols, seeing them as dynamic systems of distributed computational nodes. In such systems, which we call Communicating Datalog Programs (CDPs), each node evolves an internal database, exchanges data with other nodes of the network via channels, and may incorporate fresh data from the external world. A rigorous, comprehensive characterization of the decidability and complexity of verification of temporal properties in CDPs is still missing. In this talk we analyze the different assumptions characterizing the problem space, and then discuss several different variants of the problem. In particular, for the significant case where the number of nodes in the network is fixed, we delineate the decidability frontier of verification and provide tight complexity bounds.

Juha Kontinen University of Helsinki, Finland

Team-based logics and their applications

Team Semantics is the mathematical basis of modern logics for reasoning about dependence, independence, and imperfect information. During the past decade research on team semantics has flourished with interesting connections to fields such as database theory, statistics, formal linguistics, hyperproperties and causality, just to mention a few examples. I will give a short introduction to first-order team semantics and discuss recent generalizations and applications that might be relevant for the nonmonotonic reasoning community.

Anni-Yasmin Turhan Dresden University of Technology, Germany (joint keynote with DL)

Brushing-up description logics to cope with imperfect data

For logic-based applications where data is not curated, but generated automatically, noisy or erroneous data can clearly be an obstacle for reasoning under classical First-order semantics. In recent years several approaches have been investigated for reasoning in Description Logics that deal with this problem -- often by changing the underlying semantics. In this talk I will discuss different reasoning problems using non-standard semantics, such as defeasible or approximative semantics, that can preserve useful logical reasoning even in the presence of imperfect data.

NMR Workshop Organization

General co-chairs of NMR 2023

Kai Sauerwald FernUniversität in Hagen, Germany
Matthias Thimm FernUniversität in Hagen, Germany

Local chair of NMR 2023

Pavlos Peppas University of Patras, Greece

Programme committee

Aims and Scope

As in previous editions, NMR 2023 aims to foster connections between the different subareas of nonmonotonic reasoning and provide a forum for emerging topics. We especially invite papers on systems and applications, as well as position papers addressing benchmark issues. The workshop will be structured by topical sessions fitting to the scopes of accepted papers. Workshop activities will include invited talks and presentations of technical papers.

Important Dates

Paper registration (extended) June 2, 2023 June 9, 2023
Paper submission (extended) June 9, 2023 June 16, 2023
Notification July 17, 2023
Camera-ready August 4, 2023
Workshop September 2-4, 2023

Submission Details

There are two types of submissions:

All submissions should be formatted in CEUR style (2-column style) without enabled header and footer. The author kit can be found at http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-XXX/CEURART.zip. Papers must be submitted in PDF only.

Submission will be through the EasyChair conference system. Please submit via Easychair to: https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=nmr2023

Workshop Proceedings

The accepted papers will be made available electronically in the CEUR Workshop Proceedings series as informal proceedings (http://ceur-ws.org/). The copyright of papers remain with the authors. Full papers will be indexed by dblp.org; but extended abstracts published on CEUR proceedings will not be indexed by dblp.org anymore.

Student Grants

A limited number of student grants for participating in NMR 2023 are available. The grants consist of a fixed amount that can be used to support travel costs and/or registration fees. Grants will be given to students attending the workshop who lack sufficient funding. Preference will be given to students presenting a paper at NMR 2023. To apply for a student grant, please contact one of the chairs of NMR 2023.

Registration and Venue

Registration for NMR 2023 is possible via the KR 2023 registration website. Note that the early registration ends on August 2, 2023.

NMR 2023 will be held at Rhodos, Greece. Additional information on the conference location and travel planning can be found at the KR 2023 website.
