NH9.10 | Moving beyond the hazard: understanding and managing the complex nature of drought risks and impacts
Moving beyond the hazard: understanding and managing the complex nature of drought risks and impacts
Convener: Marthe Wens | Co-conveners: Veit Blauhut, Jordan Christian, David J. Peres, Mariana Madruga de Brito, Michael Hagenlocher, David W. Walker
| Thu, 18 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST), 14:00–15:45 (CEST)
Room 0.15
Posters on site
| Attendance Fri, 19 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST) | Display Fri, 19 Apr, 08:30–12:30
Hall X4
Posters virtual
| Attendance Fri, 19 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST) | Display Fri, 19 Apr, 08:30–18:00
vHall X4
Orals |
Thu, 10:45
Fri, 10:45
Fri, 14:00
Droughts pose a global challenge with profound consequences, demanding a comprehensive understanding of this water-related disaster risk. Its adverse effects (e.g. water scarcity, production loss) can cause disastrous impacts (e.g. market instability, hunger, conflict) and occur across interconnected systems (e.g. forestry, tourism, energy, health) at various scales (e.g. through virtual water transfers; caused by multi-year or flash droughts). As the frequency and severity of droughts, and especially of flash and rapidly emerging droughts, increases, the need for proactive risk management alternatives becomes increasingly urgent. The cascading consequences of droughts on diverse systems underscore the need for a holistic approach. Although progress has been made in sector-specific analyses, understanding the complex interplay between different types of droughts, and between its impacts and vulnerability dynamics, remains a persistent challenge.
A substantial portion of drought research to date has focused on the (monitoring of) drought hazard only. However this session seeks to bridge gaps in drought research by focussing on understanding and managing associated risks and impacts. It aims to bring together state-of-the-art transdisciplinary research on systemic drought risks, the emergence of flash droughts, interconnected vulnerabilities, multi-sectoral impact assessment, and implications for drought risk management and adaptation. We aim to discuss topics ranging from the unravelling of cascading and compounding drought risks and impacts to evaluating participatory tools supporting systemic drought resilience. The session will bring together advances on understanding the interactions between the human and water systems and their effect on impact propagation and trade-offs and synergies of drought risk reduction.
Scientists and practitioners specializing in the thematic fields outlined above are invited to contribute their worldwide case studies and meta-insights. We hope to discuss conceptual, methodological, and empirical studies, leveraging diverse methodologies from both the natural and social sciences. We encourage submissions presenting systemic risk assessments and socio-hydrological or hydrosocial contributions, and also welcome sector-specific reviews. By stimulating dialogue among researchers and other stakeholders, this session seeks to support participatory research and foster a community committed to identifying challenges and advancing drought risk research.

Orals: Thu, 18 Apr | Room 0.15

Evaluating drought impacts
On-site presentation
Pedro Henrique Lima Alencar, Trenton Wayne Ford, and Eva Nora Paton

The current approach to defining (flash) droughts in climate and hydrology typically relies on standardized indexes like SPI, SMI, and SPEI, combined with specific thresholds to determine the onset and conclusion of these events. However, this methodology often overlooks a crucial aspect – the impacts that communities experience during these events, such as plant mortality, well drying, or heat stress. We propose a novel framework that integrates the community's perception of extreme events, considering both the impact and risk tolerance of these communities. Our approach involves actively engaging with communities and stakeholders to understand their perception of extreme events, their associated impacts, and their levels of resilience and risk acceptance. By leveraging hydrological and crop models alongside historical and projected climate data, we can analyse conditions associated with specific impacts and the severity of these impacts for each community or user group. Additionally, we can develop local definitions of droughts and other related extreme events that align more closely with community perceptions and relevant impacts. This tailored approach aims to enhance communication and resilience within these communities. We tested this new framework in the farming communities of Illinois (USA), Brandenburg (Germany) and Ceará (Brazil), where we identified varying perceptions of drought impacts. Using these insights, we formulated distinct definitions of flash droughts for different regions, considering local climate conditions and community perspectives. This approach resulted in improved event identification and definition, facilitating more effective communication and empowering community actions.


How to cite: Lima Alencar, P. H., Ford, T. W., and Paton, E. N.: Impact perception as driver for extreme event definition, identification and monitoring, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11341, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-11341, 2024.

On-site presentation
Monika Bláhová, Veit Blauhut, Mirko D’Andrea, Lauro Rossi, Kerstin Stahl, and Kathrin Szillat

Droughts are among the most destructive natural disasters affecting millions worldwide, profoundly impacting society and ecosystems. The demand for effective drought impact monitoring and reporting systems was proven to be crucial for timely mitigation and response. Traditionally, drought impact monitoring systems rely heavily on manual processing analysis and validation of physical and online reports or costly clipping databases, often lacking real-time information. The manual processing of drought impact reports is not only time-consuming but also prone to inconsistencies and delays in the long term. The sheer volume of data generated daily demands significant human resources, often leading to escalated costs and low viability of the final drought impact databases. These challenges underscore the need for more efficient, cost-effective, and reliable methods to process and analyze drought-related data. Recent advancements in large language models (LLM) and artificial intelligence (AI) tools have opened new pathways for enhancing drought impact monitoring systems. The recent EDORA (The European Drought Observatory for Resilience and Adaptation) project enabled us to employ these novel methods, facilitating the task of populating the European Drought Impact Database (EDID). The specific methodology and workflow we tested involved three steps: (1) automated searching for drought impact-related online media posts, (2) automated text translations, and (3) automated text content analysis. Step (1) of the workflow involved employing Google News Archive Search for EU countries in 2000-2022 to scrape relevant online media reports automatically. Searching was based upon predefined search queries translated into all official EU languages. The media report's content was acquired using the trafilatura Python package. A large number of reports found this way were then, in Step (2), translated to the English language using Amazon AWS Translation service. In order to support a correct selection and classification of the drought impact database’s structure, Step (3) was necessary. The translated reports were further analyzed and classified using the GPT 3.5 API, extracting structured data from unstructured text. Thanks to this semi-automated workflow, we analyzed over 60000 online reports and included over 700 additional entries to the EDID. The difference in these numbers shows that the multi-step workflow is necessary to select only those reports that comply with the drought impact definitions of EDID. The contribution will illustrate the difficulties and successes in each step with specific examples. In conclusion, integrating LLM and AI tools into drought impact monitoring systems presents a significant leap forward in our ability to process vast amounts of data quickly and accurately. While some expert decisions are still necessary in our workflow, this innovation reduces the reliance on manual labor and associated costs.  From an operational risk management perspective, it enhances the responsiveness and effectiveness of drought impact reporting. As we continue to refine and expand these technologies, we anticipate a future where real-time, accurate drought impact monitoring is not just a possibility but a reality.

How to cite: Bláhová, M., Blauhut, V., D’Andrea, M., Rossi, L., Stahl, K., and Szillat, K.: Enhanced drought impact monitoring: integrating automated search, translations, and text analysis into online media report scraping, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-8923, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-8923, 2024.

On-site presentation
Stefano Terzi, Luigi Piemontese, Stefan Schneiderbauer, and Massimiliano Pittore

Droughts in mountains are expected to increase in the future with consequences downstream and beyond mountain ranges. While these conditions are internationally recognized, quantitative data on drought effects and impacts are still lacking or not available. This gap hampers a clear understanding and modelling of drought conditions for future adaptation. For these reasons, unconventional data types (such as newspaper articles) have been recently explored to fill this gap with information on drought extension, duration and impacts. In particular, the 2022-2023 drought in the North of Italy was one of the most impactful events in the modern history of the country causing severe damages for a long period on multiple sectors. However, data on its impacts is not available.

