GM4.2 | Hydrogeomorphic cascading processes and hazards impacted by environmental changes and extreme events
Hydrogeomorphic cascading processes and hazards impacted by environmental changes and extreme events
Co-organized by HS13/NH10
Convener: Eleonora Dallan | Co-conveners: Yuval Shmilovitz, Andrea Brenna, Tobias Heckmann, Jacob Hirschberg, Martin Mergili, Virginia Ruiz-Villanueva
| Tue, 16 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST), 16:15–18:00 (CEST)
Room -2.20
Posters on site
| Attendance Wed, 17 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST) | Display Wed, 17 Apr, 08:30–12:30
Hall X3
Posters virtual
| Attendance Wed, 17 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST) | Display Wed, 17 Apr, 08:30–18:00
vHall X3
Orals |
Tue, 14:00
Wed, 10:45
Wed, 14:00
Hydrogeomorphic processes may naturally act together or interact in a given space or time, creating cascades. Many regions worldwide are already experiencing an increase in cascading processes, often driven by extreme events, with severe impacts that may worsen under future climatic and environmental changes. The physical response to these cascades is hardly predictable due to their complex nature, the interplay between different predisposing, triggering and controlling factors, and the rarity of these events.
Addressing the hazards and impacts resulting from the combination of multiple processes faces enormous challenges, primarily from a still incomplete process interaction understanding. In addition, expertise is scattered across disciplines (e.g., geomorphology, geology, hydrology, climate sciences) and beyond (e.g., civil engineering, social science). A better understanding of cascading processes under environmental changes and extreme events is of critical importance to deciphering impacts of past environmental changes and to develop and influence policy to face future challenges under a changing climate.

This interdisciplinary session aims to shed light on the current knowledge regarding cascading hydrogeomorphic processes and related hazards and to propose novel frameworks for understanding, monitoring, and modeling their complex feedback and interactions. A particular focus is paid on regions affected by diverse environmental changes and extreme events. We welcome scientific contributions in the domain of cascading processes, including (but not restricted to) the study of the link between extreme climatic forcing and hydrogeomorphic processes, and surface processes complexity, such as connectivity or dis-connectivity between hillslopes and fluvial processes. We welcome studies from all climates and at all temporal scales; from the event scale to the long-term integrated impact of cascading processes on the landscape. We invite contributions showing novel monitoring, experimental, theoretical, conceptual and computational modeling approaches. Proposed management strategies to assess cascading processes-related hazards will also be well received.

Orals: Tue, 16 Apr | Room -2.20

Chairpersons: Andrea Brenna, Tobias Heckmann, Virginia Ruiz-Villanueva
Cascading hazards in diverse environments
On-site presentation
Margreth Keiler

Cascading hazards come into focus of hazard and risk research in the last 15 years and is strongly connected to studies on multi-hazards and compound hazards. Unexpected cascading events and related casualties and losses of properties draw the attention to consider the possible amplified risks induced by cascading hazards.

The contribution will focus in the first part on key concepts in relation to cascading hazards and will address briefly the challenges which may occur due to the general terminological ambiguity because the term cascading hazards tends to be used interchangeably with multi-hazards, cascading events, cascading disasters, or compound hazards or events. The main focus is on the analyses of different types of interactions which may occur during a cascading hazard events and their dependency on time and space. In the second part, the main question addresses the influence of climate and environmental change on cascading hazards including the occurrence of cascading hazards, changes of types of cascading hazards or interactions within the cascading hazard event. Current challenges regarding the approaches used to analyse and better understand cascading hazards are presented as well as first ideas to answer the questions what is missing, what is needed and how it can be used for hazard and risk analysis/management. 

How to cite: Keiler, M.: Cascading Hazards – the challenges to understand interactions, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-16937,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Tengfei Wang, Taosheng Huang, and Ping Shen

Under the background of global warming, the risk of geo-hazard in the cryosphere has increased with the retreat of glaciers. Several similar large-scale glacial debris flows with high mobility occurred in the southeast Tibet Plateau during the summer season which has drawn the attention of scientists. One typical event occurred on 10 September 2020 near Namcha Barwa Peak. The initial landslide finally changed into a glacial debris flow with high water content and high mobility under the condition of little precipitation. To solve the questions: 1) why is the glacial debris flow in southwest Tibet more prone in the warm season? 2) How is the initiation mechanism of this glacial debris flow with little rainfall? 3) What is the major source of water for this large debris flow? and 4) Which factors dominate the high mobility characteristic of this debris flow event? By conducting field investigation and comparing the satellite images before and after the event, we have revealed a rock-ice avalanche on the ridge above the landslide area to be contemporary with the event. This finding produced the hypothesis on the initiation process: rock-ice avalanche – moraine deposit failure – glacial debris flow, which has been inferred for many other similar events but not quantitatively proved. To test the hypothesis, we conducted thermal-hydraulic-mechanical coupled numerical modeling with the impact of freeze-thaw cycles and rock-ice avalanche on the stability of the moraine deposit. The results demonstrate that the avalanche event triggered the moraine landslide, with freeze-thaw cycles as the control factor. Generally, long-term freeze-thaw cycles alone are insufficient to set off the hazard chain. At the same time, seasonal temperature variation that controls ice-water phase change dominates the stability of moraine deposits under rock-ice avalanche in different seasons. In warm seasons, rock-ice avalanches would trigger moraine deposit failure more easily due to abundant water content that facilitates pore pressure increase, and liquefaction of moraine. By conducting multi-phase modeling of glacial debris flow, we have proven that the initial water content and entrainment of water during the development of the debris flow are the main water sources of this debris flow event. Moreover, the high water content in the initial landslide together with the entrainment process should also account for the high mobility characteristic of glacial debris flow. This work answered the long-lasting scientific questions about the initiation mechanism and dynamics of hyper-mobility glacial debris flow disaster chain under the background of climate change.

How to cite: Wang, T., Huang, T., and Shen, P.: Unravaling the cascading mechanisms of rock-ice avalanche triggering hyper-mobility glacial debris flow in southeast Tibet, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15190,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Simon Mühlbauer, Theresa Frimberger, and Michael Krautblatter

The intense melting of glacial ice and permafrost can increase the presence of temporarily stored liquid water in dynamic high-alpine environments. A sudden release of this water, especially in volcanic settings, might trigger a process chain of severe consequences. During a period of increased periglacial degradation between 2015 and 2017, several large-volume (> 6.0 × 105 m³), outburst-related secondary lahars damaged local infrastructure on the populated southeastern slopes of Chimborazo volcano in Ecuador. The insufficient understanding of secondary lahars associated with the sudden outburst of water complicates the identification of initiating processes and hinders the ability to decipher the governing mechanisms involved during propagation.

In this study, we present how we (1) identified initiation mechanisms of past secondary lahars at Chimborazo, (2) numerically back-calculated these events, (3) developed future lahar scenarios, and (4) quantified their impact on the local population. We performed a retrospective calibration approach to simulate a secondary lahar using the physics-based model RAMMS::Debris Flow. By introducing a novel two-stage outburst scenario development concept, we were able to predict potential future lahars. Finally, applying a standards-based verification of the structural components of residential development allowed us to evaluate the physical impact of potential lahars on infrastructure. We also assessed how increasing the wall thickness affects high- and low-risk areas.

