မာတိကာသို့ ခုန်သွားရန်


ဝီကီပီးဒီးယား မှ
ကဏ္ဍ၏ အဓိက ဆောင်းပါးမှာ သစ်ပင် ဖြစ်သည်။

အမည် မျိုးစိတ်အမည် အင်္ဂလိပ်အမည်
ကုတ်ဟည်း Bombax anceps (syn. Salmalia anceps) silk cotton tree
ကတ်ဖို Myrica nagi box-myrtle tree
ထနောင်း Vachellia leucophloea (syn. Acacia leucophloea) reonja kind of thorny tree with whitish bark growing in dry regions
ကညင် Dipterocarpus alatus resin tree large tree yielding wood oil
ကြက်တက် Erythrina sp. species of Erythrina tree
ကြကက်ပေါင် Hevea brasiliensis para-rubber tree
ကြောင်ပန်း Vitex trifolia chaste tree
ကွမ်းလင် Dracaena atropupurea dragon tree
ကျွန်းကတိုး Camphora glandulifera (syn. Cinamomum glanduliferum) false camphor tree, Nepal camphor tree tree bearing small, yellowish green, strong scented flowers and yielding a light yellow wood smelling of camphor
ကျွန်းခေါက်နွယ် Vitex limonifolia midsized timber tree
ကျွန်းဖို Premna tomentosa (syn. Premna pyramidata) small tree yielding wood used for making the reed and shuttles for the loom
ကျွန်းလုလင် Premna mollissima (syn. Premna latifolia) dusky fire brand mark small tree whose leaves have a strong though not disagreeable smell
ခပေါင်းရေကြည် Strychnos potatorum clearing-nut tree tree bearing nuts whose seeds can be used to clear turbid water
ခူဆံ Hymenodictyon orixense (syn. Hymenodictyon excelsum) kind of softwood tree
စရည်းထောင်မည်းအုပ်တောင်မုရိုး Alstonia scholaris blackboard tree, scholar tree, milkwood, devil's tree ဟိန္ဒူ စဍီ tall tree yielding soft, white wood with the bark and sap having medicinal application
စောပြာ Pterocymbium tinctorium tall tree producing timber used in manufacturing matches
စင်ကိုနာ Cinchona sp. cinchona tree အင်္ဂလိပ် cinchona, whose tree bark is the source of the antiplasmodial, antimalarial bitter substance quinine
သင်ပြွမ်း Dillenia pentagyna dog teak, Nepali elephant apple middle-sized tree bearing acerbic (acidic) fruit in clusters
စန္ဒကူး Santalum album sandalwood tree Pali စန္ဒန + ကုလ
စုံပတတ် Artocarpus rigidus မွန် စမ္ပဍာက်i,

