Mum discovers stolen pics of daughter on paedophile website Pic: Kennedy News and Media
Amanda Morgan, 29, found pictures of her daughter on a child abuse website (Picture: Kennedy News and Media)

A horrified mum has been left struggling to sleep after finding edited pictures of her daughter on a child abuse website.

Amanda Morgan, 29, had shared the images of Callia, now aged two, on her Instagram account when her daughter was just six months old. She was then notified by other parents that the photos had been shared on a Russian website where paedophiles could browse them and make comments.

In one image, Callia’s face has been heavily photoshopped so it looks as if she has green eyes, long black eyelashes and lipstick. Amanda also found comments on a photo of her daughter crawling all fours which described her as being in a ‘good position’.

Amanda said she ‘cried uncontrollably for 45 minutes’ when first told about the site. She continued: ‘My partner couldn’t calm me down, I was sobbing and shaking. I thought it was all my fault because I had this Instagram page.

‘There are three pictures of my child on that website, I haven’t dolled her up like that, I wouldn’t want to put my baby in make-up. She has hazel eyes but someone’s edited them to make them look bright green and added black eyelashes and lipstick.

‘As sickening as the comments were on Callia’s, they were mild. The other stuff that’s on there is even worse. I nearly threw up, I was literally retching like I was going to be sick. I’ve not been sleeping properly since I found out.’

PIC FROM Kennedy News and Media (PICTURED: AMANDA MORGAN, 29, WITH CALLIA MORGAN) A mum has been left unable to sleep after discovering paedophiles had swiped pictures of her BABY to list on a child abuse website - leaving sick comments about how they 'couldn't resist' her. Amanda Morgan was almost sick when she found images of her two-year-old daughter Callia Morgan, aged just six months in the pics, nabbed from her public Instagram and put on a perverted site to be leered at by creeps. The commenters pawed over three sweet snaps of Callia that they edited to make it look like the youngster had bright green eyes and was sporting eyelashes and lipstick. DISCLAIMER: While Kennedy News and Media uses its best endeavours to establish the copyright and authenticity of all pictures supplied, it accepts no liability for any damage, loss or legal action caused by the use of images supplied and the publication of images is solely at your discretion. SEE KENNEDY NEWS COPY - 0161 697 4266
The images were first shared on her Instagram account (Picture: Kennedy News and Media)
PIC FROM Kennedy News and Media (PICTURED: THE EDITED SNAP OF CALLIA MORGAN UPLOADED TO THE VILE WEBSITE SHOWING HER APPEAR TO HAVE BRIGHT GREEN EYES AND WEARING EYELASHES AND LIPSTICK) A mum has been left unable to sleep after discovering paedophiles had swiped pictures of her BABY to list on a child abuse website - leaving sick comments about how they 'couldn't resist' her. Amanda Morgan was almost sick when she found images of her two-year-old daughter Callia Morgan, aged just six months in the pics, nabbed from her public Instagram and put on a perverted site to be leered at by creeps. The commenters pawed over three sweet snaps of Callia that they edited to make it look like the youngster had bright green eyes and was sporting eyelashes and lipstick. DISCLAIMER: While Kennedy News and Media uses its best endeavours to establish the copyright and authenticity of all pictures supplied, it accepts no liability for any damage, loss or legal action caused by the use of images supplied and the publication of images is solely at your discretion. SEE KENNEDY NEWS COPY - 0161 697 4266 (Credits: Kennedy News and Media)
Callia’s face was edited to look like she was wearing make up (Picture: Kennedy News and Media)

Amanda’s pictures were first shared on her personal Instagram account before being circulated ‘innocently’ on ‘cute baby pages’ on other social media networks. She is now warning other parents that their images might ‘fall into the wrong hands’.

She has joined other parents in trying to get the website shut down, but as of now it still remains live, with her daughter’s images online.

Amanda, from Merseyside, Liverpool, said: ‘I set up an account on this website because you can’t see anything until you set one up. It looks like an innocent website. I went on it and saw there are thousands of users and they all post pictures, there were even posts where mums shared pictures of their own kids.

‘There are child abuse images all over the website. The usernames go from A-Z and each letter has thousands of users with paedophile usernames like “baby abuser”. I’ve never seen anything like it.

PIC FROM Kennedy News and Media (PICTURED: MUM AMANDA MORGAN, 29, CALLIA MORGAN, AND PAUL MORGAN, 29) A mum has been left unable to sleep after discovering paedophiles had swiped pictures of her BABY to list on a child abuse website - leaving sick comments about how they 'couldn't resist' her. Amanda Morgan was almost sick when she found images of her two-year-old daughter Callia Morgan, aged just six months in the pics, nabbed from her public Instagram and put on a perverted site to be leered at by creeps. The commenters pawed over three sweet snaps of Callia that they edited to make it look like the youngster had bright green eyes and was sporting eyelashes and lipstick. DISCLAIMER: While Kennedy News and Media uses its best endeavours to establish the copyright and authenticity of all pictures supplied, it accepts no liability for any damage, loss or legal action caused by the use of images supplied and the publication of images is solely at your discretion. SEE KENNEDY NEWS COPY - 0161 697 4266
She is now sharing her story to warn other parents (Picture: Kennedy News and Media)
PIC FROM Kennedy News and Media (PICTURED: SICK COMMENTS LEFT BY USERS ON THE VILE WEBSITE) A mum has been left unable to sleep after discovering paedophiles had swiped pictures of her BABY to list on a child abuse website - leaving sick comments about how they 'couldn't resist' her. Amanda Morgan was almost sick when she found images of her two-year-old daughter Callia Morgan, aged just six months in the pics, nabbed from her public Instagram and put on a perverted site to be leered at by creeps. The commenters pawed over three sweet snaps of Callia that they edited to make it look like the youngster had bright green eyes and was sporting eyelashes and lipstick. DISCLAIMER: While Kennedy News and Media uses its best endeavours to establish the copyright and authenticity of all pictures supplied, it accepts no liability for any damage, loss or legal action caused by the use of images supplied and the publication of images is solely at your discretion. SEE KENNEDY NEWS COPY - 0161 697 4266
Comments left on the site made Amanda feel physically sick (Picture: Kennedy News and Media)

‘I didn’t want to look too deep because I didn’t want to scar myself. Obviously mine’s bad with the comments, but my baby’s fully dressed. These kids are getting abused and getting pictures taken of them by their own parents

‘I just feel so sick and I feel sad for those babies.’

Amanda has now made her personal Instagram page private, reported the website to the police and contacted a children’s charity to see if they can help her situation.

She added: ‘I don’t want anyone else to go through that and I don’t want these children on that site with this happening to them. Me staying quiet isn’t helping anyone, I need to make people aware this site is there and the more attention that’s brought to it it will get it taken down.’

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