Our results show that the observed secondary lahars can be numerically reproduced with a set of frictional parameters of µ = 0.028 (Coulomb-type friction) and ξ = 600 ms-2 (turbulent friction). The model shows high agreement with locally obtained data (Vasconez et al., 2021) on total lahar volume, flow distance, discharge, and flooded area (deviation from target value = 20 %). By comparing the climatic and topographical situation of similar events at other study sites with the conditions at Chimborazo, we assume that glacial/periglacial destabilization processes may have accompanied the initiation of past lahars. Through deciphering the past initiation processes, our scenarios resulted in volumes between 2.7 × 105 m³ (high probability) and 10.8 × 105 m³ (very low probability) for a climatically derived reference period of 180 years. The structural validation of the component resistance identified high risk for approximately 24 % of the entire runout area. The adjustment to 11 cm wider bricks reduces this area by 5 %.

Only a precise quantification of the ice content and dynamic behavior within the source region enable to estimate the influence of destabilization processes on lahar initiation. However, this work makes an important contribution to supporting informed decision-making in land use planning by implementing an interdisciplinary methodology for analyzing the impacts of mass movements.

In this study, we showed that a retrospectively calibrated numerical model enables the simulation of future outburst-triggered lahars, and we further provided a quantification of their impact on downstream communities.

Vasconez, F.J., Maisincho, L., Andrade, S.D., Cáceres Correa, B.E., Bernard, B., Argoti, C., Telenchana, E., Almeida, M., Almeida, S. & Lema, V. (2021): Secondary Lahars Triggered by Periglacial Melting at Chimborazo Volcano, Ecuador. – Revista Politécnica, 48: 19–30.

How to cite: Mühlbauer, S., Frimberger, T., and Krautblatter, M.: Secondary Lahars Impacting on Building Structures at Chimborazo Volcano: A Retrospective and Scenario-Based Modeling Approach, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-13482,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Mary Antonette Beroya-Eitner, Heidi Stenner, Luke Bowman, and Kate Nelson

The global climate is changing, and the effects of these changes on natural hazards are increasingly being felt, particularly by the populations in low- and middle-income countries. Consequently, in the last decades, there has been much research examining the extent of these effects, but the focus has largely been on hydrometeorological hazards. The potential effects of climate change on geological hazards, like earthquakes and volcanic activity, is less studied and deserves greater attention.

Amplified Risk is a four-year program currently being led by the GeoHazards International (GHI), a non-profit committed to saving lives by empowering at-risk communities worldwide to build resilience ahead of disasters and climate impacts. Funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the overarching goal of the program is to increase collective understanding of how volcanic and earthquake hazards and their societal impacts may be affected by climate change in at-risk low- and middle-income countries.

In line with this, we have thus far explored through literature review and subject matter expert consultations how climate change may alter earthquake and volcanic processes and associated hazards, considering eight climate change signals as the starting point: increased precipitation, decreased precipitation, increased temperature, increased rain-drought cycles, increased free-thaw cycles, increased typhoons, increased wind and sea level rise. Our results show the potential amplifying, cascading, and compounding effects of climate change on geological hazards.   

In general, climate change can affect earthquake and volcanic hazards in two ways: Firstly, it can directly trigger or contribute to directly triggering the hazards as a result of stress regime change following climate-induced variations of loads on the earth surface, mainly due to changes in the volume of ice and water, e.g., glacier melting. Secondly, climate change prepares the ground so that the occurrence of secondary hazards becomes more likely should an earthquake or volcanic eruption occur. For instance, increased precipitation increases soil saturation, making liquefaction more likely in the event of an earthquake.     

In this presentation, we discuss the findings to date in more detail. We also present the flowchart that summarizes our result, which we intend to publish online as an interactive informational tool that may be useful to risk managers, authorities, community leaders, and researchers in appraising the range of effects from climate change on local hazards, and therefore in determining and prioritizing intervention measures.

How to cite: Beroya-Eitner, M. A., Stenner, H., Bowman, L., and Nelson, K.: Amplified Risk: How Climate Change is Modifying the Risks from Geological Hazards, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10776,, 2024.

Sediment cascade in rivers
On-site presentation
Peter Molnar, Sascha Meierhans, Giulia Battista, Jacob Hirschberg, Jessica Droujko, and Scott Sinclair

Sediment cascades are a convenient way of conceptualizing the transfer of sediment from hillslope production areas, through the river network, to the river basin outlet. Distributed hydrology-sediment models play an important role in the prediction of these source-to-sink links, because they can explicitly connect water and sediment fluxes along topographically-driven pathways. Here, we provide some examples of such cascade-based hydrology-sediment model applications in alpine environments and some problems related to their use.

In particular, we highlight two critical problems with hydrology-sediment modelling that go beyond trivial model calibration difficulties. These address fundamental issues of (a) non-uniqueness in sediment source mixing, and (b) sediment supply limitations. The first problem of non-uniqueness is known in hydrological modelling as the curse when models perform well at basin outlets for the wrong reasons, misrepresenting hydrological processes within the basin. In geomorphology, this concept has not received the same level of attention. Here we show that even a calibrated physically-distributed hydrology-sediment model can be subject to non-uniqueness, and provide the same suspended sediment yields at the basin outlet with completely different combinations of sediment sources. Including sediment tracers in model validation helps to identify this problem, and it is also helpful to check simulations at sub-basin scales where we are closer to distinct sediment sources. The second problem of sediment supply limitations is a challenge for all models that rely on transport capacity formulas for sediment transport. In our experience, both supply and transport capacity limit sediment transport at the basin scale, and we need to include this in our models. For example, we show that supply limitations can completely change the seasonality of sediment yields and render many climate change impact studies worthless.

Finally, we argue that both problems above, at least for suspended load, can be partially addressed by novel monitoring. For example by low cost smart sensors that allow a distributed sensing of sediment fluxes above and below potential sediment sources at high resolutions, or by high resolution remote sensing to capture space-time variability in river turbidity. This kind of data can dramatically improve our ability to calibrate models, reduce non-uniqueness, and over the long term identify the key signatures of sediment supply in river systems. It is our opinion that improving the predictions of climate and environmental change effects on sediment yields requires both better model validation as well as new data.

How to cite: Molnar, P., Meierhans, S., Battista, G., Hirschberg, J., Droujko, J., and Sinclair, S.: Non-uniqueness in sediment transport in river network hydrology-sediment modelling, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-19175,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Dingzhu Liu, Hui Tang, Jean Braun, and Jens Turowski

Debris flow is an important process that shapes steep landscapes, connecting the hillslopes and fluvial domains. Yet, it is unclear how debris flows quantitatively influence the topography. Here, we propose and develop a new framework considering debris flows as stochastic processes in long-term landscape evolution. We assume that debris flows occur randomly in time with different initial debris flow volumes, which we model using five different distribution functions. Debris flows propagate along the channel and increase their volume by eroding additional material using deterministic equations. The model predicts the slope-area relationship that is generally assumed to be indicative of debris-flow-dominated landscapes. We suggest a new equation to fit the slope-area relationship, including both debris flow and fluvial domains. This equation features a total of five metrics, two of which are power law exponents, two are representative areas, and one representative slope. The topography in the debris flow-dominated domain is sensitive to the properties of the debris flow, e.g., the initial volume of debris flow, frequency, erosion coefficient, Manning coefficient, uplift rate, and channel width and length. The representative slope and area are primarily sensitive to the total initial volumes of the debris flow, and secondarily to the frequency of occurrence of debris flows. The type and shape parameters of distributions and the debris flows’ volume and frequency have limited effects on the slope-area relationship.

