NMQ Digital

NMQ Digital

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The global partner of choice for digitally ambitious brands through our innovative end-to-end digital marketing services

Over ons

The speed of customer change is outpacing marketers' ability to respond to it. We let you focus on revenue growth and brand value creation, whilst we make your digital marketing operations happen. NMQ Digital is a leading digital marketing operations agency founded in 2009. We help marketers get things done across SEO, Product & Web Content Management, Social Media Management, Performance Marketing, E-Commerce Management, CRM & Marketing Automation, Digital Experience & Development, Data Management & Analytics, Project Management, and Digital Consultancy. Unlike other agencies that focus on strategy and creativity, our core strength is in executing your day-to-day digital marketing operations at scale. We believe every marketer should have the time to focus on what will enable their own and their respective company's growth. Our value proposition is simple, yet very attractive. More than 250 digital marketing specialists are distributed across 5 locations around the globe. We work with your marketing technology and our staff is certified for the leading platforms. Our business models provide flexibility to scale up or scale down, making it very easy to cope with strategy changes. And the return on investment is hard to beat when we consider rates and execution capabilities including getting it right the first time. Sounds good, doesn't it? We are the only agency that lets you focus on revenue growth and brand value creation. Let us take care of your digital marketing operations so all you need to do is growing faster than ever before! Marketers from Philips, Sony, Unilever, Zoetis, Dupont, and Rituals amongst other leading companies already trust us for their digital marketing operations. Book a strategy call and start your growth transformation today.

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201 - 500 medewerkers
Particuliere onderneming
Content Management, Analysis & Reporting, Campaign Management, Content Management Consultancy, E-Commerce, E-Commerce Consultancy, Content Migration Consultancy, SEO, CRM, Performance Marketing en Project Management


Medewerkers van NMQ Digital


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    Which e-commerce platform is the right fit for your business? 🛒 Choosing an e-commerce platform can make or break your online business. Our latest blog post by Onur Yıldız at NMQ Digital dives into how to pick the best e-commerce platform for YOUR needs. ✅ Whether you’re just starting out or looking to switch platforms, this guide covers all the essential factors to consider, from user-friendliness and scalability to security and support. 💪 We break down the pros and cons of popular platforms like Shopify, WooCommerce, and BigCommerce, so you can find the perfect fit for your business. This blog is packed with practical tips and insights to help you make an informed decision. Learn how to assess your specific needs and match them with the features offered by these platforms! Ready to make the best choice for your e-commerce venture? Read up below. 👇 #Ecommerce #OnlineBusiness #DigitalMarketing #EcommercePlatforms #NMQDigital 🚀

    How To Choose The Best E-Commerce Platform

    How To Choose The Best E-Commerce Platform


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    Our digital world is constantly buzzing with fresh updates... ... and we've gathered some of our top highlights here for you! 📰 Whether you're a seasoned marketer or just dipping your toes into the digital waters, staying updated is key. Here's a quick slider to walk you through some of the recent news and trends we picked up on that are making waves this year: Think about how Connected TV is reshaping ad spend, or how short-form videos are absolutely ruling the content space. We’ve also got insights on Google's latest moves to keep our SEO strategies on point. And, for those focusing on B2B, LinkedIn’s new features are a game changer. Not to forget Pinterest’s AI tools that are setting new benchmarks for creativity and performance! 💯 It's never a dull moment in the world of Digital Marketing. And we're here to always bring you the scoop. 💎 This is your cheat sheet to staying ahead in the ever-evolving digital landscape. Dive in, get inspired, and let's continue making 2024 the year of smart, impactful digital marketing! 💪 #DigitalMarketing #MarketingTrends #MarketingUpdates #NMQDigital 🚀

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    We all have our favorite way of navigating online stores. 🛍️ Whether you're hunting for the hottest new arrivals, grabbing the best deals, or sticking with top-rated picks, what catches your eye first can make or break your shopping experience. 🛒 We want to know what YOU love to see featured at the top of e-commerce sites. #Ecommerce #OnlineShopping #Merchandising #DigitalMarketing #NMQDigital 🚀

