EGU24-22563, updated on 11 Mar 2024
EGU General Assembly 2024
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The 2024 Mw 7.5 Noto Earthquake, shallow rupture with a stagnant initiation in a fluid-rich immature fault zone

Haipeng Luo1, Zhangfeng Ma1, Hongyu Zeng1, and Shengji Wei1,2
Haipeng Luo et al.
  • 1NTU, Earth Observatory of Singapore, Singapore ([email protected])
  • 2NTU, Asian School of the Environment, Singapore

Seismic hazard evaluation at critical infrastructures, such as nuclear power plant, urges deeper understanding on the fundamental physics that govern the initiation, propagation and termination of damaging earthquakes. The 2024 moment magnitude (Mw) 7.5 Noto Peninsula earthquake produced great hazards and exhibited complex rupture process. We derive high-resolution 3D surface deformation of the event using dense space geodetic observations, which reveal two major deformation zones separated by ~40 km along the coast of the Peninsula. Two large (>10m) shallow slip asperities with over 10 MPa stress drop on the thrust faults explain excellently the geodetic observations. A calibrated back-projection using teleseismic array high-frequency data shows that the rupture was stagnant around the hypocentre for ~20s before it propagated bilaterally at the speed of 3.4 km/s and 2.8 km/s towards southwest and northeast, respectively. The slow start of the rupture coincides with the seismic swarm surged since 2020 due to lower crust fluid supply, suggesting low normal stress (high pore fluid pressure) at the bottom edge of the seismogenic zone slowed down the initial rupture. The first major asperity of the rupture was accompanied with intense high frequency seismic radiation, and such radiation is even stronger from the largest asperity located at the southern edge of the Peninsula where the Peak-Ground-Acceleration (PGA) exceeding 2.6G at a site that is less than 40km away from the nuclear power plant. Large stress accumulation together with rough fault geometry and/or friction are likely responsible for the exceedingly large high-frequency radiation, which is mostly responsible for devasting damages.

How to cite: Luo, H., Ma, Z., Zeng, H., and Wei, S.: The 2024 Mw 7.5 Noto Earthquake, shallow rupture with a stagnant initiation in a fluid-rich immature fault zone, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-22563,, 2024.