FAO and the SDG indicators newsletter

March 2022


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UN Statistical Commission spotlights FAO’s recent developments in agricultural and rural statistics

The latest developments in agricultural and rural statistics and FAO’s work to monitor the Sustainable Development Goals featured prominently on the agenda at the highest decision-making body for international statistical methods and standards, which met virtually for its 53rd session, from 28 February to 2 March.

The Commission expressed its appreciation for FAO’s initiative of implementing an integrated governance structure for data and statistics, and encouraged the Organization to develop an integrated quality assurance framework for statistics, big data and geospatial data, in close collaboration with other UN agencies.

The Commission stressed the importance of developing methodological guidelines and technical expertise on the use of big data, earth observation and remote sensing; and the need to provide professional and technical assistance to strengthen human resource capacity of National Statistical Offices and improve the overall quality of the data produced by member countries.

In addition, Members commended FAO for its work on strengthening the statistical capacity of countries in producing food and agriculture statistics and for the role played by the Organization in the implementation of the World Programme for Census of Agriculture 2020, the “50 x 2030” initiative and the second phase of the Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics.

Members also commended FAO for its efforts in monitoring the SDG indicators and reiterated a call on member countries to use internationally agreed SDG indicators to monitor targets related to food and agriculture.

Finally, the Commission encouraged FAO and its partners to continue pursuing the overall improvement of the quality of the data collected by member countries, by providing sectoral guidelines and hands-on technical assistance for the compilation of quality statistics and by promoting the modernization of the entire statistical production cycle at the national level.

Other topics involving FAO's work on statistics were discussed and resulted in:

  • the adoption of the global set of climate change statistics and indicators as the framework for climate change statistics and indicators and its implementation in countries;
  • the adoption of the Global implementation strategy for the System of Environmental Economic Accounting – Ecosystem Accounting; and
  • the endorsement of the draft revised structure for the International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities, revision 4.

In this newsletter, we keep you updated on the latest resources developed by the Organization to support countries in collecting, analyzing and using statistics and the SDG indicators in decision-making. On the occasion of the International Women's Day, we shine a light on a number of recent resources and e-learning courses to celebrate the contribution of women and girls to food and agriculture.

Visit FAO's Portal on the SDG Indicators


Accelerating FAO Support on SDG monitoring

FAO is committed to scaling up support to countries to ensure that high quality and comparable data for the SDGs are produced and used in support to decision-making and SDG monitoring. To this end, the Office of Chief Statistician has published a quick guide containing a wealth of relevant information which can support countries in producing, analyzing and using SDG Indicators, as well as understanding how they can receive support from FAO.

Download the PDF

Mainstreaming FAO Statistics and SDG Indicators into UNSDCF Formulation

Articulated along the five main steps of the UNSDCF process, the Guidelines on Mainstreaming Statistics and SDG indicators in UNSDCFs highlight relevant resources and tools that may be used to better integrate statistical activities in the relevant programming documents. A checklist complements the guidelines to offer a point for reference for any UN entities willing to further embed statistics and SDG indicators in UNSDCF programming.

Download the PDF

An indirect estimation approach for disaggregating SDG indicators using survey data
Case study based on SDG Indicator 2.1.2.

Based on survey microdata from Malawi, FAO's technical report presents a practical exercise focused on the production of disaggregated estimates for SDG Indicator 2.1.2, based on the Food Insecurity Experience Scale (FIES). It complements FAO Guidelines on data disaggregation for SDG Indicators using survey data published in 2021. 

Download the PDF

Measuring rural poverty with a multidimensional approach: The Rural-Multidimensional Poverty Index

FAO's joint report with the Oxford Poverty and Rural Development Initiative presents the conceptual development and empirical validation of a multidimensional poverty index specific to rural areas. The Rural Multidimensional Poverty Index (R-MPI) is applied to Ethiopia, Malawi, Niger and Nigeria and offers exciting new insights relevant for policymakers, academics and practitioners working on rural poverty alleviation.

Download the PDF

AMIS Market Monitor (March 2022)

The events currently unfolding in Ukraine have sent shockwaves through global markets. The crisis comes at a moment when food markets are already struggling with soaring prices and the fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic. The AMIS Secretariat will continue monitoring developments closely and work with its partners to help minimize any adverse effects on global food markets.

Download the PDF

Did you know?

Developments in the Black Sea region add pressures to already tight global markets

As the world’s largest and fourth largest exporters of wheat, the Russian Federation and Ukraine are critical players to ensure the food security of numerous countries around the world. Any serious disruption of production and exports will further escalate prices and erode food security for millions of people who are already under stress given very high levels of food inflation in their countries.

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FAO elearning course on SDG Indicator 2.1.2, now available in Arabic

FAO has launched a free online course to help you use the Food Insecurity Experience Scale (FIES) to monitor progress toward ensuring access to adequate food for all.  The course, available in Arabic, English, French and Spanish, provides guidance on the collection and analysis of data, and on how the information provided by the FIES can be used to inform and guide policy.

Take the course!

FAO has a new database on Data in Emergencies! 

FAO is developing a monitoring system in 25 food crisis countries to better understand the impacts of various shocks on agricultural livelihoods, food security and local value chains. FAO Data in Emergencies Hub provides essential information for fighting food crises and achieving Zero Hunger. Access the database and find out more about the impact of natural disasters and conflicts on agriculture and agricultural livelihoods.

