Best MobiQuitous paper currently at
413 downloads, 7 citations
… and counting!
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Title: Human Values in Software – Where are they?
Title: The Challenges of Privacy in a Ubiquitous World
Title: Internet of Everything for New Industrial Revolution
Best Paper Award 2017:
Mobile Networks and Applications (MONET) Journal (IF: 3.259)
EAI Endorsed Transactions on Industrial Networks and Intelligent Systems
EAI Endorsed Transactions on Future Internet
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Explore the Program In Full and At a Glance!Meet the keynote speakers, Prof. Yunhao Liu, Prof. Jon Whittle, and Prof. Lars Kulik!If you have already uploaded your camera-ready paper, please update it according to instructions sent to your email by ACM.
Proceedings have been published and are available in ACM Digital Library.
All accepted and presented papers will be published by ACM and made available through ACM Digital Library.
Authors of selected best accepted papers will be invited to submit an extended version to:
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Indexed in EI, Scopus, CrossRef, Google Scholar, dblp, MAS, EBSCO, as well as EAI’s own EU Digital Library (EUDL).
Despite the considerable research effort in the area of Ubiquitous Computing in the past decade, and the maturity of some of its base technologies, many challenges persist. The goal of the 14th Annual International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services (MobiQuitous 2017) is to provide a forum for presenting and discussing high-quality research in the field at international level, involving practitioners and researchers from diverse backgrounds.
MobiQuitous 2017 will thus foster research collaboration through focused discussions, interaction and exchange of experiences that will designate future research efforts and directions. Areas addressed by the conference include systems, applications, social networks, middleware, networking, data management and services, all with special focus on mobility and ubiquitous computing.
Full Paper Submission deadline
7 July 2017
Notification and Registration opens
15 August 2017
Camera-ready deadline
15 September 2017
Start of Conference
7 November 2017
End of Conference
10 November 2017