knd of tree related to the jack-fruit

ဆီးပင် Zizyphus jujuba jujube tree tree yielding the jujube fruit, also called red dates
သင်္ဘောဆီးဖြူ Cicca acida star gooseberry, Malay gooseberry small tree bearing fruit resembling a gooseberry
ဆောက်ချဉ် Garcinia lanceifolia small tree bearing violet coloured flowers
ကုက္ကို Albizzia lebbeck siris, Indian siris, East Indian walnut, Broome raintree, lebbeck (tree), lebbek tree, frywood, woman's tongue tree kind of tree
ကုက္ကို၊ သင်္ဘောကုက္ကို Samanea saman rain tree, monkey pod, saman, chankiri tree
ဇမ္ဗုသပြေ Eugenia jambos Eugenia tree, rose apple
ညောင်ကုက္ကား Ficus subg. Urostigma kind of banyan tree
ညောင်ဗုဒ္ဓဟေဗောဓိညောင်ပင်ညောင်ဗောဓိ Ficus religiosa pipal, Bo tree
ညောင်လန်း Ficus benjamina dwarf banyan tree with spreading branches
ညောင်အုပ် Ficus retusa kind of large banyan tree
ညောင်ကြတ် Ficus obtusifolia kind of banyan tree bearing edible fruit
ညောင်ချဉ် Ficus infectoria kind of banyan tree, the leaf-buds of which are used as a vegetable
ညောင်ပိန္နဲ Ficus nervosa, Ficus citrifolia species of fig tree
ညန် Quercus serrata jolcham oak
ကညင်း Pithecellobium lobatum djenkol bean မွန် ဂနေင်၊ hardwood tree bearing a pungent smelling edible fruit
တမလန်း Dalbergia oliveri rosewood tree tree producing dark-red, close-grained wood
တမာပင် Azadirachta indica neem tree, margosa tree
ရေတမာပင် Toona sureni (syn. Cedrela febrifuga) suren toon, surian, limpaga, iron redwood, Indonesian mahogany, Vietnamese mahogany kind of ornamental shade tree
တပြု သပြု Sonneratia alba tree of the tidal forests, fruits and leaves or be eaten raw or cooked, sour fruits as a flavour for fish dishes, timber for construction or firewood
တရော် Grewia polygama tree used in preparing shampoo
ပင်တရော် Grewia eriocarpa (syn. Grewia elastica) tree, the bark of which is used in making shampoo
တန်ဆင်း ရင်းတိုက် Dalbergia cultrata Burmese rosewood tree yielding a strong, durable black wood
ထောက်ရှာ Vitex arborea chaste tree
ထောက်ရှာ Vitex glabrata smooth chastetree, bush currant, black plum, black fruit, black grape tall hardwood tree
ထိမ် Mitragyna parvifolia (syn. Nauclea parviflora) large hardwood tree bearing winged-fruit pods
ဒဟတ် Tectona hamiltoniana teak kind of hardwood tree
ဒီးဒူး Bombax insigne (syn. Salmalia insignis) bonsimul large tree yielding soft, perishable wood
ဒန့်သလွန် Moringa oleifera horseradish tree
ဒန်း Lawsonia inermis henna tree
နကျယ် Pterospermum semisagittatum tree with a deeply fluted stem yielding a fairly hard wood
နှံပဲ Lannea coromandelica (syn. Lannea grandis) Indian ash tree kind of timber tree
နှော Adina cordifolia large timber tree
ပညောင် Ficus indica banyan tree
ပိတောက် Pterocarpus macrocarpus gum-kino tree
ပေါက် Butea monosperma flame of the forest; parrot tree; bastard teak tree bearing showy clusters of red flowers in April
ပေါက်ပန်းဖြူ Sesbania grandiflora vegetable hummingbird, katurai, agati, West Indian pea kind of flowering tree
ပုန်းမဲစာ Albizzia chinensis large tree yielding a resin used for medicinal purposes
ကျီးပေါင်း Viscum sp. mistletoe
ဖလံ Phanera vahlii (syn. Bauhinia vahlii) species of creeper bearing long flat seed pods used medicinally
ဖလံ Bauhinia racemosa bidi leaf tree small tree with a crooked stem and drooping limbs bearing sprays of yellowish white flowers
ဖအောင်း Ficus sp. fig tree
ကနစိုပင် Heritiera fomes sunder, sundri, jekanazo, pinlekanazo kind of tree found in coastal areas
ကနစိုးပင် Baccaurea ramiflora (syn. Baccaurea sapida) Burmese grape kind of tree bearing edible fruits in bunches
ဖုံးမသိန်ပင် Blumea balsamifera Ngai camphor, sambong, sembung small tree, the leaves of which contain some measure of camphor and are used for medicinal purposes
ဖျောက်ဆိပ်ပင် Holoptelea integrifolia Indian elm, jungle cork tree large tree yielding a light yellowish wood, and bark used in treating rheumatism
မျောက်ဆိပ်ပင် Homalium longifolium petaling gajah
ဗာဒံပင် Terminalia catappa badum tree; Indian almond
ဘောစကိုင်းအဝေရာအဆိပ်ဖြေပင် Leucaena glauca lead tree
ဘန့်ပွေး Careya arborea wild guava, Ceylon oak, patana oak kind of tree whose leaves are used in rolling 'cheroots' (cigars)
ဘိုင် Tetrameles nudiflora large tree with heavy buttress roots
ဘွဲ့ချဉ် Piliostigma malabaricum