For these reasons, this study aims to create an automatic and open near-real time drought impact inventory from newspaper articles for the Italian Alps focusing on the 2022-2023 event. By doing so, the database allows to investigate drought impacts looking at their dynamics in space, time and across multiple sectors. Building on concepts and classifications from the European Drought Impact Inventory, the Italian Alpine Drought Impact Inventory includes an automatic identification of newspaper article, harvesting and classification of information on drought impacts according to the: geographical area (e.g., municipality, river basins and province), the affected sectors (e.g., agriculture, energy, urban and tourism) and temporal duration of events occurred in the Italian Alps. Information is sourced and categorized from newspaper articles from 2022 on a weekly basis through an automated text analysis of Google News query results which are processed using Natural Language Processing methods of tagging and classification. The resulting inventory provides an open-source database of drought information making data available for further research on droughts.

Preliminary analyses of the Italian Alpine Drought Impact Inventory show the largest number of news reported during the July-2023 period covering multiple sectors, mainly agriculture and water supply. A high number of news can also be observed in March 2022, capturing the early signals of snow drought conditions in the Alps that led to extended impacts during summer and autumn. Overall, the open dataset has the potential to advance the understanding of drought impacts in the Italian Alps towards a better informed implementation of prevention strategies and future climate change adaptation.

How to cite: Terzi, S., Piemontese, L., Schneiderbauer, S., and Pittore, M.: The Italian Alpine Drought Impact Inventory through an automatic text analysis of newspaper articles: the case of 2022-2023 drought, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11009, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-11009, 2024.

On-site presentation
Kerstin Stahl, Kathrin Szillat, Monika Blahova, Veit Blauhut, Lauro Rossi, Dario Masante, Willem Maetens, and Andrea Toreti

Drought impact data play a crucial role in assessing drought risk, aiding in the determination and validation of warning levels, and predicting potential impacts. Although there is a growing consensus on the operational use of monitored physical drought hazard indices, there is currently no universally accepted convention for drought impact data. This contribution delves into the methodology, development, and content filling of the European Drought Impact Database (EDID), illustrating the challenges involved in transitioning from initial research databases to a database tailored for operational purposes, specifically within the framework of the Copernicus European Drought Observatory. Drawing on previous experience with text-based drought impact reports and regional sector-specific operational impact monitoring, EDID addresses the need for common, yet impact-specific, and information-specific solutions. The conceptual data model for coding text into usable data attributes, such as the impacted system, time, and location of the impact, needed to balance between parsimony and flexibility. The model developed allows for future expansion of sources and links; linked attribute tables enable the storage of source and sector-specific data. The implementation of a new severity score applicable across all nine impacted systems highlights this challenge of finding a balance between commonality and specificity. 

To test the method's applicability, diverse existing databases, including the European Drought Impact Report Inventory (EDII) and regional or national inventories, such as the Czech Intersucho data, were integrated into the new EDID. Additional content was gathered through a semi-automated webcrawl+translation+classification procedure to fill gaps using media reports. The development and content-building of EDID mark significant progress towards a Europe-wide and more consistent collection and archiving of drought impact data. However, challenges persist for the real-time operational use of EDID as an indicator of the situation and for certain future analyses. Drought impact reports often lack sufficiently accurate geographical or time references and other key attributes. The spatial differences in the current EDID database's impact data records content highlight the need for more effective sharing of regional experience and knowledge, serving as examples across larger regions, as well as a  systematic approach to impact data collection. Despite these challenges, the EDID represents a substantial step forward in enhancing our understanding of drought impacts on a broader scale.

This work was part of the project EDORA - European Drought Observatory for Resilience and Adaptation (The European Commisssion DG Environment and Joint Research Centre; https://edo.jrc.ec.europa.eu/edora/)

How to cite: Stahl, K., Szillat, K., Blahova, M., Blauhut, V., Rossi, L., Masante, D., Maetens, W., and Toreti, A.: The European Drought Impact Database (EDID) - from Research to Operation, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11625, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-11625, 2024.

Conceptualising drought risk and management
On-site presentation
Riccardo Biella, Anastasiya Shyrokaya, and Monica Ionita and the Drought in the Anthropocene (DitA) working group - Panta Rhei/HELPING

The summer of 2022 marked a turning point for Europe as the largest drought in centuries unfolded, with dire consequences for livelihoods and ecosystems all across the continent. High temperatures and prolonged record-low precipitation underscored the event. The ensuing heatwaves in May, June, and July intensified water uptake, exacerbating conditions all across the continent, and causing secondary hazards, such as wildfires and landslides.

This research offers a comprehensive overview of the 2022 European drought, reconnecting the physical drivers of the drought, to its societal and ecological impacts, and the drought risk management measures implemented by water managers across the continent. To do so, this study relies on a survey submitted to water managers all across the continent. The survey gathered 487 responses from 30 European countries, predominantly from public and governmental organizations, making it one of the largest datasets on response to this event to date. The study shows that while Southwestern Europe bore the initial brunt, the whole continent endured protracted effects. Water managers across Europe almost unanimously acknowledged that the risk of drought is increasing and that its management is becoming more crucial year after year.

Based on the collected data we identified a correlation between increased awareness and improved preparedness post 2018-2019 drought. Yet, while awareness of drought risk is growing rapidly, preparedness lags. Additionally, despite the upward trajectory of drought preparedness, challenges persist in managing large-scale events. Differences among countries are significant, underscoring the need for European-wide coordination.

The type of measures taken varied by region and sector. In particular, water managers in Southern Europe, where agriculture is more prevalent, focussed on water supply-side measures, showing an imperative to preserve business-as-usual operations even in the face of water scarcity. On the other hand, water demand management was more common in Central and Western Europe. Long-term and transformative measures and ecosystem-based measures remain underused, underscoring how drought risk management remains largely responsive and event-focused. As droughts transcend borders, pan-European coordination is paramount to ensure effective drought risk management and address disparities in capacity across countries.

How to cite: Biella, R., Shyrokaya, A., and Ionita, M. and the Drought in the Anthropocene (DitA) working group - Panta Rhei/HELPING: The 2022 European Drought Needs to be a Turning Point for Drought Risk Management: An Overview from Drivers to Impact and Management, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-20347, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-20347, 2024.

On-site presentation
Michael Hagenlocher, Gustavo Naumann, Isabel Meza, Veit Blauhut, Davide Cotti, Petra Döll, Katrin Ehlert, Franziska Gaupp, Anne F. Van Loon, Jose A. Marengo, Lauro Rossi, Anne-Sophie Sabino Siemons, Stefan Siebert, Abebe Tadege Tsehayu, Andrea Toreti, Daniel Tsegai, Carolina Vera, Jürgen Vogt, and Marthe Wens

In the last few years, the world has experienced numerous extreme droughts with adverse impacts on coupled human and natural systems. While agriculture is the most affected sector, the lack of water due to droughts in our highly interconnected world also affects ecosystems, public water supply, power generation, tourism, water-borne transport and buildings, often with non-linear cascading and systemic impacts. Moreover, droughts also interact with other hazards in complex ways, for example leading to compound heat-drought events, wildfires or aggravated impacts when concurring with other non-climatic hazards and shocks, such as the COVID-19 pandemic. At the same time, responses to droughts can also lead to response risks, for example when the establishment of reservoirs in response to droughts leads to overreliance on these reservoirs and in turn increases the vulnerability of communities, sectors and systems to droughts. Combined, these characteristics pose a serious challenge to our ability to grasp the complexities of drought risks and to manage them in a comprehensive way. To avoid ineffective risk management and maladaptation, a paradigm shift in how we look at, assess and manage drought risks is urgently needed – from a siloed, single-risk (e.g. drought risks for agriculture, energy, transport) to a systemic perspective.  