How to cite: Liu, D., Tang, H., Braun, J., and Turowski, J.: A stochastic landscape evolution model framework for debris flow and fluvial processes, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10204,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Clàudia Abancó, Marta Guinau, Marta González, Jordi Pinyol, and Rosa M Palau

Landslides and torrential flows are among the most dangerous processes that occur on hillslopes, and they are mostly triggered by intense rainfall events. These phenomena are not only hazardous in themselves, but they can also have a more significant impact downstream when they interact with channels or the river network. When multiple landslides are simultaneously triggered by a rainfall event that affects an extensive area, they can initiate chains of further hazards due to the sudden and massive influx of sediment they bring onto channels and rivers. Therefore, it is crucial to study the connectivity between slopes and the river network to evaluate areas with a potentially higher sediment contribution to the river network. Ultimately, this information will help to assess flood hazards and mitigate risks, as well as assist in the planning of protective structures, drainage works, and other relevant measures.

We conducted a study on the slopes of the Tordera River basin (NE Spain). This river flows from the Montseny (Catalan Coastal range)  into the Mediterranean Sea. The study area was affected by a regional landslide event that occurred in January 2020 during the Gloria Storm (more than 480 mm of rainfall was measured in 96 hours in the region). We employed the index of connectivity, which is based on Borselli et al. (2008), to examine the connectivity between the slopes and the river network. The outcomes of this analysis were subsequently compared to a landslide inventory (more than 1000 mass movements) to determine whether the high amount of sediment present in the lowlands could have originated from landslides in the upper part of the basin.

According to the results of this study, slopes with high connectivity experienced a high density of landslides. The sediment that flowed down the slopes and reached the rivers added to the flood that occurred downstream. This flood carried a considerable amount of sediment which caused the widening of the active channel and the growth of the Tordera delta. The impacts of the Gloria storm on the infrastructure caused significant economic losses.


Borselli, L.;  Cassi, P.;  Torri, D. Prolegomena to sediment and flow connectivity in the landscape: A GIS and field numerical assessment, CATENA, Volume 75, Issue 3, 2008, Pages 268-277, ISSN 0341-8162,

How to cite: Abancó, C., Guinau, M., González, M., Pinyol, J., and Palau, R. M.: Assessing slope-river connectivity for evaluating cascading landslide hazards: A case study of Tordera river basin, NE Spain., EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15047,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Marco Martini, Francesco Bettella, and Vincenzo D'Agostino

Large wood (LW), defined as woody pieces exceeding 1 m in length and 10 cm in diameter, significantly shapes channel morphology and ecological habitats within Alpine torrents. Lower-order alpine torrents, with their smaller drainage areas and steeper gradients, are particularly sensitive to LW dynamics. The movement of LW greatly affects channel processes, altering flow patterns and sediment dynamics. LW can retain sediments and form log steps that may reduce bed erosion. Moreover, the accumulation of LW at bridge piers and filters or openings of retention check dams can exacerbate flood hazards, emphasizing the crucial need for its accurate quantification for more effective hazard assessments and protection measure design. Our investigation aims to assess changes in the LW budget in the Ru de Vallaccia catchment (covering 1.72 km2, Melton number 0.97, mean channel slope 45%) in the province of Belluno, Veneto, Italy. Specifically, we explore variations in LW volume before and after a heavy rainstorm event with a return period between 2 and 5 years that occurred between the 30th of October and the 2nd of November 2023. Furthermore, this study examines the correlation between segments of the channel affected by sediment erosion and deposition and changes in both the spatial distribution and volume of LW within the channel. Field surveys coupled with high-resolution topography (HRT) assessments conducted before and after the rainstorm event (July and November 2023) allow for a comprehensive evaluation of sediment and LW budgets. Our methodology involves direct field measurements of LW and photointerpretation using GIS software on orthophotomosaics resulting from HRT surveys. Additionally, we utilize the Digital Elevation Model (DEM) obtained from HRT surveys to analyze channel geomorphological changes through the DEM of Differences (DoD) technique, enabling precise quantification and visualization of sediment alterations related to erosion and deposition phenomena. Preliminary findings reveal pronounced sediment mobility, significant alterations in channel morphology, and notable changes in both the spatial distribution and volume of LW. The results of the study highlight the close link between patterns of erosional or depositional sediment dynamics and alterations in the LW budget, elucidating the intricate interaction between geomorphic processes and the presence and evolution of LW during subsequent flood events in steep mountain basins. In addition, these insights have substantial implications for addressing or guiding periodic monitoring of LW and thereby improving our hazard mitigation strategies against those sediment transport events (bedload, debris flood, and debris flow) capable of encompassing significant amounts of LW.

How to cite: Martini, M., Bettella, F., and D'Agostino, V.: Interaction Between Large Wood and Sediment Transport in an Alpine Torrent in the Dolomites, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10429,, 2024.

Coffee break
Chairpersons: Eleonora Dallan, Jacob Hirschberg, Martin Mergili
Introduction II block
Extreme precipitation-induced cascading hazards
On-site presentation
Maria Isabel Arango, Marcel Hürlimann, Edier Aristizábal, and Oliver Korup

Over the past decades, cascading hazards that include landslides, debris flows, and floods have caused several major disasters in tropical mountain regions. Even though such cascading hazards also occur in steep terrain elsewhere, some natural drivers such as very high humidity with associated heavy rainfalls, and deeply weathered soil profiles, may amplify the reach and impacts of these cascades in tropical mountains. There, torrential fans sustaining dense settlements are especially prone to rainfall-triggered hazard cascades but remain largely understudied compared to temperate mountain regions. Challenges in their hazard assessment include a lack of consensus regarding the scientific terminology to describe, analyse, and record these events; and their complexity, given that, combining traditional single hazard assessment fails to capture the amplification of the damages. On the other hand, their occurrence in remote, undeveloped regions where they are poorly or not documented, and their low temporal recurrence, decreases hazard awareness and increases the growth of urban settlements in exposed areas.

The goal of this study is to review widespread cascading torrential hazards in the tropics as a common and destructive interaction of mass-wasting and flow processes. The study has two different steps: the first is a review of existing terminology concerning regional hydrometeorological cascading hazards in different latitudes and environments, as an attempt to clarify the existing gaps and differences in information between tropical and higher latitude areas. The second step is the description of the main morphological and triggering characteristics of such events. For this, we compiled a dozen regional cascading torrential events that occurred between 2017 and 2023 in different tropical regions of the American, Asian, and African continents, caused by different triggering mechanisms, including extreme rainfall and earthquakes, or both. Using high-resolution satellite images, the events were mapped differentiating the extent of landslide initiation, debris flows runout, and floodings. Additionally, we used freely available remote sensing sources to extract information concerning the geomorphology, soil texture, and triggering rainfall of each study area. Using different statistical tools, we analysed the relationship between different morphological features, triggering rainfall and soil texture, to distinguish the main characteristics of such events in both the basin and the sub-process scale.

As preliminary results of this ongoing research, we have found an important gap in information concerning widespread cascading torrential hazards in tropical regions. Furthermore, the analysis of our inventory allowed us to identify key factors that contribute to the triggering, propagation, and connection of hazards, including the very high availability of coarse-textured soils and higher sediment connectivity within affected catchments. Furthermore, we found that the spatial connection of the sub-processes involved in these events (landslides, debris flows, and floods), is given by their overlap within the different process domains of basins.