(syn. Bauhinia malabarica)

purple orchid tree moderate-sized tree with bifoliate leaves
ပဏိဩဃ Carallia brachiata large timber tree
မဒမ Dalbergia ovata tree, the bark of which produces a mordant for indigo dye
မဒမမျော Ceriops tagal mangrove tree, spurred mangrove, Indian mangrove with a straight, round stem
မလွှ Markhamia stipulata moderate-sized timber tree bearing yellow, bell-like flowers used as a vegetable
မရန်းပင် Bouea oppositifolia

(syn. Bouea burmanica)

plum mango, kundang, kundangan, remenia tree bearing clusters of ovoid fruit, which turn yellow when ripe and may either be sour or sweet
မလကာ Psidium guajava guava tree
ကျည်း Barringtonia acutangula freshwater mangrove, itchytree, mango-pine medium-sized timber tree
မယ်ဇလီပင် Senna siamea (syn. Cassia siamea) Siamese cassia, kassod tree, cassod tree, cassia tree medium-sized tree providing edible leaves and flower buds
မက်လင် Garcinia sopsopia

(syn. Garcinia paniculata)

high, straight timber tree
မက်လင်ချဉ် Garcinia pedunculata tree bearing pleasantly acidulous fruit
မည်စည် Madhuca longifolia var. longifolia butter tree hardwood tree bearing flowers which are dried and eaten and seed from which oil is extracted
သစ်မည်စည် Madhura longifolia var. latifolia (syn. Bassia longifolia) hardwood tree producing 'illipe nuts'
မန်ကျည်း Tamarindus indica tamarind tree
ဆေးမန်ကျည်းပင် Meyna spinosa (syn. Vangueria spinosa) small tree, the bark of which is used as febrifuge
မုန်တိုင် Cycas circinalis; Cycas revoluta general term for cycads such as fern palm, Cycas circinalis; sago palm, Cycas revoluta, etc.
မုန်တိုင် Lophopetalum wallichii medium sized tree producing a pinkish, fairly hard wood
မယ်ကယ် Aglaia odoratissima kind of hardwood tree which grows in the Tanintharyi area
ကြစု Terminalia citrina tree bearing officinal fruits
မှော်ရုံအနန်းဖို Crypteronia paniculata var. pubescens (syn.

Crypteronia pubescens)

kind of medium-sized timber tree
မှန်တော့ Garcinia xanthochymus false mangosteen, gamboge, yellow mangosteen, Himalayan garcinia, sour mangosteen tree which produces a kind of gamboge (sour mangosteen)
မှန်ဖြူ Tamilnadia uliginosa (syn. Randia uliginosa) indigoberry small tree yielding white, hard, close-grained timber
မှန်လျှင်း kind of tree bearing edible fruit
ရမင်း Aporosa octandra var. octandra

(syn. Aporosa roxburghii)

kind of small hardwood tree
ကပိုင် Ceriops decandra

(syn. Ceriops roxburghiana)

tree of the mangrove family
ကယော Excoecaria agallocha blind-your-eye mangrove, buta buta tree, milky mangrove, poisonfish tree, river poison tree small tree of tidal swamps, the sap of which can cause blindness
ရင်းမာပင် Chukrassia tabularis Indian mahogany kind of hard-wood tree
ရင်ခတ်ပင် Gardenia coronaria, Gardenia obtusifolia tall tree bearing fragrant flowers in the month ofတန်‌ခူး
ရင်းစပ် Dalbergia fusca Burmese rosewood kind of timber tree
ရင်းတိုက်တန်ဆင်း Dalbergia cultrata kind of hard-wood tree
ရုံး Terminalia pendula (syn. Anogeissus acuminata) large timber tree yielding a strong and resilient yellowish wood
လမဲ့ Sonneratia alba kind of small tree growing in brackish areas
လမက် Avicennia alba small tree growing in brackish areas
လဲလဲဝါ Ceiba pentandra silk cotton tree; kapok
လက်ပံ Bombax ceiba (syn. Salmalia malabarica) red silk cotton tree
သင်္ဘောလက်ပံ Ceiba pentandra (syn. Eriodendron anfractuosum) kapok tree
လင်းလွန်းရာဇယတန (ဖာလိ)လွန်လွန်ဖိုလွန်း Buchanania cochinchinensis

(syn. Buchanania latifolia)

charoli nut, almondette, Cuddapah almond, calumpong, Hamilton mombin medium-sized tree bearing fruit with almond-like kernels
လင်းလွန်း Manilkara hexandra