However, despite more frequent and severe events, systemic drought risk assessment is still incipient compared to that of other meteorological and climate hazards. This is mainly due to the outlined complexity of drought, the high level of uncertainties in its analysis, and the lack of community agreement on a common framework to tackle the problem. Addressing this gap, we propose a novel drought risk framework that highlights the systemic nature of drought risks, and show its operationalization using the example of the 2022 drought in Europe. Our research emphasizes that solutions to tackle growing drought risks should not only consider the underlying drivers of drought risks for different sectors, systems or regions, but also be based on an understanding of sector/system interdependencies, feedbacks, dynamics, compounding and concurring hazards, as well as possible tipping points and globally and/or regionally networked risks.

How to cite: Hagenlocher, M., Naumann, G., Meza, I., Blauhut, V., Cotti, D., Döll, P., Ehlert, K., Gaupp, F., Van Loon, A. F., Marengo, J. A., Rossi, L., Sabino Siemons, A.-S., Siebert, S., Tadege Tsehayu, A., Toreti, A., Tsegai, D., Vera, C., Vogt, J., and Wens, M.: Understanding and managing growing drought risks – the need for a systemic perspective, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-4690, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-4690, 2024.

Quantifying drought risk
On-site presentation
Lauro Rossi, Marthe Wens, Hans De Moel, Davide Cotti, Anne-Sophie Sabino Siemons, Michael Hagenlocher, Anne Van Loon, Willem Maetens, Dario Masante, Andrea Toreti, Gustavo Naumann, Roberto Rudari, Michele Meroni, Francesco Avanzi, Tatiana Ghizzoni, and Paulo Barbosa

In the past decades, and notably the last few years, droughts have severely impacted various interconnected socio-economic sectors and ecosystems across the EU. These impacts encompass, among others, extensive losses in both rain-fed and irrigated agriculture, challenges and constraints in public water supply, disruptions in inland shipping, diminished production of hydropower and thermoelectric energy, impaired functioning of terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems, and implications for the tourism industry. In order to better prepare for future drought events in Europe, knowledge on the drivers, spatial patterns and dynamics of drought risks is urgently needed. 

The European Drought Risk Atlas responds to that need by mapping hotspots and risk drivers across diverse systems and regions within the EU. Combining conceptual risk models (impact chains) and a data-driven quantitative drought risk assessment based on machine learning, this Atlas represents a significant stride toward impact-driven drought risk analysis in present and projected global warming levels (+1.5°C, +2.0°C, +3.0°C). It provides a detailed and disaggregated perspective on the risks posed by droughts to societies and ecosystems, with a particular focus on agriculture, public water supply, energy, river transportation, freshwater, and terrestrial ecosystems.

The data-driven analysis reveals that current levels of drought risk in the EU are already notable, with average annual losses presenting economic and environmental threats in nearly all regions. As expected, the Mediterranean region, particularly the Iberian Peninsula, faces high drought risk under both current and projected climate conditions, driven by the escalating dry conditions associated with global warming. However, while drought risk of certain sectors in Europe follows a north-south gradient of overall mean drying (south) and wetting (north) under climate change, the analysis underscores that each sector reacts distinctly to current and projected hazard conditions, exhibiting sector-specific sensitivity. Eastern and Western Europe may experience complex dynamics due to the interplay between drying and wetting patterns and precipitation variability, resulting in different risk conditions depending on the considered sector. While the analysis may still be refined as new data (observations and future climate simulations) become available, this Atlas represents a unique tool of unparalleled value that can shape future EU preparedness and adaptation policies.

How to cite: Rossi, L., Wens, M., De Moel, H., Cotti, D., Sabino Siemons, A.-S., Hagenlocher, M., Van Loon, A., Maetens, W., Masante, D., Toreti, A., Naumann, G., Rudari, R., Meroni, M., Avanzi, F., Ghizzoni, T., and Barbosa, P.: Insights from the European Drought Risk Atlas, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-9666, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-9666, 2024.

On-site presentation
Dor Fridman, Reetik Sahu, Emilio Politti, Peter Burek, Barbara Willaarts, Marthe Wens, Natalia Limones Rodriguez, and Taher Kahil

Drought hazards have intensified in many world regions during the recent century, exposing multiple environmental and socio-economic systems to increased risks. Nevertheless, estimating drought risk is still challenging due to the complex links between drought hazards and their potentially disastrous impacts. The recently published JRC European drought risk atlas, an outcome of the European Drought Observatory for Resilience and Adaptation (EDORA) project, has utilized a data-driven approach, linking drought’s hazard, vulnerability, and exposure with observed sectoral impacts. This project links theoretical causal impact chains and quantitative outcome-oriented drought risk assessment, resulting in a high-resolution assessment of drought-driven sectoral impacts, which can support drought management, and adaptation policies and actions.

At the European level, long time series of observed impacts may be limited in terms of spatial or sectoral coverage, relevance, or granularity. However, specific countries often collect and compile sub-national resolution impact data relevant to drought risk assessment that can inform management and adaptation policies and actions. Implementation at a subnational scale using customized country specific data can be a valuable tool to assess drought risk and impact. However, ensuring valid and reliable results would require following a standard procedure. We explore this potential and delve one step deeper by conducting a national data-driven drought risk assessment in Romania.

We use data from various Romanian government agencies to examine drought-associated impacts on water supply, hydroelectricity energy production, and cultivated crop production. These spatially explicit national data provide larger coverage (cultivated crops), higher spatial resolution (hydroelectricity generation), and country-relevant data (drinking water supply to households) as compared to using Eurostat data for a Europe-wide approach. Data is not restricted only to these sectors; instead, it allows extending the sectoral coverage beyond that of the European drought risk atlas and exploring drought impacts on livestock productivity, water-dependent tourism, and forestry productivity, which are sectors of specific interest to the country. A preliminary assessment suggests a range of sectoral impacts associated with droughts in Romania. The livestock productivity suffers an average annual loss (AAL) of 1 -2%, the forestry sector presents 3% of AAL, and the tourism sector has the highest AAL, at around 6%.

This proposed talk will focus on the potential of applying the Pan-European data-driven drought risk assessment method with nationally derived and diverse datasets, highlighting its flexibility in incorporating additional sectors. Specifically, we will present results for sectors not accounted for before. Finally, we will provide insights into the opportunities and limitations of standardizing the data-driven approach to conduct country-specific, sub-national drought risk assessments.

How to cite: Fridman, D., Sahu, R., Politti, E., Burek, P., Willaarts, B., Wens, M., Limones Rodriguez, N., and Kahil, T.: Data-driven assessment of drought impacts – exploring sectoral impacts at a subnational scale: a case study for Romania., EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-7553, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-7553, 2024.

On-site presentation
Claudia Canedo Rosso, Lars Nyberg, and Ilias Pechlivanidis

Sweden is known for its abundance of water resources, while future climatic projections indicate a rise in precipitation and temperature rates. However, droughts had severe effects on the environment, society, and agriculture in 2016, 2017 and 2018, highlighting the need for improved drought monitoring and management. The agricultural sector, in particular, suffered significantly during the 2018, 2021, and 2023 droughts, inquiring the need for enhancements in climate adaptation and preparedness. This study aims to assess the agricultural drought in Sweden with a focus on hazard assessment and its associated impacts. Firstly, we unfold the lessons learnt from continental observatories and national services by evaluating the reliability of the derived information and identifying the added value for local decision making. For this, we compare the simulated soil moisture derived from the LISFLOOD and S-HYPE hydrological models, and we evaluate the modelled simulations against earth observation-based soil moisture from the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) Climate Data Store (CDS). Based on the LISFLOOD model, we used anomalies of the soil moisture index and the combined drought index at a 10-day average and at a 5 km spatial resolution. Daily runoff and soil moisture data were also used from the S-HYPE model at about 13 km2 spatial resolution. Secondly, the spatiotemporal drought hazard is assessed using drought indicators to identify drought frequency and intensity. Here, drought indicators such as Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI), Soil Moisture Anomaly (SMA), and Combined Drought Index (CDI) are computed using S-HYPE model outputs. Finally, we evaluate the utility of integrating data from drought indices (SPI-1, SPI-3, SMA and CDI) and crop yield of wheat and potato to improve the understanding of the links between impacts and statistical indices. The relationships between drought onset and yield response are evaluated for different aggregation of time periods and lags (i.e., monthly). The study outputs are used to assess alternative ways to improve decision-making regarding adaptation strategies to reduce agricultural vulnerability and the capability of addressing the challenges posed by a changing climate.