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    When managing social media, it's easy to overlook the most important aspects. That's why we put together a list of the key questions for our clients and ourselves when it comes to boosting social media engagement. 💚 But here's a little extra to get you thinking: First of all, why does engagement matter? 👉 Engagement isn't just about likes and shares. 👈 It's about building genuine connections with your audience. When people engage with your content, it shows they care about what you're saying. This can lead to stronger brand loyalty and even sales down the line. A few tips that we always keep at the back of our minds: ➥ Create Value Always aim to provide value. Whether it's through entertaining content, helpful tips, or inspiring stories, make sure your posts give something meaningful to your audience. People love to follow accounts that consistently add value to their feed. ➥ Be Consistent Consistency is key. It's better to post regularly and maintain a steady presence than to post sporadically. This helps keep your brand top of mind and builds trust with your audience. ➥ Stay Authentic Authenticity wins hearts. Be genuine in your interactions and let your brand's personality shine through. People are more likely to engage with a brand that feels real and relatable. ➥ Listen and Adapt Social media is a two-way street. Pay attention to what your audience is saying in their comments and messages. Use this feedback to adapt your strategy and show that you value their input. ➥ Stay Updated Social media trends change quickly. Stay updated with the latest features and trends on platforms to keep your strategy fresh and relevant. Dive into our slider below, and start asking yourself the right questions to make a real impact! 🚀 #SocialMedia #MarketingTips #DigitalMarketing #SocialMediaStrategy #NMQDigital

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    What's next for web analytics in a privacy-first world? 🤔 Here today to share our latest blog post by Aksel Sabah at NMQ Digital, that unpacks web analytics amid increasing privacy concerns and emerging technologies. With privacy becoming a top priority, finding the right balance between user privacy and getting those juicy analytics insights is more important than ever. 🔥 We explore how privacy-centric browsers and new technologies are reshaping the way we collect and analyze data. From the impact of GDPR to the rise of "cookie-less" tracking, this blog covers it all. An absolute must-read for our digital marketers keen on staying ahead of the curve! 💎 As Aksel puts it: "In the world of web analytics, there is a low-hanging fruit that has not caught everyone’s eye yet." #WebAnalytics #TechTrends #Privacy #DigitalMarketing #NMQDigital 🚀

    2024 Web Analytics: Privacy-Centric Browsers and Technologies

    2024 Web Analytics: Privacy-Centric Browsers and Technologies


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    How do top e-commerce sites turn searches into sales? 💰 Imagine walking into your favorite store and finding everything you need without even asking for help. That’s the magic of combining search and merchandising in the digital world! It's all about making shopping online as smooth and enjoyable as possible. Ready to learn more? 👇 You should know that effective merchandising paired with powerful search capabilities can make a world of difference. Why? ⇨ Customers (you and me included) simply love when their shopping experience feels tailored to them. By analyzing search data, we can showcase products that match their preferences. This means happier customers and higher sales. ⇨ Merchandising helps highlight the right products at the right time. Think of it as putting the best items on the top shelf – the ones that catch your eye first. ⇨ An engaging shopping experience keeps customers coming back. Interactive visuals, product recommendations, and easy navigation all play a part in making this happen. So, how does this all come together? 💭 It’s a blend of smart algorithms, real-time data analysis, and intuitive design. Let's break it down simply: ⇨ Data Collection: It all starts with gathering data from customer interactions, including search queries and browsing behavior. ⇨ Analysis: Advanced algorithms analyze this data to understand customer preferences and predict future behavior. ⇨ Personalization: The system then personalizes the search results and product displays to match individual customer needs. Cool, right? Got any thoughts or experiences to share about search and merchandising? Drop a comment below – we’d love to hear from you! 👇 #ECommerce #Search #Merchandising #DigitalStrategy #DigitalMarketing #NMQDigital 🚀