(syn. Mimusops hexandra)

shade tree bearing clusters of fragrant flowers
ခရေပင်အော်လဲ Balakata baccata

(syn. Sapium baccatum)

selleng kind of fruit tree
လိမ် Terminalia calamansanai (syn. Terminalia pyrifolia) kind of large timber tree
လျှော် Sterculia sp. tree of the Sterculia species, fibrous bark of which is used for making ropes
သတီ Protium serratum kind of hardwood tree
သပြေပင် the Eugenia tree also generic name for many species of Eugenia, Jambosa and Syzygium
သဖန်းပင်ရေသဖန်းပင် Ficus racemosa (syn. Ficus glomerata) fig tree, cluster fig, red river fig, gular
သနပ် Cordia dichotoma fragrant manjack, clammy cherry, glue berry tree, Indian cherry sebesten tree; tree, the leaves of which are used as wrapper for rolling " cheroots"
သီးပင်၊ သနပ်ခါးပင် Limonia acidissima thanaka, wood-apple, elephant-apple, monkey fruit a kind of tree the bark and root of which are used in making a fragrant paste for cosmetic purposes.
သရဖီပင် Calophyllum calaba var. bracteatum (syn. Calophyllum amoenum) kind of tree bearing white fragrant flowers
သာလဲ Broussonetia papyrifera paper mulberry tree, the bark of which is turned into pulp for the manufacture of hand-made paper
သီတင်း Bixa orellana annato; lipstick tree
သီး Limonia acidissima (syn. Feronia elephantum) wood apple tree
သော်ကသော်ကကြီး Amherstia nobilis pride of Burma tall evergreen tree bearing pendulous sprays of vermilion flowers
သော်ကသော်ကဖို Saraca indica asoka tree small tree bearing red flowers
သက်ရင်းကြီး Chrozophora oblongifolia (syn. Croton oblongifolius) small tree the root, bark , leaves and seeds of which are used medicinally
သင်္ကန်း Hopea odorata rock dammar tree a kind of hardwood tree
သင်္ကန်းနက် Hopea helferi rock dammar tree
သန်း Terminalia oliveri tree from the bark of which a dye is obtained
အကျော် Aquilaria malaccensis (syn. Aquilaria agallocha) eaglewood tree
ခအောင်း Ficus ulmifolia, (syn. Ficus hispida) kind of fig tree
ခအုံး Ficus semicordata var. semicordata (syn.

Ficus cunia)

kind of fig tree
အနန်းပင် Cyrtophyllum fragrans (syn. Fagraea fragrans) tembusu kind of hardwood tree
ခံ Carissa carandas Bengal currant, Christ's thorn, Carandas plum, Karonda, Karanda, Kanna kind of shrub or small tree
ခံတက် Crataeva religiosa sacred garlic pear, temple plant
ဥနှဲ Streblus asper Siamese rough bush, khoi, serut, toothbrush tree kind of tree whose bark is minced and mixed with tobacco for rolling 'cheroots'
အော်လဲ Triadica cochinchinensis

(syn. Sapium eugenifolium)

mountain tallow tree kind of tree whose roots have medicinal value
အင် Dipterocarpus tuberculatus gurjuntree broad-leaved tall timber tree yielding reddish, resinous wood
အင်ကြင်းပင် Shorea siamensis (syn. Pentacme suavis) tall, indigenous hardwood tree bearing sprays of fragrant, red flowers in early summer
အင်ကြင်းပင် Shorea robusta sal tree
အောက်ချင်းစာ Diospyros ehretioides kind of straight stemmed large tree
အောက်ချင်းစာနီ Aglaia spectabilis (syn. Amoora wallichii) large tree producing a rather porous red wood
ချေး Semecarpus anacardium marking nut tree
ကလိမ် Guilandina bonduc (syn. Caesalpinia bonducella) bonduc, nicker nut, fever nut tree
ချောင်းကြားခေါင်းခွ Capparis grandis small tree with medicinal properties
ကသယ် Samadera lucida bitterwood small tree, the leaves of which have a bitter taste
ကာကျူပွတ် Melaleuca leucadendra cajuput tree
ကော်ဖတ်ပင်ကြက်ပေါင်စေးပင် Hevea brasiliensis Pará rubber tree, rubber tree
စံကားစိမ်း Cananga odorata ylang-ylang, cananga tree tree bearing flowers which are green when immature, but later turn yellow
စိန်ပန်း Delix regia (syn. Poinciana regia) gold mohur tree, royal poinciana, flamboyant, flame of the forest, flame tree
ဆူးပလွေသစ်ပလွေ Balanites triflora kind of small thorny tree found in the arid zone
ဆိတ်ချေး Bridelia retusa large tree which provides valuable timber
ဆိတ်နံ Clausena excavata pink lime-berry kind of shrub whose leaves give off a goatish smell
ဆိတ်နံ Phoebe lanceolata medium-sized tree
ဆိတ်နံကြီးကျွန်းလုလင်ကြက်ရိုး Machilus odoratissimus