How to cite: Canedo Rosso, C., Nyberg, L., and Pechlivanidis, I.: Agricultural Drought in Sweden: Assessment of Hazard and Impacts, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-1646, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-1646, 2024.

On-site presentation
Shih-Hsiang Huang and Su-Ting Cheng

In Taiwan, water storage grapples with challenges from steep slopes, fast-flowing streams, limited land size, and a dense population, intensifying constraints on water resources. Climate-sensitive agriculture, especially vulnerable to drought, faces threats to Taiwan’s food supply, particularly in the Jhuoshuei River Alluvial Plain, crucial for rice cultivation. To investigate the drought-rice yield relationship there, this study focused on Changhua County, chosen for its comprehensive meteorological data, encompassing maximum and minimum temperatures, precipitation, wind speed, relative humidity, and solar radiation. Given the geographical features of Changhua County, where farmers heavily rely on groundwater, drought events may induce land subsidence due to excessive groundwater pumping. Utilizing AquaCrop, a crop-water productivity model developed by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, we simulated historical rice yields from the first crop between 2016 to 2021, configuring model parameters with soil properties, groundwater, water quality, and meteorological data. Rice growth conditions were determined by the growth degree days method, and irrigation was modeled with the first two transplanting stages having a 3 cm ponding depth, followed by a third stage with weekly draining and drying, a nutrient phase with 5 cm water, and final drainage before harvesting. For drought assessment, we calculated consecutive drought days and standardized precipitation index (SPI) to evaluate rice yields risk. A sensitivity analysis of temperature, precipitation, additional irrigation, and harvesting time was conducted to comprehend potential effects on rice yield under drought conditions. Despite drought events in 2017, 2019, and 2021 (SPI≦-1), records showed no reduction in rice yields. AquaCrop simulations revealed a rice yield range of 4.02 to 8.51 (t/ha) with a root mean square error (RMSE) of 2.40 (t/ ha) and mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) of 22.66%. Farmers may have mitigated drought impacts by pumping groundwater. Assessing irrigation water by pumping, adding 1 to 3 irrigation events brought simulations closest to rice production records, with an RMSE of 0.06 t/ha and MAPE of 0.65%. The Sensitivity analysis results showed a strong correlation (R2=0.97) between precipitation change and yield. While no clear linear relationship existed between temperature change and yield, reductions in temperature could increase production. Additional irrigation, up to four times during drought, resulted in the highest yield improvement (2.06 t/ha). Beyond the fifth irrigation, yield slightly decreased to 2.05 t/ha, with no further improvements. Lastly, changes in the harvest period exhibited a high correlation with yield (R2=0.99). These findings provide a valuable reference for developing agricultural policies to ensure food supply and farmers’ livelihoods. Future research will explore the relationship between drought and rice yield under climate change scenarios to understand potential agricultural risks better.

How to cite: Huang, S.-H. and Cheng, S.-T.: Assessing the Risk of Rice Production under Drought Conditions in the Jhuoshuei River Alluvial Plain, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-3717, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-3717, 2024.

Lunch break
Drivers of drought risk: Vulnerabilities and compounding hazards
On-site presentation
Mihai Ciprian Margarint, Andra-Cosmina Albulescu, Mihai Niculita, Jianshuang Wu, and Paolo Tarolli

Droughts represent the main climatic hazard in NE Romania, affecting all agricultural activities to different extents, depending on their timing and intensity. This work investigates the drought risk perception of livestock farmers, together with their coping strategies, through a downscaled approach. Extensive fieldwork complemented by interviews and a survey was carried out during the summers of 2022 and 2023, with the main goal of gathering data from the most drought-sensitive and impacted farmer typology: livestock farmers that practice grazing, depending entirely on the amounts of precipitation and their distribution during the grazing period.

The questionnaire was applied to 185 farmers with different farm settings. This included 64 questions (with response types grouped in 5-point Likert scale, dichotomic, multiple choice, or open items), structured as: (i) the risk perception of the farmers regarding climate-related hazards (awareness, perceived trends of climate hazards, impacts on water and feed supply, animal health, pasture quality, preparedness, trust in authorities); (ii) farm settings (type, size, water supply, restrictive factors, production specificity, animal breed, partnership status, perspectives), and (iii) farmer profile (age, education level, experience, implication, place of living, heat vulnerability, satisfaction level). The statistical analysis was performed in R (univariate, bivariate, and multivariate analysis).

The results include a broad range of correlations and insights, from which we selected an initial subset statistically significant. Respondents considered droughts the most impactful climatic hazard, followed by heat waves, both in the last and the next 10 years. Also, about 75% of the farmers reported an increase in drought intensity and frequency in the last 10 years. In terms of preparedness, 58% of the participants reported that they implemented drought preparedness measures, although they estimate their preparedness level as medium (2.82 mean, 1.1 std). Medium to low levels were also reported by farmers when talking about trusting authorities at county (1.85 mean, 0.82 std), national (2.29 mean, 1.15 std) or European (2.34 mean, 1.26 std) scales to reduce the impact of droughts.

As drought risk perception is a prominent factor to be acknowledged and integrated into drought mitigation strategies, these findings can inform decision-making at regional and local scales. This study marks the start of drought risk perception research in Romania, being the first to address this topic in the country of reference and one of the few and most detailed in Europe.

How to cite: Margarint, M. C., Albulescu, A.-C., Niculita, M., Wu, J., and Tarolli, P.: Drought risk perception and adaptive measures of livestock farmers in NE Romania, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-8665, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-8665, 2024.

On-site presentation
Anne-Sophie Sabino Siemons, Davide Cotti, Marthe Wens, Hans de Moel, Lauro Rossi, Yvonne Walz, and Michael Hagenlocher

Ecosystems in Europe are increasingly faced with more frequent and more intense drought events. The impacts of droughts do not only undermine ecosystem health and the provision of ecosystem services, but can lead to the deterioration of the system’s long-term resilience to droughts. In order to effectively assess, reduce, and manage the risks posed by droughts on ecosystems, it is first necessary to gain a thorough understanding of how droughts affect a particular ecosystem, what the underlying risk drivers and root causes are, and how these interact to produce that risk. 

Addressing this need, we have developed conceptual models of drought risks for two highly-relevant European ecosystem types, forest and freshwater ecosystems. The conceptual models were developed and visualized using the impact chain methodology, building on extensive literature review and expert consultations, and validated in a series of expert workshops. Following this process, the risks of decreased primary production, forest die-off, and soil degradation and desertification were identified for forest ecosystems, and the risk of disruption of environmental flow for freshwater ecosystems.

The resulting impact chains provide insights into how different climatic, ecological, and societal risk drivers interact to produce drought risks for ecosystems, with some drivers being specific to a certain risk (e.g. forest composition), and others shared across them (e.g. societal water demand and abstractions). While some of these drivers relate to purely ecological features (e.g. plant physiology or soil conditions), many relate to how ecosystems are managed, and to the influence of other sectors/systems upon them (e.g. hydropower, river transportation or intensive agriculture and their adverse effects on freshwater ecosystems). Moreover, the impact chains also highlight some of the root causes (e.g. increased demand for energy, farmers' lack of awareness about agriculture's impacts on freshwater ecosystems, or incentives to enhance navigability) behind these drivers, indicating potential entry points for risk reduction and adaptation. 