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    Happy Friday, marketers! 🙌 With so many social media platforms out there, it can be tough to know which one really delivers the best results for your marketing efforts. Obviously, each platform has its own strengths, but we want to hear from you. Which social media platform do you find most effective for YOUR marketing? Cast your vote and let's see what others in the community think! #SocialMedia #DigitalMarketing #NMQDigital 🚀

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    Delivering the right message at the right moment? Happy Wednesday, marketers. We all know how important SEO is for our digital strategies. But have you ever thought about how content mapping can take your SEO game to the next level? Well, we’re here to shine some light on this topic. First of all, what is content mapping? 💡 It’s all about aligning your content with the specific needs of your audience at different stages of their journey. From casual browsers to ready-to-buy customers, everyone gets the right content at the right time. 👍 And why is content mapping important for SEO? Imagine inviting guests to your home but forgetting to clean up or guide them to the living room. Awkward, no? ✅ It boosts your search rankings: Google’s mission is to find the best answers for user queries. By mapping your content, you ensure it’s highly relevant to what your audience is searching for, making it more likely to rank higher. ✅ It increases your user engagement: When content directly addresses visitors' needs, they stick around longer. This means lower bounce rates and higher engagement, signaling to Google that your site is top-notch. (You’re practically that host whose parties no one wants to leave.) ✅ It improves keyword optimization: Content mapping helps you identify the keywords your audience uses at different stages. This way, you can sprinkle these magic words throughout your site, enhancing your visibility. ✅ It brings structured content delivery: A well-planned content map creates a clear and organized site structure. This not only improves user experience but also makes it easier for search engines to crawl and index your pages. ✅ It supports content updates: With a content map, you can easily spot outdated or underperforming content and see new opportunities for growth. Fresh content is a hit with search engines, helping maintain or improve your rankings. Now, how do you create an effective content map? Here’s a quick rundown for you: Step 1: Define your buyer personas Step 2: Map out the buyer’s journey (from awareness to retention) Step 3: Map existing content Step 4: Optimize for keywords Step 5: Update internal links Step 6: Identify content gaps Step 7: Watch those conversions grow 🚀 Keen to learn more on how you can better map your content? Have a chat with us: https://nmqdigital.com/ #DigitalMarketing #ContentStrategy #DigitalStrategy #SEO #NMQDigital

    • A graphic illustrating the typical customer journey stages: Awareness, Consideration, Decision and Retention
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    📧: (company domain) suspects your message is spam and rejected it. Frustrating, right? 😤 We've all been there. But don't worry—there are proven strategies to ensure your emails land in your audience's inbox where they belong. The latest blog from our very own Ammar Zahrol at NMQ Digital takes us into the world of email deliverability, offering practical tips and insights to help you navigate this challenging aspect of digital marketing. Discover how to: 👉 Enhance your sender reputation 👉 Craft compelling and compliant email content 👉 Optimize your email list for better deliverability 👉 Leverage authentication protocols like SPF, DKIM, and DMARC Don't let your efforts go to waste. Learn the secrets to transforming your emails from spam to success. Enjoy the read! #EmailMarketing #MarketingTips #DigitalMarketing #NMQDigital 🚀

    From Spam to Success: Strategies to Ensure Your Emails Reach the Inbox

    From Spam to Success: Strategies to Ensure Your Emails Reach the Inbox


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    We're now at the middle of the year! We've been sharing a bunch of digital marketing news and tips throughout the first half of the year, and we hope you've learned a thing or two along the way. Today, we wanted to do a quick recap on what we've witnessed as the top 10 trends in digital marketing so far this year. How many have you adapted into your digital strategy? 📈 👇 Swipe through below! 👇 Stay tuned for more updates and tips. Together, let's make the second half of the year even more remarkable! #DigitalMarketing #MarketingTrends #DigitalNews #NMQDigital 🚀 Visit our website to see how we can get your digital operations on track: https://nmqdigital.com/

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