(This is going to be a three-part story: I had other projects today and could only finish this second part.)
The newly-rechristened Krait, with the old unreliable engine now replaced, had a full crew at last for Operation Jaywick. A chief engineer, Leading Stoker Paddy McDowell, a WWI Navy veteran, and an assistant engineer, another experienced sailor, Leading Seaman “Cobber” Cain. They also had recruited a radio operator, Leading Telegraphist “Horrie” Young, and a cook: Corporal Andy Crilley, a soldier who was about to be discharged on medical grounds but wanted to stay in the war. Meanwhile Donald Davidson had also selected five men from a pool of naval volunteers that he had personally trained for months in mission-essential skills: the art of silently maneuvering the Folboat canoes in all kinds of water, rappelling, navigation, stalking an enemy, the use of weapons, both bullet and bladed, as well as care of and use of explosives. The five chosen were not just skilled in those deadly arts, but also mature, steady and temperamentally suited for a grueling mission in which teamwork would be essential.
By early August, 1943, the Krait was ready to depart Cairns for Exmouth, on Australia’s western coast, carrying a mixed and eccentric crew of soldiers and sailors … but to where after that, exactly? Only Lyon, Davidson, Page and Carse knew their eventual destination: Lyon because he was overall in charge, and Carse because he was now commander of the deceptively ordinary Krait. The Krait’s four holds were packed jam-full of supplies; basic food and water, including rations sealed into tins which could be cached for the raiding party somewhere on land. Lt. Page had been a third-year medical student before the war, and as such, would be their doctor in a medical emergency. (The medical supplies also included rum, whiskey and gin – for celebrating if the mission was successful, and cyanide tablets in the dire event of failure and capture by the Japanese.)
A stock of English and American cigarettes was also part of the cargo, along with a quantity of Dutch gold guilder coins, should it become necessary to offer bribes to susceptible locals. The heaviest items of cargo were the whole reason for the Krait’s secret journey: forty-five magnetic limpet mines, 150 pounds of plastique explosive, and 200 grenades, along with sufficient ammunition for the Krait’s assortment of Lewis and Bren guns, and side arms. Another precaution; items like cooking pots, plates, sunglasses and toothbrushes all be of Japanese make – lest something dropped overboard give the game away to an alert and suspicious Japanese. Engineer McDowell had served in WWI Q-ships – armed warships disguised as harmless merchantmen, in order to entice submarines to surface, and was wise in the way of this kind of marine subterfuge. Once departing from Exmouth and on the way north, every man would be required to apply brown skin dye and dress in simple cloth sarongs, the better to serve the illusion of the Krait as a harmless and ordinary trading vessel.
After a fairly uneventful transit from Cairns across the top of Australia, the Krait arrived at Exmouth, with not much more drama then those unaccustomed to the open sea being vilely seasick. They intended departing north on the 1st of September, 1943. Within minutes, though, the propellor shaft broke; the Krait sailed the following day towards the Lombok, after swift repairs made by the mechanics of an American submarine repair ship, conveniently anchored nearby. (The American mechanics advised them that the repairs probably wouldn’t hold up for very long and to get permanent repairs done as soon as possible.) “Ta, thanks!” was pretty much the response, and Ted Carse turned the Krait on a heading north, towards the Lombok Strait, between Bali and a chain of islands that terminated in Flores and Timor.
It was only at that point, far out at sea, when Captain – now Major Lyon – called the crew together and formally told them where they were heading. Likely this only confirmed what they had long suspected – an attack on a port well inside Japanese-held territory. Once through the Lombok Strait, they would skirt Borneo, until well into the Java and South China Sea, avoiding any contact at all with other ships and boats, even the smallest, which might challenge them and give the operation away. Three two-man teams would be dropped off on an island close to Singapore; Lyon himself, with Donaldson and Page, with three of the trained volunteers – a fourth team to be held in reserve. After that briefing, they put away their uniforms, applied brown dye to their skin – which was rather more convincing on some of the men than others – and put on sarongs. From then on – no drinking or smoking, light discipline would be enforced rigorously at night, and all trash discarded overboard would be put into sealed, weighted tins, so as to leave no trace of their passage. They would also, when near land, keep as quiet as possible, knowing that voices and sound carried far, over water. They also broke out and deliberately dirtied a Japanese flag, before raising it in place of their Blue Ensign.
(Again—to be continued. I pulled a lot of detail on this from an account by Ronald Mckie, The Heroes, which in turn was the basis for a TV miniseries. The story of Operation Jaywick and the later and disastrous Operation Rimau are well-known in Australia – but not so much in US pop cultural knowledge of operations in that part of the world.)