This initial approach provides a preliminary understanding of the conditions that promote cascading torrential hazards in tropical regions, which can aid in developing more accurate hazard assessment tools and implementing effective strategies to mitigate risks in the tropics, considering its unique multi-hazard and complex setting.

How to cite: Arango, M. I., Hürlimann, M., Aristizábal, E., and Korup, O.: Widespread cascading torrential hazards in tropical regions , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14250,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Lorenzo Marchi, Marco Borga, Daniel Zugliani, and Giorgio Rosatti

Torrential risk protection works have a long tradition in the Alps, where these measures have allowed more intensive use of the landscape since the twentieth century and form the basis for rational management of the risk of torrential floods. While the maintenance and management of protective works makes it possible to control their inevitable deterioration and to extend their life, the collapse of these systems should be always considered in the frame of the residual risk management. This work aims to i) analyse the catastrophic debris flow occurred on October 2018 in the Rotian river basin (Eastern Italian Alps) during which a series of check dams collapsed magnifying the event and causing a casualty and severe damages, and ii) to identify implications for hazard monitoring and management. The work is based on post-event investigations, witness accounts, remote sensing information and local station data, hydrogeomorphic data and models, and systematically analyses the geo-environment, climate conditions and check dam structural conditions which characterized the geohazard cascade of events. In particular, results from the application of a couple hydrological and hydraulic model for the triggering and propagation of the debris flows event are used to inform the analysis. The results from this work are exploited to inform a discussion about the future of these works, which concerns not only the structural and maintenance aspects of the single work, but also involves the risk management requests of the systems of works which in recent decades have evolved significantly.

How to cite: Marchi, L., Borga, M., Zugliani, D., and Rosatti, G.: Geohazard cascade and mechanism of large debris flows in the Rotian river basin (NE Italy): implications to hazard monitoring and management, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-21166,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Andrea Menapace, Eleonora Dallan, Francesco Marra, Lorenzo Marchi, Michele Larcher, and Marco Borga

Debris-flow activity is expected to change in the future following the expected changes in sub-daily rainfall rates. In this study, we connect high-resolution climate simulations from an ensemble of recently developed convection-permitting models (CPM) and a threshold-based precipitation model for debris-flows triggering. We are considering CPM runs over historical (1996-2005), near future (2041-2050) and far future (2090-2099) decade-long periods. Given the biases affecting the CPM simulations and the desire to avoid bias-correction procedures, which may introduce distortions into the precipitation simulations, we propose a methodology to map the debris-flow threshold into the simulated climates. This is obtained by evaluating the return levels of the threshold precipitation rates at different durations, and mapping these in the climate simulations using the same return levels. The Simplified Metastatistical Extreme Value (SMEV) methodology is exploited for the precipitation statistical analysis. The suitability of the proposed framework is tested on the Moscardo catchment, a small study basin located in the eastern Italian Alps, where the debris flow activity is mainly transport-limited. This case study is particularly remarkable due to the high frequency of debris flows and a monitoring system working since 1990, which has permitted establishing reliable rainfall . The debris-flow triggering precipitation events are assessed by considering changes in their frequency, depth and seasonality. The promising preliminary results support the use of this approach to assess debris flow hazards in a changing climate.

How to cite: Menapace, A., Dallan, E., Marra, F., Marchi, L., Larcher, M., and Borga, M.: How is climate change affecting hydro-meteorological triggering for debris flows? An assessment based on convection-permitting models and a bias-neutral procedure, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5386,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Sudhanshu Dixit, Srikrishnan Siva Subramanian, and Sumit Sen

The Himalayas are increasingly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, with recent years experiencing a surge in the frequency of natural hazards. The risk escalates when events unfold in a cascading manner, where a primary hazard triggers a secondary one. Therefore, it is crucial to develop an integrated framework to assess the ramifications of these cascading hazards. This framework plays a pivotal role in providing early warnings, considering the uncertainty introduced by rainfall input. The presented framework simulates the dynamic interplay between intense precipitation events and hill slopes, potentially triggering landslides. It subsequently models the debris flow resulting from the runoff formed by precipitation mixing with landslide deposits, culminating in debris runout. To address data uncertainties, the framework integrates four diverse precipitation data sources: gridded observation datasets, reanalysis data, satellite data, and numerical weather prediction models. The methodology assesses sediment volume originating from hillslopes and anticipates the sediment volume reaching river junctions during extreme events. Additionally, it involves the numerical simulation of the initial stages of the cascading nature of geohazards, specifically the transformation of landslides into debris flows. The framework's validation is conducted using the 2013 North India Floods, an extreme precipitation event that triggered over 6000 landslides and debris flows.

How to cite: Dixit, S., Subramanian, S. S., and Sen, S.: Exploring Uncertainties Within a Framework for Assessing Extreme Precipitation-Induced Cascading Hazards in the Himalayas , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-1049,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Taiqi Lian, Nadav Peleg, and Sara Bonetti

Rainfall characteristics such as intensity, duration, and frequency are key determinants of the hydro-geomorphological response of a catchment. The presence of non-linear and threshold effects makes the relationship between rainfall variability and geomorphological dynamics difficult to quantify. This is particularly relevant under predicted exacerbated erosion induced by an intensification of hydroclimatic extremes. In this study, we quantify the effects of changes in rainfall temporal variability on catchment morphology and sediment erosion, transport, and deposition across a broad spectrum of grain size distributions and climatic conditions. To this purpose, multiple rainfall realizations are simulated using a numerical rainfall generator, while geomorphic response and soil erosion dynamics are assessed through a landscape evolution model (CAESAR-Lisflood). Virtual catchments are used for the numerical experiments and simulations are conducted over centennial time scales. Simulation results show that higher rainfall temporal variability increases net sediment discharge, domain erosion and deposition volumes, and secondary channel development. Particularly, dry regions respond more actively to rainfall variations and finer grain size configurations amplify the hydro-geomorphological response. We find that changes in erosion rates due to rainfall variations can be expressed as a power-law function of the ratio of rainfall temporal variabilities (quantified here through the Gini index). Results are further supported by long-term observational data and simulations over real catchments. Such quantification of the effects of predicted changes in rainfall patterns on catchment hydro-geomorphic response, as mediated by local soil properties, is crucial to forecasting modifications in sediment dynamics due to climate change.

How to cite: Lian, T., Peleg, N., and Bonetti, S.: Quantifying the effects of rainfall temporal variability on landscape evolution processes, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5581,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Albert Cabré, Odin Marc, Dominique Remy, and Sébastien Carretier

Devoting more efforts to understand how arid landscapes respond to extreme rainfall events, given the expected increase in storm frequency in the future due to global warming projections, is of great relevance and therefore needs to be addressed. While local studies of recent storm impacts in drylands have proven to be useful, our understanding of global impacts at local-and-regional-scales over longer time-scales is now more qualitative than quantitative.

