The Twelfth Moscow Solar System Symposium

Dear 12M-S3 participants!
The Symposium will be held both «face-to-face» and «virtual» formats. For all «face-to-face» participants in Space Research Institute (IKI) the masks as well as social distancing will still be obligatory!


Space Research Institute
Moscow, Russia
October 11-15, 2021

Starting from 2010, the Space Research Institute holds annual international symposia on Solar system exploration. Main topics of these symposia include wide range of problems related to formation and evolution of Solar system, planetary systems of other stars; exploration of Solar system planets, their moons, small bodies; interplanetary environment, astrobiology problems. Experimental planetary studies, science instruments and preparation for space missions are also considered at these symposia.

The Twelfth Moscow international Solar System Symposium (12M-S3) will be held from October 11 till 15, 2021.

Subject matter of this symposium will cover many problems of the Solar system science with the central topic "Moon, Mars and Venus research". This topic relates to scientific problems of several missions: "Mars Express", "Venus Express", the missions under development in Russia: "Luna-Glob", "Luna-Resource", "Venera-D", "ExoMars 2016" and "ExoMars 2020" (Roscosmos-ESA).

The following sessions will be held during the symposium:


  • Session. Mars
  • Session. Venus
  • Session. Moon and Mercury
  • Session. Small Bodies (including cosmic dust)
  • Session. Giant planets
  • Session. Extrasolar planets
  • Session. Astrobiology

Space Research Institute holds this symposium with participation of the following organizations:

  • Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Russia
  • Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry RAS, Russia
  • Brown University, USA
  • Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth RAS, Russia
  • Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics RAS, Russia
  • Kotelnikov Institute of Radio-engineering and Electronics RAS, Russia
  • Sternberg Astronomical institute, Moscow State University, Russia

The meeting will be held both "face-to-face" and virtual. The Program Committee cordially asks you to make registration on the website with with the selection of Face-to-face or Virtual form of participation (it can be changed later).

Symposium website:

Contact email address: [email protected]