FAO and the SDG indicators

Special issue on 2.4.1 (December 2019)

FAO e-learning course on sustainable agriculture
now available

How we define and measure productive and sustainable agriculture is the focus of the new e-learning course that has just been launched by FAO.

SDG Indicator 2.4.1 “Proportion of agricultural area under productive and sustainable agriculture” has been designed to measure progress towards more productive and sustainable food production systems and monitor the adoption of resilient agricultural practices. The indicator will provide decision-makers with necessary strategic information for evidence-based policies and interventions in their efforts towards achieving food systems that are economically viable and productive; environment friendly and non-degrading; and socially responsible and acceptable.

Available in English, the course was designed to facilitate the understanding of main concepts, building blocks and the underlying framework underpinning the methodology of SDG 2.4.1, and to further guide and support countries in data collection, analysis and reporting.

Start the course and get your certificate


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our webpages and discover
why we need
this indicator

With more than 820 million people hungry worldwide and additional pressures to ensure that enough food is produced to support a population of nearly 10 billion by 2050 without critically degrading and depleting natural resources, a transformative change towards more sustainable food and agriculture is required.

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How do we measure progress towards sustainable agriculture?

FAO is the custodian UN agency for SDG indicator 2.4.1. SDG 2.4.1 measures and tracks the proportion of agricultural land area by sustainability status, and provides an assessment of progress towards sustainable agriculture. It provides decision-makers with strategic information for evidence-based policies and actions.

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“The Challenge
of Measuring Agricultural Sustainability”

FAO developed the indicator’s methodology through an inclusive, participatory and iterative process towards a holistic and universal approach to guide all countries to expand and accelerate their transition to sustainable food and agriculture, ensure food security, provide economic and social opportunities, and protect the many ecosystem services upon which agriculture depends.

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