The visualization in impact chains is useful to enhance the understanding and at the same time break down the complexity of the risks for these systems, which can support data-driven risk assessment, as well as the identification of entry points for risk management and adaptation. 

While in this work the risks posed by droughts for forests and freshwater ecosystems were assessed on European level, the impact chain approach presented here can be used at different scales and transferred to different ecosystems at risk from droughts. Moreover, it can be used to identify common risk drivers between ecosystems that could be addressed jointly, contributing to a more systemic drought risk management. 

How to cite: Sabino Siemons, A.-S., Cotti, D., Wens, M., de Moel, H., Rossi, L., Walz, Y., and Hagenlocher, M.: Understanding drought risks for European ecosystems through conceptual risk models, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-18709, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-18709, 2024.

On-site presentation
Yingzhu Li, Elaine Faustman, and Christina Norton

The accessibility of water resource, encompassing both water quantity and quality, is pivotal for public health and aquatic ecosystem. It has been recognized by water related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) such as life on land and below water. This study underscores the importance of integrating these goals in the context of water resource accessibility. We develop water scarcity assessment that accounts for water demands of human activities by further introducing water quantity and quality requirements for different aquatic life uses. This is applied in a case study for Nooksack watershed that featured diverse anadromous fish habitats. In this study, local data including hydrological flows modelled using regional records, local water quality data, and water withdrawal reports are applied for enhancing the geographical specificity of our analysis. Using different geographical scales including management areas, drainages, and NHD stream reaches, along with annual and monthly temporal scales, this study presents a comprehensive view of water scarcity. Our findings reveal different levels of water scarcity across tributaries with residential distributions and the downstream region of the Nooksack River, with the most severe level observed in agriculture intensified area (Lower Nooksack) and moderately to highly developed urban coastal region (Lummi Bay Watershed). Impaired water quality contributes to exacerbated scarcity, especially during summer, peaking in August. The detailed water scarcity examination at stream reach level specifically identifies the border streams located in the Fishtrap drainage of Lower Nooksack as critically affected by both quantity and quality induced water scarcity. It highlights the need of effective management of border watersheds. It is noteworthy that water quality induced deficiencies of instream flow required by aquatic life uses distribute at mostly first level tributaries overlapping with those most affected drainages, but do not surge at some specific locations. The This study offers a novel framework for assessing water resources accessibility at watershed scale, advocating the downscaled application of water scarcity assessment results to the NHD reach level, thereby providing more intuitive and granular insights. 

How to cite: Li, Y., Faustman, E., and Norton, C.: Integrative Assessment of Water Scarcity: A Case Study in the Nooksack Watershed Addressing Human and Aquatic Life Needs, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-20107, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-20107, 2024.

On-site presentation
Bertrand Richaud, Jannik Anthonj, Ole Larsen, Markus Enenkel, and John Luke Plevin

One of the biggest strengths of parametric drought insurance products is that they can trigger payouts independently from observed losses (and expensive loss assessments), potentially increasing the speed of payouts and lowering premiums. To support low-income countries in formulating policies and developing instruments aimed at enhancing their financial resilience against drought, the World Bank’s Crisis and Disaster Risk Finance (CDRF) team and DHI are developing a novel drought risk finance dashboard. The overarching objective is to improve the transparency and accountability related to the development of drought risk financing instruments to strengthen national decision-making and risk ownership in low-income countries. The NextGen Drought Index (NGDI) dashboard is being piloted in Ethiopia, Kenya, and Somalia, with the vision to be implemented across Africa, and ultimately, on a global scale. The new tool allows users to access, visualize, and analyze historical and current drought conditions alongside socio-economic data, such as food insecurity. This enables users to close the critical gap between drought hazard, drought impact, and the performance of financial products. The dashboard optimizes the use of satellite-derived climate datasets, such as estimates of precipitation, soil moisture and vegetation greenness. It empowers users to combine and benchmark climate data from diverse Earth Observation (EO) platforms. This dynamic approach enables the assessment of drought risk and its temporal progression. Since the data must be analysed at a consistent geographical scale, all climate and environmental variables are aggregated and preprocessed for further analysis by governmental partners or regional stakeholders. The NGDI dashboard will be added to the CDRF team’s catalogue of tools. All choices regarding the platform’s architecture and technology prioritize sustainability, scalability, and cost-efficient maintenance. The dashboard was developed under the World Bank Disaster Risk Finance and Insurance Program, funded by the Global Shield Financing Facility (GSFF) and the Global Index Insurance Facility (GIIF).

How to cite: Richaud, B., Anthonj, J., Larsen, O., Enenkel, M., and Plevin, J. L.: NextGen Drought Index Dashboard - Designing and piloting a new satellite data platform to strengthen drought risk financing in the Horn of Africa, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-22325, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-22325, 2024.

On-site presentation
Lu Tian, Jingshui Huang, and Markus Disse

Anthropogenic global warming is exacerbating the frequency and severity of extreme droughts, reinforcing cascading effects across sectors and increasing the urgency of research on the systematic risks associated with droughts. Current research on cascading droughts is predominantly constrained to examining the temporal delay response of cross-sectoral droughts within single characterized regions or climate zones. The dynamic spatio-temporal migration of cross-system cascading drought chains across multiple climate zones remains unexplored. In this study, we rely on the highly precise event-by-event link between multiple types of droughts and make the first attempt to investigate the dynamic spatio-temporal migration trajectory of cross-system cascading droughts across multiple climate zones in Central Asia, including arid desert (AD), arid steppe (AS), temperate (T), cold (C) and alpine (Alp). The results capture for the first time the apparent spatial aggregation state of cascading drought events in the three climate zone combinations AD+AS, AD+AS+C+Alp, and AD+AS+Alp. The transition zone, from the alpine to the arid desert (AD+AS+C+Alp), represents a climate zone combination with the highest systematic drought risk zone, marked by the highest occurrence of the four-system cascading drought event involving droughts of precipitation, evaporation, runoff, and soil moisture. The typical cascading drought pattern shows that the hotspot gradually moves away from the Alp and C to AD and AS climate zones, implying the effect of the interplay between different climate zones on drought evolution. Our findings recommend that early warnings of systematic drought risk should not be limited to temporal links alone but should include both spatial and temporal aspects.

How to cite: Tian, L., Huang, J., and Disse, M.: Dynamic spatiotemporal migration of cross-sectoral cascading drought events across climate zones , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17075, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-17075, 2024.

On-site presentation
Zengchao Hao

Droughts can affect a variety of sectors, such as water resources, agricultural yield, and energy security. Moreover, their impacts can cascade or propagate to other regions due to the physical or socioeconomic linkages. Though drought impacts on energy (e.g., hydropower generation) have been well explored, their effects, in tandem with other extremes, such as heatwaves (or compound droughts and hot extremes), across different regions have been less explored. In this study, we demonstrated the compounding risk of droughts in Southwest China and hot extremes in East China (with hydropower transmission from Southwest China), which collectively presents challenges to energy security in East China. We then explore the changes in the characteristics of such spatial compounding of droughts and hot extremes across different regions in historical periods. Finally, future risks of such extremes are also explored based on simulations from Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6). This study can be useful for understanding compounding risks with impacts transmitted to remote locations through physical or socio-economical pathways.

How to cite: Hao, Z.: Compounding risks from droughts and hot extremes across different regions due to energy linkages , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-4546, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-4546, 2024.