Access the new database

In Focus: International Women's Day

Using small area estimation for data disaggregation of SDG indicators. Case study based on SDG Indicator 5.a.1

This technical report presents a case study based on the use of a small area estimation (SAE) approach to produce disaggregated estimates of SDG Indicator 5.a.1 by sex and at granular sub-national level. The discussed estimation approach could be extended or customized for the integration of survey data with alternative data sources, such as administrative records, and/or geospatial information, and for the disaggregation of other (SDG) indicators based on survey microdata.

Download the PDF

FAO elearning course on ensuring women’s legal rights to land ownership and/or control

This course focuses on SDG Indicator 5.a.2 which assesses women’s equal rights to land ownership and/or control. The course describes the indicator, explains its rationale and provides countries with step-by-step guidance for conducting the assessment.

Take the course (available in English, French and Spanish)

FAO elearning course on equal tenure rights for women on agricultural land

Learn the basic definitions and concepts related to land ownership and land tenure rights, discover the interlinkages between the indicators 5.a.1 and 5.a.2 and develop your skills to monitor and report on the indicator.

Take the course (available in English, French and Spanish)

More readings

Strengthening Data Use to Achieve the 2030 Agenda

“Promoting data use is one of the greatest challenges faced by statisticians working either in national or international organizations.” say Pietro Gennari, Chief Statistician, and Dorian Kalamvrezos Navarro, Statistician in the Office of the Chief Statistician, in a new article published in the IISD’s SDG Knowledge Hub. After examining the detrimental effect of poor use of food and agriculture data and statistics, the authors advocate for a stronger collaboration between international agencies to promote data use and support the analytical capacities of National Statistical Offices.

Read the article

Promoting data use: a key challenge for statisticians

Promoting data use was also the theme of a recent blog published through the UN World Data Forum platform in December 2021. In this blog, the authors highlighted some recent initiatives designed to address the data-use-challenge and put forward some avenues for reflection to foster the use of data and statistics for effective policy-making.

Read the article

Five interesting facts on FAO data that we encourage you to use and share

When it comes to food and agriculture data, FAO is one of the world leaders in knowledge. Experts and statisticians work day in and day out to collect, validate and disseminate data and information on food and agriculture to help governments make the right decisions about programmes, policies and investments.

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Sign up to receive updates on FAO publications in French

Did you know that more than 1 000 FAO publications are published in French every year? The Publications branch now offers monthly publications updates in French to ensure you get the most up-to-date FAO’s knowledge products. The newsletter highlights the key publications available in French and provide them in different formats, with the aim of making them available, accessible and usable to French speakers around the world.  

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Past events

National and Global Reporting with 50x2030 Data: Experiences from Georgia and Cambodia
18 February 2022

Following the opening by José Rosero Moncayo (Chair of the 50x2030 Partnership Council) and Vasco Molini (Programme Manager of the 50x2030 Initiative), who introduced the main aspects and objectives of the Initiative, representatives from Georgia and Cambodia presented on the progress made in statistical capacity development in their countries, providing also examples of data dissemination and data use for policy application.

More information

Open Meeting of the United Nations Committee of Experts on Food Security, Agriculture and Rural Statistics (UN-CEAG)
17 February 2022

Attended by 126 participants, this event, co-hosted with FAO, took stock of the latest developments and progress in implementing the UN-CEAG's programme of work (2020-2023) and brought together the perspectives of different stakeholders to discuss additional topics of interest in the area of food security and agricultural statistics. 

More information

The second phase of the Global Strategy to improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics: a fit-for-purpose approach of capacity strengthening in Africa
10 February 2022

The second phase of the Global Strategy was presented during a joint side event between FAO, UNECA and PARIS21. Attended by nearly 90 participants, it featured national presentations from Ghana and Mozambique who shared their experience of introduction of the GSARS plan in their countries, how it fits with the national strategies of development of agricultural statistics and with opportunities offered with the future implementation of 50x2030 Initiative.

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EXPO2020 webinar series: Mobilizing Big Data and Data Science for the Sustainable Development Goals
25-27 January 2022

From 25 to 27 January 2022the Federal Competitiveness and Statistics Centre (FCSC) of the United Arab Emirates, jointly with the UN Committee of Experts on Big Data and Data Science for Official Statistics (UN-CEBD) organised a session on “Big Data and Data Science for the Sustainable Development Goals”FAO participated in the three-day event, and presented on Earth Observations’ use cases and methods.

Access the recording

Asia Regional Workshop on SDG 14.b and its Associated Indicator 14.b.1

Virtual workshop, 6-8 July 2021

From 6 to 8 July 2021, FAO organized a regional workshop to raise awareness about SDG 14.b and its associated Indicator 14.b.1. The workshop brought together approximately 60 participants from reporting and non-reporting countries in South and Southeast Asia and provided an opportunity to share experiences towards the goal of increasing the number of countries reporting on and validating the indicator.

More information
More events

New job opportunity

Join FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Statistics team!

A new vacancy for a fishery expert in socio-economic statistics is available. The officer will be responsible for the collection, processing, analysis and dissemination of international socio-economic fisheries statistics, including fishing fleet and fisheries and aquaculture employment, and for supporting the development of related tools and methodologies for the collection of socio-economic data. 

Apply by 25 March!
See online version
For more information visit: http://www.fao.org/sustainable-development-goals/indicators/en/

or contact us at:  [email protected]

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