Deciphering the effects of erosion runoff processes operating during extreme rainstorm events requires developing practical measuring approaches that assist understanding the temporal and spatial extent of erosion and sediment pathways in the ephemeral drainage networks of bare lands. The advent of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) satellite missions with, for example, the Sentinel 1 constellation from the ESA, has provided a great number of images that can be used to map the areal and temporal extent of erosion during rainstorm events. As a result, we are now able to unravel surface runoff erosion operating in arid areas using InSAR coherence change detection following, for example, the work of Cabré et al. (2020, 2023). Interferometric SAR (InSAR) coherence can be used to decipher the sediment entrainment areas and identify channels and drainages disturbed by the passage of floods. However, the coherence remains a dimensionless parameter with no physical meaning of surface change. Thus, it cannot be used yet to estimate surface change processes in an automatic basis. For this reason, we have explored the areas with surface change identified in InSAR coherence images using SAR amplitude and field calibration data. In the identified surface change areas we have performed grain-size measurements to prove that sediment grain-size diameter (e.g., D84, D50) in ephemeral channels is well correlated (R=0.93 and 0.72, respectively) with SAR amplitude values and therefore can be used to (i) unravel the downstream variations in grain-size by providing valley-floor grain-size maps and, (ii) identify fluvial features (e.g., longitudinal bars) preserved within the ephemeral channels after the passage of a flood. The latter can be of wide application to monitor ungauged ephemeral channels in arid areas worldwide and provide insights about the dryland sedimentary system dynamics during extreme storm events.

How to cite: Cabré, A., Marc, O., Remy, D., and Carretier, S.: Integrating InSAR coherence and SAR amplitude to unravel the surface change processes operating during extreme rainstorm events in the Atacama Desert., EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10362,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Soil erosion as driven by rainfall-cell patterns using weather-radar at regional-scale
Rossano Ciampalini, Andrea Antonini, Alessandro Mazza, Samantha Melani, Alberto Ortolani, Ascanio Rosi, Samuele Segoni, and Sandro Moretti
On-site presentation
Marin Clark, Ries Plescher, Madeline Hille, Christoff Anderman, Chan-Mao Chen, Deepak Chamlagain, Dimitrios Zekkos, and A. Joshua West

Extreme precipitation events drive landsliding in many regions across the globe and are an important part of the erosional cycle and related hazards. The intensity and frequency of extreme events are likely increasing due to rising global temperatures, causing greater future threat to society and an urgent need to quantify the relationships between surface process dynamics and extreme events. In steep mountain belts, orography also plays a role in focusing precipitation and intensifying erosion. Yet, the influence of orography on the intensity-duration characteristics of extreme precipitation remains a subject of debate because we lack spatially distributed and high time-resolution gauge datasets needed to resolve convective-scale, short-duration storm events and satellite-derived precipitation products struggle to accurately resolve precipitation gradients over areas of high relief and altitude. Annual periods of monsoon-related landsliding in the Himalaya offer a natural laboratory in which to explore relationships between extreme precipitation, orography and landsliding processes. Here we scale the NASA’s Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) IMERG 30-minute, 0.1x0.1 degree product with local rain gauge data to produce high-temporal resolution records used to characterize extreme rainfall events (EREs) in central Nepal where hundreds of shallow landslides occur each summer. Individual storms from the time series are defined using the average inter-accumulation time as a measure for the minimum dry period between storms and extreme storms are extracted from the series using a 90th percentile threshold for each gauge station. Variability in storm characteristics is defined using paired K-means agglomerative cluster and principal component analyses to evaluate spatial patterns in storm characteristics over a 10 year period compared to annual landslide inventories. Spatial patterns emerge that suggest orography increases the intensity and frequency of storms, which in turn focuses landsliding in specific, and potentially predictable, regions along the steep windward flank of the mountain belt.

How to cite: Clark, M., Plescher, R., Hille, M., Anderman, C., Chen, C.-M., Chamlagain, D., Zekkos, D., and West, A. J.: Quantifying surface process dynamics during extreme events from storm characteristics and landslide inventories, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-18379,, 2024.


Posters on site: Wed, 17 Apr, 10:45–12:30 | Hall X3

Display time: Wed, 17 Apr 08:30–Wed, 17 Apr 12:30
Chairpersons: Eleonora Dallan, Andrea Brenna, Jacob Hirschberg
Ishmam Kabir, Bernhard Gems, Martin Rutzinger, and Margreth Keiler

‘Sediment Connectivity’ and ‘Multi-Hazard’ – two booming topics over the last decade; have experienced intensive methodological and conceptual developments. Research so far has acknowledged their interrelationships and established sediment connectivity as a crucial component in the framework of hazard and risk research, but mostly through the so called ‘single-hazard’ approaches. Sediment connectivity referring to the entire assemblage of connectivity network would by definition occupy a significant amount of space, which may often accommodate multiple interactive and interrelated hazards, making a single-hazard approach fairly inadequate and thus leaving a crucial research gap.

The primary aim of this study is to draw the attention of future research on this gap while attempting to address it through developing a new perspective to look into multi-hazard events. In line of that we propose a semi-quantitative index based on the classification of hazard events and their interactions through an inverse event tree approach – assuming a cascading process flow. The event classification is based on the type of interactions (e.g. process-process, triggering, impeding, structure-process, etc.) to facilitate the understanding and inclusion of the connectivity concept. The index would assess each step and the interlinkages of such cascading events and assign weights to them based on their significance from a sediment connectivity viewpoint. Furthermore, it would also address how these weights may alter the probabilities across the event tree. Overall, this study proposes a novel perspective into the inter-connectedness of geomorphic/sediment connectivity and multi-hazard events, in line with the ‘Gaia’ and ‘Systems’ theories. 

How to cite: Kabir, I., Gems, B., Rutzinger, M., and Keiler, M.: Addressing the 'Black Hole' amidst Sediment Connectivity and Multi-Hazards, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17658,, 2024.

Felix Pitscheider, Anne-Laure Argentin, Mattia Gianini, Leona Repnik, Simone Bizzi, Stuart Lane, and Francesco Comiti

Alpine regions are among the areas that are the most intensely impacted by climate change. Predictions of how such changes affect meteorological conditions, as well as snow and ice cover and water discharge in mountain regions, are well established. However, how climate change has affected and will affect sediment transport in general and bedload transport in particular in such environments has yet to be studied.

Bedload transport within Alpine rivers is of ecological importance for river systems, impacts the economic efficiency of hydropower and is a critical parameter in assessing hydrogeological risks. This transport is determined by the sediment supplied to the river and the river's capacity to transport these sediments. These complex processes are closely intertwined with climatological conditions within a catchment, particularly in catchments with substantial glacial coverage. However, predicting how bedload transport behaves due to a changing climate is challenging.

This project fills this knowledge gap and investigates the link between bedload transport and rapid climate change in Alpine environments and aims to predict future trends for the current century. To reach this goal, a wide range of objectives has been set. We work towards providing the first reliable, multi-site quantification of past bedload transport changes under warming conditions, as well as to determine the role of geomorphic processes on bedload export in the analysed river networks. Furthermore, we are working on establishing modelling frameworks to predict subglacial and hillslope sediment supply as well as hydrological discharge to create a bedload transport modelling chain. The modelling chain is based upon the D-CASCADE model, which allows quantifying the spatio-temporal bedload (dis)-connectivity in river networks. Supplying the model with climatological and hydrological predictions enables the estimation of future bedload flux and erosion/deposition patterns under different scenarios. The approach for estimating the evolution of bedload transport will be developed and tested in the Solda (Italy) and Navisence (Switzerland) catchments, due to the data availability of the recent bedload transport history. Once validated and calibrated, the approach will be applied to further selected catchments.

In summary, the project aims to provide a decadal-scale quantification of changes in Alpine bedload transport due to climate warming and predict its evolution in the 21st century. We anticipate an initial increase in sediment transport with increasing glacial melt, driven by climate warming. However, this surge may be temporary as diminishing glaciers reduce their contribution to river discharge after a phase of maximum discharge rates. Beyond the academic value of this research, it will offer critical insights for water resource managers in Alpine regions.