Flash droughts
On-site presentation
Vishal Singh and Tushar Apurv

Understanding the physical mechanisms which contribute towards the rapid intensification of flash droughts is crucial for improving their forecasts. These mechanisms are difficult to elucidate using statistical techniques due to the complex interactions between land surface and atmospheric processes. In order to overcome this limitation, we use a slab model to model the coupled energy and water balance of the land and atmosphere. We develop an analytical framework to disentangle the influence of external forcings and system response driven by the state variables using the energy and water balance equations of the model. We apply the model to six locations selected from different climate regions of India to identify the physical mechanisms of flash droughts. We find that most flash droughts in India happen during the monsoon season, with higher frequency in humid regions of Northeast India and southern peninsular India. We find that all flash droughts occur during periods of deficient rainfall and the drying is predominantly driven by net shortwave radiation. However, the flash droughts differ in terms of contribution of winds towards drying, based on which we classify the flash drought mechanisms into three types: (a) Category 1: flash droughts with wind-driven intensification due to land-atmospheric feedback (b) Category 2: flash droughts with minimal contribution of winds towards drying and (c) Category 3: flash droughts with wind-driven intensification due to advected heat. We also show that although the enhanced vapor pressure deficit is a frequently recurring feature of flash droughts, it is not necessarily the most relevant contributor in their development.  

How to cite: Singh, V. and Apurv, T.: An analytical framework to understand flash drought mechanisms, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5881, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-5881, 2024.

On-site presentation
Xia Zhang, Jianping Duan, Francesco Cherubini, and Zhuguo Ma

Droughts cause multiple ecological and social damages. Reliable drought monitoring and forecasting can benefit various sectors by allowing adequate lead times for drought mitigation efforts. Drought indices are key tools to quantify drought severity, but they are currently limited to timescales of monthly or longer. However, shorter-timescale (e.g., daily) drought indices enable more accurate identification of drought characteristics (e.g., onset and cessation time), especially for flash droughts. Here, we propose a daily drought index named daily evapotranspiration deficit index (DEDI) that is constructed based on actual and potential evapotranspiration data. Through comparisons with multiple reference indices and observations, DEDI can well characterize the spatiotemporal evolution of regional drought events that occurred in North China, Southwest China, eastern Northwest China, and Northeast China in the spring and summer of 2019. We have publicly shared the DEDI dataset with a high spatial resolution (0.25°) and a long time series (1979–2022) covering global land areas, available at https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7768534. The dataset has also been validated to have the capability to capture dry and wet variations and to detect ecology- or agriculture-related droughts at a global scale. Overall, the DEDI indicator could be regarded as a practical solution to facilitate flash drought monitoring and early warning.

How to cite: Zhang, X., Duan, J., Cherubini, F., and Ma, Z.: A daily evapotranspiration-based drought indicator in characterizing spatiotemporal evolution of flash droughts, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2705, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-2705, 2024.

On-site presentation
Qiqi Gou, Akash Koppa, Diego Miralles, and Huiling Yuan

Flash droughts are characterized by their abrupt onset and rapid intensification. Identifying and quantifying the factors that trigger and accelerate the onset of flash droughts is crucial for establishing reliable early warning systems, and thus alleviate their detrimental impacts on agriculture, ecosystems, and water resources. Recent findings indicate that the combined influence of soil moisture depletion and atmospheric aridity contributes to the faster onset of flash droughts. However, the understanding of the dynamic and thermodynamic processes that expedite this rapid onset still remains limited. In this study, we utilized a drought index derived by a state-of-the-art generation of land evaporation model (the fourth version of the Global Land Evaporation Amsterdam Model; GLEAM v4.0), to investigate the spatial distribution and trends in flash drought onset speeds from 1980 to 2023. Our goal was to quantify the relative contributions of atmospheric circulation and evaporation to the trends in onset speed. Our results reveal that the transition from evaporation being energy-limited to water-limited serves as a sufficient condition for flash drought onset in humid and semi-humid regions. The onset speed of flash droughts has exhibited a significant increase since 1980, with intensified atmospheric circulation identified as a key driver for the increasing onset rates. Additionally, elevated evaporation, resulting from increased soil moisture and evaporative demand in the preceding period, emerges as the primary thermodynamic and dynamic factor expediting flash drought onset. This study enhances our understanding of the dynamic and thermodynamic drivers underlying flash droughts, contributing to the advancement of the flash drought onset mechanism. Moreover, the insights gained from this research provide valuable information for predicting flash droughts and developing strategies for effective mitigation.

How to cite: Gou, Q., Koppa, A., Miralles, D., and Yuan, H.: Relative contributions of atmospheric circulation and evaporation to the faster onset of flash droughts, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-3057, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-3057, 2024.

On-site presentation
Integrating Satellite Observations for Large-Scale Characterization and Monitoring of Flash Droughts in the Contiguous United States
Alireza Farahmand, Masoud Zeraati, Amir AghaKouchak, and Yixin Wen

Posters on site: Fri, 19 Apr, 10:45–12:30 | Hall X4

Display time: Fri, 19 Apr 08:30–Fri, 19 Apr 12:30
Drought vulnerability, impacts and risk
Mathis Joffrain and Nicolas Bruneau

Subsidence risk induced by drought produced widespread damages to low- rise buildings in France in 2022, and has become of increasing concern for insurers. Companies expect greater average annual costs in the near future, and modeling solutions are scare to model the impacts by extreme events. In this poster, we present a stochastic model designed to calculate the full distribution of annual losses over an home insurance portfolio. It generates a stochastic set of SSWI footprints based on ERA Land data and at each location, evaluates both the claim propensity and the insured damage. Results will show (i) how damage rates for drought induced subsidence risk compare to other perils in France and (ii) how the risk changes between current and future climate.

How to cite: Joffrain, M. and Bruneau, N.: Assessing drought induced subsidence risk in France under current and future climate, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-1636, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-1636, 2024.

Luigi Piemontese, Silvia De Angeli, Giulio Castelli, Lorenzo Villani, Giorgio Boni, and Elena Bresci

Drought is an increasingly widespread and impactful disaster across the world, causing serious impacts on health, agriculture, societies and the environment. For its complex nature, assessing the present and future impacts of droughts is a prominent challenge. Droughts can be defined differently according to the sectoral, disciplinary, and socio-economic domains, making drought impact assessment often ill-defined or incomplete. For example, droughts may or may not occur after a period of scarce precipitation, depending on local water access and use. Drought impacts are increasingly understood to be socially-influenced processes instead of mere hydro-climatic events. Transdisciplinary approaches to co-producing drought impact assessments and co-defining drought mitigation strategies are therefore particularly needed, while presenting specific challenges and differences compared to participatory approaches traditionally used for other natural hazards. Drawing from a diverse body of literature on participatory modelling research in the fields of transdisciplinary sustainability science, integrated water resources management, socio-hydrology and hydrosocial studies, we introduce a comprehensive framework for guiding participatory socio-hydrological modelling oriented to problem solving and real case applications. The framework is composed of two parts. The first part sets up a collaborative space by defining 1) a fitting drought governance space, 2)  potential shared definitions of drought impact; while the second part provides a practical guidance on 3) the biophysical as well as perceived features contributing to drought impact, 4) how and in which phase of the workflow to promote a proactive stakeholders involvement and 5) the potential pitfalls and uncertainty analysis to assess the equity and sustainability of the identified solutions. We further illustrate how such a framework can capture the different dimensions of participation throughout the modelling phases in some case studies to elucidate the applicability of the proposed approach in advancing research and action on drought impact assessment and mitigation.

How to cite: Piemontese, L., De Angeli, S., Castelli, G., Villani, L., Boni, G., and Bresci, E.: Framing co-production in socio-hydrological modelling for drought impact assessment and mitigation, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-9744, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-9744, 2024.

