Nikan Doosti

Man can do what he wills but he cannot will what he wills. — Arthur Schopenhauer


I hold a Master’s degree in Computer Engineering from the Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST) and currently work as a machine learning engineer, specializing in the development of data-driven decision-making systems for business optimization. Previously, I completed a research internship with the Artificial Intelligence Aided Design and Manufacturing (AIDAM) group at the Max Planck Institute for Informatics (MPI-INF). During my time there, I focused on Structural Topology Optimization (TO) using Deep Learning (DL) under the supervision of Dr. Vahid Babaei, the AIDAM group leader, and in collaboration with Prof. Julian Panetta, an Assistant Professor at the University of California, Davis. This opportunity allowed me to realize the importance and applicability of AI in conjunction with science & engineering, and highlighted the exciting possibilities of interdisciplinary research. Before this, my work centered around classical digital image processing, deep computer vision, and data science.

In my spare time, I play video games, read about history, and I like standup comedy. I’m also passionate about open-source projects and consider GitHub my primary social media platform.

Currently, I am actively seeking an exceptional PhD opportunity where I can further explore and contribute to the field of artificial intelligence, particularly in areas that intersect with science and engineering.


Jun 2024 I am now actively seeking a PhD position where I can apply my passion for research and further contribute to my field.
Jan 2024 I have resigned from my engineering position and took a couple of months to focus on personal growth and career direction, preparing myself for the next step in my professional journey.
Mar 2023 I have been promoted to the position of Team Leader at Panafor
Oct 2022 I defended my master’s thesis with full marks at Iran University of Science and Technology, one of the most prestigious universities in Iran.
Apr 2022 I joined Panafor as a full-time machine learning engineer.

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selected publications

  1. toftndr-preview.png
    Topology Optimization via Frequency Tuning of Neural Design Representations
    Nikan Doosti ,  Julian Panetta ,  and  Vahid Babaei
    In Proceedings of the 6th Annual ACM Symposium on Computational Fabrication , 2021