How to cite: Pitscheider, F., Argentin, A.-L., Gianini, M., Repnik, L., Bizzi, S., Lane, S., and Comiti, F.: How will bedload transport respond to climate change in Alpine regions? The "ALTROCLIMA" project, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14699,, 2024.

Natalie Barbosa, Carolin Kiefer, Juilson Jubanski, and Michael Krautblatter

Debris flow activity at Lake Plansee, Austria, is evident through numerous debris cones continuously transferring sediment to the lake. Lacustrine sediment records of fan deltas were used to analyze the debris flow activity since 2120 BCE with Kiefer et al. (2021) identifying a drastic increase in debris flow activity since 1920. Furthermore, the photointerpretation of historical aerial imagery combined with modeling of debris flow volumes at the northern slope of Lake Plansee since 1947 suggests an increased trend since the 1980s (Dietrich et al., 2016). Despite the lithological and climatic similarities between the slopes that surround Lake Plansee, debris cones at the northern slope are primarily connected to the lake, while those on the southern slope remain highly active but disconnected.

This contribution aims to advance our understanding of spatio-temporal dynamics on debris flow fans and factors influencing sediment connectivity to the lake. We revise the historical aerial imagery since 1952 to automatically detect ‚active‘ debris channels using image processing and derive time series of photogrammetric Digital Surface Models (DSMs) for change detection.We identified 34 debris catchments with debris flow activity since 1952. Our objectives include (i) analysis of the spatio-temporal patterns of erosion and deposition at each fan to trace their evolution, (ii) quantifying sediment transfer rates from connected fans to lake Plansee in the last 70 years, (iii) identifying the role of vegetation changes in debris fan evolution and (iii) refining our understanding of precipitation and temperature as controlling factors influencing debris flow activity and connectivity or dis-connectivity of active debris channels to lake Plansee. The presented results intend to comprehend the intricate patterns that lead to debris flow exhaustion and increased or decreased activity.


Dietrich, A., & Krautblatter, M. (2017). Evidence for enhanced debris-flow activity in the Northern Calcareous Alps since the 1980s (Plansee, Austria). Geomorphology, 287, 144-158.

Kiefer, C., Oswald, P., Moernaut, J., Fabbri, S. C., Mayr, C., Strasser, M., & Krautblatter, M. (2021). A 4000-year debris flow record based on amphibious investigations of fan delta activity in Plansee (Austria, Eastern Alps). Earth Surface Dynamics, 9(6), 1481-1503.

How to cite: Barbosa, N., Kiefer, C., Jubanski, J., and Krautblatter, M.: Seven decades of debris flow activity. Spatio-temporal observations at connected and disconnected debris flow fans to the Lake Plansee (AT)., EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-18653,, 2024.

Matteo Ferrarotti, Maria Elena Di Renzo, Gian Marco Marmoni, Carlo Esposito, and Salvatore Martino

Landslides are a natural land-forming process and their interaction with urbanized areas and infrastructures makes them one of the most common geo-hazards. Landslides are controlled by three macro-categories of factors, namely the “predisposing”, “preparatory”, and “triggering” ones. In particular, preparatory factors are time-changing and gradually reduce the slope stability without initiating the movement. Snow melting and accumulation are generally discussed in the literature as triggering factors of landslides, particularly shallow ones, although, the here presented approach focuses on their contribution as preparatory factors. In mountainous areas, snow loading and, especially, snow melting can increase the soil pore water pressure, causing a reduction of available strength. Their influence on soil stability is time-dependent and, in particular, changes cyclically throughout the year. Snow usually begins to fall in the late autumn and accumulates especially in winter, whereas in spring it melts, resulting in water infiltration into the soil and resistance reduction. In seismic areas, where earthquakes can act as triggers for shallow landslides, seismic action might discover different levels of soil weakness throughout the year depending on the season, resulting in distinct landslide scenarios.

This research illustrates some multi-hazard scenarios that consider earthquakes as triggering factor of landslides, varying the degree of saturation of soil covers. The case study is the area around Lake Campotosto (Italy), located in one of the Apennines areas with the highest amount of snowfall per year, is in the near fault sector of one of the most important seismogenic source of the Apennines (Mt. Gorzano Fault System) and is characterized by different sizes and mechanisms landslides.

The approach applied for generating landslide scenarios is the PARSIFAL (Probabilistic Approach for Rating Seismically Induced slope FAiLures), a probabilistic multi-hazard tool that includes a three steps procedure: 1) susceptibility analysis including differentiated approach for rock and earth failure mechanisms; 2) slope stability analysis; 3) synthetic mapping of generated scenarios, based on grid or slope units.

Preliminary research on the stability of soil covers under seismic conditions emphasizes importance of hydraulic conditions during earthquake, which also suggests the relevance of snow loading and, in particular, snow melting in regulating slope stability.

Further research is being done utilizing satellite and meteorological data, and geomorphological features, and then elaborating them using statistical and geostatistical tools, up to advanced computing.

The goal is to generate time-dependent landslide hazard scenarios by weighting the effects of snow precipitation throughout the year as a preparatory factor and adding a related tool to PARSIFAL.

The majority of these concepts are being studied at Sapienza's Department of Earth Sciences in the CN1 (National Centre for HPC, Big Data, and Quantum Computing) – Spoke5 PNRR Linea Tematica 1 (Reconstruction of multi-hazard scenarios from seismic source models to the simulation of seismic-induced instabilities), which aims at generating ground effects scenarios in terms of instabilities induced by nonlinear effects produced by the propagation of seismic waves from the seismogenic source to the surface, also considering geomorphological and geotechnical characteristics of the near subsurface.

How to cite: Ferrarotti, M., Di Renzo, M. E., Marmoni, G. M., Esposito, C., and Martino, S.: Snow preparation in landslide scenarios under multi-hazard perspective: experiences from Lake Campotosto (Italy), EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-20877,, 2024.

K. Patricia Sandoval-Rincón, Julio Garrote, Daniel Vázquez-Tarrío, Ana Lucía, Mario Hernández-Ruiz, María Ángeles Perucha, Amalia Romero, José Ortega, and Andrés Díez-Herrero

Catastrophic flash floods are among the deadliest and most damaging natural processes worldwide. Despite this, they are rarely well recorded in instrumental (e.g. rain gauges, gauging stations) and documentary records (archives and newspaper archives). For their analysis and future prevention, it is therefore essential to carry out post-event forensic studies to collect as much information as possible in the field, from which the morphodynamic, hydrological and hydraulic characteristics of these events can be reconstructed.

In early September 2023, an exceptional ‘cut-off low’ weather situation (DANA) crossed the centre of the Iberian Peninsula, causing heavy rainfall and flash floods in several river basins (Alberche, Perales, Grande, Guadarrama). There were seven deaths and hundreds of millions of euros of damage to property and infrastructure.

This work summarises all the post-event forensic analyses and field observations collected after this episode along the Grande-Perales-Alberche river system, consisting of: (i) documentation of the historical morphological changes of these rivers, obtained from old cartographies, geomorphological maps, aerial photographs and recent orthoimages; (ii) compilation of all meteorological (rainfall) and hydrological (flow) information available for the event; (iii) acquisition of aerial images and video recordings using drones; iv) field georeferencing with differential GPS of high water marks (HWM) and paleo-stage indicators (PSI); v) field topographic measurements; vi) detailed measurement of bedform parameters such as wavelength and amplitude of current ripples; vii) grain size and composition sampling of flood deposits.