Jingxian Wang, Barbara Pernici, Matteo Giuliani, and Andrea Castelletti

Droughts, unlike other natural disasters, have complex and multifaceted consequences that spread over vast regions and extended durations. Several indices, including the Standardised Precipitation Index (SPI) and Standardised Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI), were designed to measure and quantify droughts. However, they predominantly focus on the meteorological and hydrological aspects of drought events, often overlooking the social and economic impacts. On the other hand, existing impact databases like the European Drought Impact Report Inventory (EDII) and the European Drought Impact Database (EDID) are usually constrained by temporal and spatial resolution due to the limitations of available data sources. Given this context, social media, bolstered by the rapid evolution of technology, offers a unique perspective. Users on social media can share their firsthand experiences and perceived impacts of droughts, providing a rich source of indirect socio-economic impact information that is often missed by traditional methods.

The objective of this study is to develop an ad-hoc drought index that reflects the socio-economic impacts of droughts using information gathered from social media, and compare the ad-hoc drought index to physical drought indices to evaluate the usefulness and accuracy of the state-of-the-art method. While current literature underscores the importance of integrating social media as a complementary data source to improve drought detection and response, most studies focus on classifying the impacts of droughts into different categories based on text mining. To the best of our knowledge, none have transformed these text-derived impacts from social media into a single numeric index to help decision-makers grasp the drought situation quickly and efficiently. Thus, we aim to address this gap and, ultimately, inform dynamic and adaptive drought management strategies.

While the goal is to capture the impacts of drought at a Pan-European scale, Italy was selected for preliminary studies, due to a significant drought event that occurred in 2022. This event drew attention from various sectors and offered a snapshot of socio-economic impacts on local communities. Notably, the number of tweets containing the keywords “siccità” or “siccita” (drought) increased more than tenfold in 2022 compared to 2020 and 2021. We conducted location extraction, topical modelling, and classification to filter out irrelevant tweets, identify the regions where information is shared, and categorise the sectors in which impacts are perceived by local residents. Each tweet is scored based on the positivity or negativity of its narrative through sentiment analysis, which indicates the gravity of its impact. Subsequently, this score is combined with a manual evaluation of the intensity for constructing the ad-hoc drought index. Once established, the ad-hoc drought index is compared to physical drought indices. We do expect the ad-hoc drought index to reveal patterns that were not previously seen with physical drought indices, providing a broader and deeper understanding of the impacts of droughts on societies and economies.

How to cite: Wang, J., Pernici, B., Giuliani, M., and Castelletti, A.: Constructing a Social Media-Based Index to Capture the Socio-Economic Impacts of Droughts, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10992, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-10992, 2024.

Andra-Cosmina Albulescu, Mihai Ciprian Mărgărint, Mihai Niculiță, Jianshuang Wu, and Paolo Tarolli

In recent years, there has been a growing emphasis on drought vulnerability within the broader context of drought risk assessments, which can be primarily attributed to the pivotal role that vulnerability plays in determining the potential impacts of drought and in shaping drought management. Nevertheless, effective drought mitigation efforts should not solely focus on a thorough examination of drought vulnerability but should also factor in preparedness, if they are to gain a broader perspective and produce meaningful change for the human communities and systems impacted by droughts. This holds significant implications for the farming sector and, at a deeper level, for small or medium farmers, who stand at the forefront in terms of vulnerability to drought and also face significant challenges in withstanding its impacts.

This study investigates the convergences and divergences between drought vulnerability and self-reported preparedness, with a specific focus on 1) the spatial patterns of vulnerability and preparedness, and 2) the relationships between these key elements, local landforms, and farm settings. The selected farming community, namely the livestock farmers in the Northeast of Romania, stands out as one of the most representative, year-long exposed to drought. The analysis focuses on agricultural drought within the last decade, and it relies on a downscaled, index-based approach.

In order to compare the vulnerability and preparedness levels, two indexes are computed under an intuitive additive approach based on the data gathered from a survey conducted in situ on 141 livestock farmers in May-July 2023. Drought vulnerability is examined in terms of access to water resources, basic infrastructure, availability of reserves, networking level, farming education background and experience of farmers, and diversity of farming activities. Self-reported drought preparedness is conceptualised under a dichotomic approach that integrates proxies of both objective and subjective preparedness.

Ranging from 0 to 1, the values of the Drought Vulnerability Index and Drought Preparedness Index are divided into equal-interval levels (i.e., very low, low, medium, high, and very high). Drought vulnerability levels are mapped against those of self-reported preparedness to discern spatial patterns within the study area. Further on, statistical tests (e.g., t-test, Spearman correlation) are conducted to explore significant relationships between drought vulnerability, preparedness, local landforms, and farm settings.

Under the presented methodological framework, a negative correlation emerged between drought vulnerability and self-reported preparedness. Cross-correlations point out that the farming educational background, availability of fodder and financial reserves, basic infrastructure, and access to water play prominent roles in shaping both drought vulnerability and preparedness. Although there are no evident spatial patterns in drought preparedness levels, drought vulnerability shows a northward increase in the study area. In addition, there is a significant variation in both drought vulnerability and preparedness between different farm sizes, revealing that smaller farms have higher vulnerability and lower preparedness.

This paper significantly contributes to the understanding of drought vulnerability in Europe, specifically in an area still underexplored in this regard. The findings serve as a roadmap for developing contextually relevant drought management plans, and the cross-correlations reveal the key components of vulnerability or preparedness.

How to cite: Albulescu, A.-C., Mărgărint, M. C., Niculiță, M., Wu, J., and Tarolli, P.: In sync or apart: A downscaled approach to drought vulnerability and self-reported preparedness among livestock farmers in NE Romania, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11123, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-11123, 2024.

Elin Stenfors, Malgorzata Blicharska, Thomas Grabs, and Claudia Teutschbein

In a changing climate, the assessments of drought risk and vulnerability are becoming increasingly important. Responding to the global call for a proactive approach to drought risk management, there is now a growing emphasis on drought vulnerability assessments within the drought research community. Since the manifestation of drought vulnerability depends on the social, ecological, and hydroclimatic context in which it unfolds, recognizing vulnerability factors specific to particular climatological and ecological regions could enhance the accuracy and reliability of vulnerability assessments. However, a holistic overview of factors affecting vulnerability in polar and cold climates is currently lacking, although these regions accommodate extensive socio-hydrological systems, encompassing urban areas, energy infrastructures, agricultural practices, and vast boreal forests. Through an interdisciplinary and systematic exploration of existing literature, we identified the manifestation and conceptualization of drought vulnerability for forested ecoregions in the Köppen–Geiger D and E climates. Factors contributing to vulnerability, as delineated by several scientific disciplines, were identified and synthesized into a novel conceptual framework that categorizes vulnerability factors by their location in a socio-hydrological system, and their relation to blue or green water sources (Stenfors et al., 2023). To further assess their relative importance in cold and continental climates, a survey with more than 100 respondents from various sectors (e.g., agriculture, forestry, energy, water supply, environment, etc.) and different governance levels was conducted to validate and rank the identified factors and measurable indicators. Thus, we provide a list of user-endorsed drought vulnerability factors and corresponding indicators, which allows for identification of systemic vulnerability patterns, providing new insights into regional differences in drought vulnerability and a base for stakeholders performing proactive drought risk assessments in the study region.


Stenfors E, Blicharska M, Grabs T, Teutschbein C. 2023. Droughts in forested ecoregions in cold and continental climates: A review of vulnerability concepts and factors in socio-hydrological systems. WIREs Water: e1692 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/wat2.1692

How to cite: Stenfors, E., Blicharska, M., Grabs, T., and Teutschbein, C.: Drought Vulnerability Concepts and User-Endorsed Factors in Forested Ecoregions in Cold and Continental Climates, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-16262, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-16262, 2024.

