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Tuah merujuk kepada fenomena dan kepercayaan yang membentuk pendirian terhadap sesuatu peristiwa yang dialami sama ada ia positif, negatif, atau mustahil dijangka. Ia mempunyai tiga aspek:[1][2][3]

  • ia bersifat membawa untung (good luck) atau malang (bad luck).[4]
  • ia disebabkan nasib diri.[5]
  • ia terpakai pada suatu makhluk berakal.

Kepercayaan bahawa jalan kehidupan seseorang bergantung sepenuhnya kepada nasib bertuah atau malang seseorang ditolak oleh ajaran beberapa agama termasuk Islam dan Buddha.

  1. ^ Rescher, N., Luck: the brilliant randomness of everyday life p. 32. "Luck accordingly involves three things: (1) a beneficiary or maleficiary, (2) a development that is benign (positive) or malign (negative) from the stand point of the interests of the affected individual, and that, moreover, (3) is fortuitous (unexpected, chancy, unforeseeable.)"
  2. ^ CHANCE News 4.15 ...the definition in the Oxford English dictionary: "the fortuitous happening of an event favorable or unfavorable to the interest of a person"
  3. ^ Rescher, N., Luck: the brilliant randomness of everyday life p. 28. "Luck is a matter of having something good or bad happen that lies outside the horizon of effective foreseeability."
  4. ^ Rescher, N., Luck: the brilliant randomness of everyday life p. 32. "Luck thus always incorporates a normative element of good or bad: someone must be affected positively or negatively by an event before its realization can properly be called lucky."
  5. ^ Rescher, N., Luck: the brilliant randomness of everyday life p. 32. ..."that as a far as the affected person is concerned, the outcome came about "by accident." "