With all this information and other still being collected (such as orthophotographs and post-event DEMs generated by digital photogrammetry techniques based on images taken by drones), detailed digital elevation models are obtained. All this information will be used as calibration and validation information for 2D hydrodynamic and landscape evolution numerical models that attempt to reproduce and predict this type of event in the study rivers.

How to cite: Sandoval-Rincón, K. P., Garrote, J., Vázquez-Tarrío, D., Lucía, A., Hernández-Ruiz, M., Perucha, M. Á., Romero, A., Ortega, J., and Díez-Herrero, A.: Post-event forensic survey after a recent catastrophic flash flood in Central Spain: morphosedimentary and hydrodynamic reconstruction, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-19438,, 2024.

Jose Luis Molina, Fernando Espejo, Jorge Mongil-Manso, Teresa Diez-Castro, Santiago Zazo, and Carmen Patino-Alonso

Sediment deposition at the bottom of artificial reservoirs have become a worldwide problem that represent a dual problem. First, it is related to the reduction of storage capacity and lifetime. In this sense, associated impacts may comprise a capability reduction to provide water for irrigation, hydropower production and other uses, as well as to intercept floods and regulate the flow. Second, problems come from the threat that the sediment represents for the dam structure. In case the sediment deposits get too close from the structure, they may block the outlets affecting the dam safety. Also, if high-charged water pass through the turbines, it causes abrasion of mechanical equipment. This may generate inefficiencies such as decrease power generating efficiency and ultimately production loss. This primarily stems from the absence of a holistic and integrated strategy for creating a durable and sustainable strategy for managing sedimentation in dams and reservoirs.  In this sense, a whole plan should incorporate a sequential nature that incorporate three chronological phases: preventive, mitigative and corrective measurements. It is clear the lack of preventive actions that have taken during the initial decades of dam/reservoirs functioning. The main objective of this work is to identify the main sediment deposition shapes in large reservoirs that allows inferring the driven processes. Based on the pervious analysis, 6 categories of shapes have been identified based on 4 parameters listed as follows: slope continuity, slope break, absolute and relative slope, and arc configuration. In this sense, categories are:  Flat Areas (FA), SubFlat Areas (SFA), Breaking Lines (BL), Vertical Jumps (VJ), Non-Vertical Jumps (NVJ) and Arc-Shapes. This will allow inferring the main deposition and transport processes that may help to prevent, palliate and/or correct this phenomenon. This research was applied in Rules reservoir (Granada) which is key hydraulic infrastructure with huge sediments issues. Future policies will have to implement a plan route incorporating scientific analysis taking to consideration sediments dynamics.

Keywords: dynamics, bathymetric measurement, dam sedimentation, hydraulic infrastructure, storage capacity

How to cite: Molina, J. L., Espejo, F., Mongil-Manso, J., Diez-Castro, T., Zazo, S., and Patino-Alonso, C.: Assessment of sediments dynamics through the identification of main deposition shapes in large reservoirs , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-224,, 2024.

Marina Zingaro, Giovanni Scicchitano, Alberto Refice, Alok Kushabaha, Antonella Marsico, Deodato Tapete, Alessandro Ursi, and Domenico Capolongo

Land cover plays a fundamental role in surface dynamics that involve sediment connectivity. The processes of sediment erosion, transport and deposition are strongly conditioned by land coverage types (classes) that physically can mitigate, prevent or increase sediment production and mobility on the surface. In fact, land cover and land use data are required for the computation of some indices and models of sediment connectivity. However, it should be considered that land cover changes can impact these processes, especially if they occur over a short period of time.

This work presents an assessment of land cover changes in three different hydrographic basins (river Severn basin in UK, river Vernazza basin in northwestern Italy and Lama Camaggi basin in southern Italy) in relation to their respective sediment connectivity patterns, described by Sediment flow Connectivity Index (SfCI) in previous works (Zingaro et al., 2019; Zingaro et al., 2020; Zingaro et al., 2023). The main aim is to evaluate the use of normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) to consider land cover changes in sediment connectivity analysis. The NDVI is computed from satellite multi-spectral images (Sentinel-2) in time period between the reference year of the land cover used in previous SfCI calculation and the last year (2023) in each of study area. The results show that (1) NDVI highlights the occurrence of land cover changes over short time periods in many areas of the basins, (2) the introduction of NDVI in SfCI modifies sediment mobility values also affecting the definition of sediment connectivity pattern.

The use of NDVI can improve the analysis of sediment connectivity by providing more dynamism in the description of sediment pathways on both spatial and temporal scales. The present experimentation gives new insights to consider surface cover changes in SfCI contributing to update the algorithm and to investigate the possibility of its enhancement.


Research performed in the framework of the project “GEORES - Applicativo GEOspaziale a supporto del miglioramento della sostenibilità ambientale e RESilienza ai cambiamenti climatici nelle aree urbane”, funded by the Italian Space Agency (ASI), Agreement n. 2023-42-HH.0, as part of ASI’s program “Innovation for Downstream Preparation for Science” (I4DP_SCIENCE).


  • Zingaro, M.; Refice, A.; Giachetta, E.; D’Addabbo, A.; Lovergine, F.; De Pasquale, V.; Pepe, G.; Brandolini, P.; Cevasco, A.; Capolongo, D. Sediment Mobility and Connectivity in a Catchment: A New Mapping Approach. Science of The Total Environment 2019, 672, 763–775, doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.03.461.
  • Zingaro, M.; Refice, A.; D’Addabbo, A.; Hostache, R.; Chini, M.; Capolongo, D. Experimental Application of Sediment Flow Connectivity Index (SCI) in Flood Monitoring. Water 2020, 12, 1857, doi:10.3390/w12071857.
  • Zingaro, M.; Scicchitano, G.; Palmentola, P.; Piscitelli, A.; Refice, A.; Roseto, R.; Scardino, G.; Capolongo, D. Contribution of the Sediment Flow Connectivity Index (SfCI) in Landscape Archaeology Investigations: Test Case of a New Interdisciplinary Approach. Sustainability 2023, 15, 15042, doi:10.3390/su152015042.

How to cite: Zingaro, M., Scicchitano, G., Refice, A., Kushabaha, A., Marsico, A., Tapete, D., Ursi, A., and Capolongo, D.: The use of normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) in sediment connectivity analysis: insights for considering land cover changes in Sediment flow Connectivity Index (SfCI), EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-8030,, 2024.

Manuel La Licata, Alberto Bosino, Seyed Hamidreza Sadeghi, and Michael Maerker

Sediment connectivity is a pivotal concept in geomorphological studies aimed at assessing watershed sediment dynamics. It is expressed through the spatial arrangement and physical linkages of system components (Structural Connectivity, SC) and the actual transfer of water and sediments facilitated by dynamic processes (Functional Connectivity, FC). However, a limited number of studies have simultaneously assessed SC and FC. Moreover, traditionally sediment connectivity studies primarily rely on comparing independent results from GIS modelling, field-based assessments, and mapping. Thus, it remains a common practice to treat geomorphic processes and connectivity as separate variables, often without joining them into an integrated modelling approach.

Accordingly, this research aims to introduce a novel methodology that integrates geomorphological data derived from a detailed mapping approach with SC and FC. In particular, we developed a new GIS-based integrated model named HOTSED, designed to assess potential hotspots of sediment sources and related sediment dynamics at the watershed scale.