Flash drought
Flash Drought Impacts on Ecosystems: Insights on Resistance and Resilience
(withdrawn after no-show)
Akif Rahim, Yannis Markonis, and Riya Dutt
Tagele Mossie Aschale, Gaetano Buonacera, Nunziarita Palazzolo, Antonino Cancelliere, and David. J Peres

Sicily copes periodically with the challenge of drought events, impacting water resources management, as well as agricultural and environmental landscapes. While the area is well studied regarding traditional slow-evolving droughts, studies on flash droughts are lacking. This study delves into the historical analysis of flash drought events in Sicily, characterized by their abrupt onset and severity.  Specifically, we carry out our analysis based on ERA5-Land Reanalysis daily evapotranspiration and soil moisture data, covering the period 1950-2023. First, a comparison of ERA5-Land Reanalysis evapotranspiration with reference evapotranspiration computed from observational series is carried out. Then the Evaporative Demand Drought Index (EDDI) is computed from the Reanalysis evapotranspiration series, at various temporal scales. The EDDI index is then analysed in combination with soil moisture series at various soil depths, to corroborate the identification of the onset of past historical flash drought events. A specific focus in devoted to a heat wave occurring during July 2023, showing the severity of this event. The study provides preliminary insights for a clearer development of criteria for flash drought identification in the Mediterranean area.  

How to cite: Aschale, T. M., Buonacera, G., Palazzolo, N., Cancelliere, A., and Peres, D. J.: An historical flash drought analysis in Sicily based on ERA5 Reanalysis evapotranspiration and soil moisture data, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10657, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-10657, 2024.

Roberto Chang-Silva and Seonyoung Park

Flash droughts, characterized by their rapid onset and devastating agricultural and ecological impacts, pose a growing threat in a changing climate. Accurate and timely predictions are crucial for implementing mitigation strategies and minimizing their widespread consequences. This research presents a novel transformer-based forecasting system designed to predict soil moisture with a focus on detecting the early warning signs of flash droughts in North America. This study integrates the concepts of the two main soil moisture zones, surface and root zones, to provide a comprehensive understanding of drought dynamics. The research leverages the NLDAS (North American Land Data Assimilation System) simulation dataset, offering high-resolution spatiotemporal information crucial for accurate modeling. The transformer-based architecture is employed to capture complex temporal dependencies and non-linear relationships inherent in soil moisture variations. The architecture captures long-range dependencies and complex interrelations within the data, enabling accurate predictions of both surface and root zone moisture content. This approach enables the development of a robust forecasting model capable of capturing sudden and intense decreases in soil moisture characteristic of flash droughts. The system considers the relationship between surface and root zone soil moisture, acknowledging their distinct roles in impacting vegetation health, water availability, and overall ecosystem resilience. By incorporating this dual-zone perspective, the forecasting system enhances the accuracy of flash drought predictions, providing valuable insights for early intervention and adaptive management. Through rigorous evaluations and comparisons with existing forecasting methods, we assess the system's performance in capturing spatiotemporal variability and providing lead time for proactive mitigation strategies. Our findings shed light on the transformative potential of deep learning for flash drought prediction, highlighting the crucial role of understanding the interplay between surface and root zone moisture dynamics in this context.

How to cite: Chang-Silva, R. and Park, S.: Predicting Flash Droughts Using Transformers: Understanding Surface and Root Zone , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-3793, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-3793, 2024.

Bethan Harris, Christopher Taylor, Darren Ghent, and Wouter Dorigo

Land-atmosphere interactions are known to be important for the development of flash droughts, and improving the representation of these interactions in subseasonal-to-seasonal (S2S) forecasting models would provide a potential source of skill for predicting these events. However, understanding the land-atmosphere coupling processes involved in flash drought development globally is hindered by the fact that key variables such as root-zone soil moisture and surface latent and sensible heat fluxes cannot be directly observed from satellites. In this study, we use a definition of flash droughts based on ESA CCI soil moisture to explore the composite behaviour of land-atmosphere variables around flash drought onset dates. We exploit satellite-observed land surface temperature (LST) data from ESA CCI to diagnose the balance between latent and sensible surface heat fluxes by computing the difference between LST and 2m air temperature (T2m) from ERA5 reanalysis. Since the standardised anomaly of the sensible heat flux is approximately equal to the standardised anomaly of LST-T2m, this method allows us to identify increases in sensible heat flux anomalies during flash droughts. When radiation conditions remain approximately constant, this is associated with the onset of a water-limited evaporative regime. We explore the spatial variation in the sensitivity of both LST-T2m and Vegetation Optical Depth (VOD) to flash drought events, to understand where the surface energy budget changes most strongly and where impacts on vegetation are most severe. Additionally, we consider which satellite-observable variables are most promising for providing information that can improve the S2S prediction of flash droughts.

How to cite: Harris, B., Taylor, C., Ghent, D., and Dorigo, W.: Global characterisation of land-atmosphere interactions during flash droughts using satellite observations, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-6334, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-6334, 2024.

Posters virtual: Fri, 19 Apr, 14:00–15:45 | vHall X4

Display time: Fri, 19 Apr 08:30–Fri, 19 Apr 18:00
Leishi Chen, Jianbo Deng, Qinzhe Han, and Bing Sui

Wetlands have functions such as hydrological regulation, water purification, and climate regulation. However, under the dual influence of global climate change and human activities, the frequency and intensity of wetland ecological droughts are increasing, leading to shrinkage of wetland area and decline in ecological service functions, seriously threatening wetland ecological security. The East Dongting Lake Wetland is located in Hunan, China. According to the observation results of the Chenglingji Water Level Station, from August 2, 2022 to June 5, 2023, it entered an abnormal dry period of 305 days, which is the longest dry period since observation records began. Our goal is to understand the changes in water distribution in East Dongting Lake during this period based on satellite images.

We used the Sentinel-1 GRD data provided on Google Earth Engine and developed a water area monitoring module based on the OTSU method, which provided us with water distribution data of the East Dongting Lake wetland during the target period. There are 44 available Sentinel-1 GRD images in these 305 days. The average water area in the dry season calculated from the 44 images is 230.75 square kilometers. In contrast, there were 49 available images in the same period of the previous year, and the average water area was 486.32 square kilometers. The average water area in the same period of the previous year was even larger than the maximum water area of 369.06 square kilometers during the target period. This reflects the continued impact of the severe drought in China's Yangtze River Basin in the second half of 2022 on the East Dongting Lake wetland.

We analyzed the water distribution results on August 20, 2022, when the drought was severe. The results showed that contiguous exposed lake beds were exposed in the north and south of the main lake body of East Dongting Lake, and the main flood channel even experienced drying out. Drought has affected the core area of the East Dongting Lake Wetland, causing the water level to drop rapidly into the dry season, resulting in rapid changes in the spatial distribution of the Dongting Lake Wetland's shoals and water bodies. The advance of the dry season mainly affects the seasonal growth of wetland vegetation, including submersed plants (Echinacea, etc.), floating-leaf plants (Rhombus, etc.), emergent plants (Reeds, Typha, etc.), swampy meadows (Carex etc.) and swamp grasses (Nandi, etc.). The drought has even affected the habitat of elk and has had a complex impact on wetland ecology.

How to cite: Chen, L., Deng, J., Han, Q., and Sui, B.: Monitoring of water area in the dry season of East Dongting Lake Wetland from 2022 to 2023 based on Google Earth Engine, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-1704, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-1704, 2024.

Increasing footprints of flash drought over the Indus River Basin
Tahira Khurshid, Li Qiongfang, and Akif Rahim