(syn. Machilus odoratissima)

fragrant bay tree large tree found at high altitude yielding a grey, rather soft wood
ဇမ္ဗူပနီ Thespesia populnea portia tree; tulip tree; Pacific rosewood, Indian tulip tree, milo
တောစိုးသစ်ပင် tree like the Ficus obtusifolia which bear fruit but whose flowers are not easily discerned
ကောင်းမှု Anisoptera scaphula tall timber tree yielding a light, easily workable wood
တောက်ရပ် Symplocos racemosa small tree producing dye
တောင်ဇလပ်ပင် Rhododendron arboreum tree rhododendron
ဇလပ်နီ Rhododendron moulmainense Westland's rhododendron
တောင်တလည်း Garcinia cowa cowa fruit, cowa mangosteen tall, straight-stemmed timber tree
တောင်ကသစ် Erythrina stricta kind of timber tree
ထောက်ကြံ့ Terminalia elliptica

(syn. Terminalia tomentosa)

Indian laurel kind of large timber tree
ဒေါင်းပေါင် Lepisanthes senegalensis (syn. Sapindus danura) small tree whose splinter wood is used for brushing teeth
ပိုးစာ Morus nigra, Morus alba mulberry tree
ပင်မှည့် Passiflora edulis passion fruit
ပင်လယ်ကသစ် Erythrina indica coral tree large tree bearing clusters of very large and long bright red flowers
ပန်းမ Anneslea fragrans medium-sized timber tree
ပုံလုံ Shirakiopsis indica (syn. Sapium indicum) small tree found near creeks, bearing minute green flowers, and globular fruit all the year round
ပျဉ်းမ Lagerstroemia speciosa giant crêpe-myrtle, Queen's crêpe-myrtle, banabá plant, pride of India, Queen's flower, jarul kind of large timber tree
ပျဉ်းကတိုး Xylia xylocarpa (syn. Xylia dolabriformis) kind of ironwood tree
ပြည်ပန်းညိုပြည်ပန်းရွှေ Senna surattensis (syn. Cassia glauca) small tree bearing yellow flowers (its leaves are used as a vegetable, as well as, with its bark, medicinally)
ဖက်ဝန်း Berrya cordifolia

(syn. Berrya ammonilla)

kind of tree with dark red wood used for making ploughs, oars, etc.
ဖက်သန်း Fernandoa adenophylla

(syn. Haplophragma adenophyllum)

medium-sized tree of the low lying forests yielding an orange coloured wood of good resiliency
ဖက်အုပ်ဆင်မနို့ပျစ်တရော်အ Grewia flavescens var. flavescens (syn. Grewia aspera) kind of small tree
ဖက်ဆွတ်ထမင်းဆုပ်ပန်းဆည်းလည်း Engelhardtia spicata tree of the highlands bearing fragrant flowers in clusters
ဖန်ခါး Terminalia chebula myrobalan tree ; chebulic myrobalan
ဗြူးခြေထောက် Rhizophora apiculata (syn.