We tested our approach in a geomorphologically highly active Mediterranean watershed in the Northern Apennines (Italy), starting with the elaboration of an Inventory Map (IM) of sediment sources through fieldwork, photointerpretation, terrain analysis, and digital mapping. Furthermore, we used IM-derived data to estimate the geomorphic Potential of Sediment Sources (PSS) adopting a relative scoring system. Moreover, we computed Structural Sediment Connectivity (STC) and the Potential for Sediment Transport (PST) by combining terrain and hydrological parameters, land use data, and rainfall erosivity. Subsequently, the integration of PSS, STC, and PST was achieved through a raster-based calculation method, yielding the HOTSED model.

The application of the model in the study area provided a single and intuitive output depicting the location of hotspots of sediment sources. It allowed the derivation of “relative hazard” classes for sediment production and delivery using the fluvial system as target feature. The results show that HOTSED successfully highlighted hotspots associated with active complex and polygenetic geomorphic systems located in areas close to the main channels, as well as linear hotspots corresponding to tributary drainages acting as stream corridor sources. Furthermore, it successfully identified areas prone to store sediments in depositional landforms with low hazard, considering both low geomorphic potential and sediment connectivity. Thus, this study proves that our conceptual model is particularly effective in geomorphologically complex areas such as the Northern Apennines.

How to cite: La Licata, M., Bosino, A., Sadeghi, S. H., and Maerker, M.: Assessing hotspots of sediment sources and related sediment dynamics through the integration of geomorphological data, sediment connectivity and sediment transport modelling – The HOTSED model, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-4101,, 2024.

Jorge Mongil-Manso, Carmen Patino-Alonso, José Nespereira-Jato, José-Luis Molina, Fernando Espejo, María-Teresa Díez-Castro, and Santiago Zazo

In river environments, the interaction between liquid and solid runoff fractions plays a crucial for understanding water flow. The magnitude of liquid runoff is directly influenced by of sediments levels, impacting water resource management and quality. Sediment mobilization by total runoff fundamentally shapes river morphology. The imperative need to comprehensively understand hydrological behavior leads us to examine the relationship between these variables and water chemical aspects. Understanding the intricate dynamics between liquid and solid runoff, influenced by sediment levels and chemical variables, is crucial for the effective sediment management of reservoirs. Multivariate statistics are commonly used to identify factors influencing sediment production during hydrological processes. The objective of this study is to apply Partial Least Squares Regression (PLSR) to identify and understand the relationship between chemical variables as predictors and hydrological processes (liquid and solid runoff), allowing a comprehensive assessment of their influence in river environments.  The case study was conducted in the Rules (Granada), Casasola, and La Viñuela reservoirs (Málaga). The results indicated a positive correlation between sediments (solid runoff) and variables such as pH, Clay (CY), Silt (ST), and Carbonates (CA). This means that as sediment levels increase, these variables also show an increasing tendency. Nevertheless, this study also revealed a negative association between sediments and Dissolved Oxygen (EG) and sand (SD) implying that as sediment levels rise, Dissolved Oxygen and sand content tend to decrease. In terms of liquid runoff, a direct relationship was primarily observed with electrical conductivity (CE), Organic Matter (MO), and Sand Content (SD). This suggests a positive connection between these variables, where higher liquid runoff is associated with higher values of electrical conductivity, organic matter, and sand content. Chemical parameters manifest in two distinct groups: one shows a strong positive relationship with sediments (pH, CY, ST, and CA), while the other (CE, MO, SD, and EG) is associated with liquid runoff. In conclusion, the study underscores the intricate dynamics between liquid runoff, sediments (solid runoff), and chemical variables in river systems, using PLSR to unveil relationships. In summary, this study underscores the crucial connection between total runoff (water and sediments), and chemical variables in river environments. These findings highlight the complexity of interactions in river systems, providing valuable insights for water management and understanding hydrological processes. Furthermore, the interaction between liquid and solid runoff fractions in river environments has direct applications for sediment management in reservoirs, enhancing decision-making knowledge for authorities.

How to cite: Mongil-Manso, J., Patino-Alonso, C., Nespereira-Jato, J., Molina, J.-L., Espejo, F., Díez-Castro, M.-T., and Zazo, S.: Exploring connections between liquid/solid runoff fractions and water quality in large reservoirs´ catchments through Multivariate statistics , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-1577,, 2024.

Recent variations in the vulnerability of terrestrial gross primary productivity to compound dry-hot extremes in China
(withdrawn after no-show)
Wuzhi Shi, Ke Zhang, Yuebo Xie, Linxin Liu, and Giovanni Forzieri

Posters virtual: Wed, 17 Apr, 14:00–15:45 | vHall X3

Display time: Wed, 17 Apr 08:30–Wed, 17 Apr 18:00
Chairpersons: Eleonora Dallan, Andrea Brenna, Jacob Hirschberg
Muhammad Ahsan Rashid, Giovanni Leonelli, Roberto Tinterri, Roberto Valentino, and Alessandro Chelli

Debris flows are within the most common and extensive natural hazards in mountain areas, where they may impact humans and their assets. On the surroundings of Alpe di Succiso (2000 m a.s.l., Reggio Emilia Province, Italy) multiple debris flows can be found but there is no information about the spatial and temporal variability. To fill the gap, various methods such as geomorphological mapping, geo-mechanical classification of source areas, grain size analysis, dendro-geomorphic method and climate data have been used to assess the spatial extent and the past occurrence of debris-flow events. Here the preliminary results of the analysis performed in the Fossa Lattara Site, NW of Alpe di Succiso, are shown.

The landforms and deposits present in the surroundings of Alpe di Succiso are the product of different morphogenesis (glacial, gravitational, and torrential) which revealed the evolution of the morpho-climatic conditions that have affected the study area over time. Field work has been carried out to identify the morphological features of debris flows revealing distinctive features such as detachment scarps, debris flow cones, lobes, levees, and channels.

To understand the slope stability mechanism of the source area, a discontinuous survey was conducted and it is found that wedge failure is common. Additionally, in both source and depositional areas, grain size analysis was performed by using various methods: direct field measurement was used for particles greater than 16 mm, a sieve analysis covered the range from 2 to 16 mm, and the laser granulometer technique was applied to particles smaller than 2 mm. Notably, the coarser particles were abundant in depositional area than source area.

On forested areas, dendro-geomorphic analysis contributes to detection of trends of debris flow. Dendro-geomorphic technique is based on the identification of growth anomalies recorded by the annual rings of trees disturbed by debris flows. For debris flow dating, identification of reaction wood, abrupt growth changes and eccentric growth are essential.  Trees samples from debris flow area and reference sites (undisturbed areas) have been collected on site to cross date climate influences and debris flow events. According to the dendro-chronological preliminary results, the debris flow was identified in 1989, 2013 and 2017. Further, debris flow events are linked with precipitation events of the study area.

Moreover, daily rainfall depths in the period 1961-2022 have been collected from ARPAE Emilia Romagna database to understand the impact of climate change on debris flow and it is observed that daily precipitation intensity (dpi) has increased from 1961 to 2022. Seasonal variations are also observed. Noticeably, in the months of December, January, and February the sum of dpi has increased by 162 to 220 mm. Future studies will be performed to analyze the effects of climate change on debris flow.

How to cite: Rashid, M. A., Leonelli, G., Tinterri, R., Valentino, R., and Chelli, A.: Reconstruction of spatial and temporal variability of debris flow in northern Apennines (Italy): Case study of the Alpe di Succiso area, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-4411,, 2024.