Rhizophora candelaria)

tall-stilt mangrove small tree of the mangrove family having medicinal properties and bearing fragrant yellow blossoms
ဗြူးဗိုင်းတောင့် Kandelia candel

(syn. Rhizophora candel)

small mangrove tree having medicinal properties and bearing maroon flowers
မဒမမျော Ceriops tagal spurred mangrove, Indian mangrove small, straight mangrove tree
မျောက်လုတ် Artocarpus lacucha (syn. Artocarpus lakoocha) monkey jack, monkey fruit kind of timber tree bearing edible fruit
မျောက်ချော Homalium tomentosum tall tree with a clean bole yielding excellent firewood
မြရာ Microcos paniculata leafy small tree, whose fruit are fired by young boys from their bamboo pop-guns
ရေသကျည်း Sesbania sesban Egyptian riverhemp shrub-like tree, whose leaves are used for making poultices
ရေချင်းယား Flueggea virosa kind of small tree
ရွှေကြီး Adenanthera pavonina red lucky seed, acacia coral, bead tree, Circassian seed, coral wood, curly bean, red bead tree, Barbados pride, peacock flower fence tree whose seeds are used as jeweller's weights
လက်ခုပ် Sterculia foetida bastard poon tree, Java olive tree, hazel sterculia, wild almond tree, skunk tree a soft wooded tree whose oil can be used as biofuel, seeds are edible, but purgative, and should be roasted prior to eating.

In Vietnam its sap is used as a soft drink called "mủ trôm"

လက်ထုတ်ကြီး Wrightia antidysenterica (syn. Holarrhena antidysenterica) coral swirl, tellicherry bark tree which provides useful timber and bark for treating dysentry
လက်ထုတ်သိမ် Wrightia arborea

(syn. Wrightia tomentosa)

woolly dyeing rosebay medium-sized tree which provides useful timber and bark for treating renal complaints
လှည်းစာ Lagerstroemia tomentosa
ဝက်သစ်ချပင် Quercus semiserrata oak tree
သရက်ချဉ်ပင် kind of tree whose pulp is used to make paper
Ziziphus oenoplia jackal jujube, small-fruited jujube, wild jujube tree of the jujube tribe, yielding edible fruit and various parts used in medicine
သံသတ် Albizzia lucida small tree whose leaves are used to treat iron pots and pans against rust
သင်ပန်း Hibiscus tiliaceus sea hibiscus; coast cottonwood small tree found on beaches and tidal forests yielding fibre for making cattle ropes
သင်းဝင် Milletia pendula timber tree yielding a very hard, durable wood
သစ်ချို Xantolis tomentosa

(syn. Sideroxylon tomentosum)

wooly ironwood evergreen tree bearing edible fruits
သစ်စေး Gluta usitata (syn. Melanorrhoea usitata) lacquer tree
သစ်ဆည်းလည်း Schrebera swietenioides weaver's beam tree kind of hardwood tree
သစ်ဆိမ့် Terminalia bellirica beleric myrobalan, bastard myrobalan straight-stemmed tree bearing astringent, furry fruit with nutty kernels
သစ်တို Sandoricum koetjape santol tree, cotton fruit
သစ်ပကန် Dalbergia lanceolaria kind of hardwood tree
သစ်ပုပ် Dalbergia kurzii large tree having malodorous wood
သစ်ရာ Shorea obtusa large timber tree
ဧကရာဇ်ပင် Millingtonia hortensis tree of medicinal value
အိပ်မွေ့ Erycibe citriniflora;
Embelia tsjeriam-cottam (syn. Embelia robusta)
kind of small tree
twining shrub whose bark and leaves are officinal
ချစ်ယုတ် Garuga pinnata kind of tree which provides useful timber
ချဉ်စော်ကား Chaenomeles cathayensis (syn. Cydonia cathayensis) kind of tree bearing sour fruits
ငါးဆူပင် Dracontomelon dao

(syn. Dracontomelon mangiferum)

Argus pheasant-tree, Pacific walnut, Papuan walnut, New Guinea walnut tree bearing edible five-ridged fruit


ဤကဏ္ဍတွင် စုစုပေါင်း ၆ ခု အနက်မှ အောက်ပါ ကဏ္ဍခွဲ ၆ ခု ရှိသည်။

ကဏ္ဍ "သစ်ပင်များ" မှ စာမျက်နှာများ

စုစုပေါင်း ၅၇ အနက်မှ အောက်ပါ စာမျက်နှာ ၅၇ ခုသည် ဤကဏ္ဍတွင် ရှိသည်။