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Related to washable: breakable, laughable


a solution used for cleansing or bathing a part, as an eye or the mouth. See also irrigation and lavage.
Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.


A solution used to clean or bathe a part. For types of washes, see the specific term, for example, eyewash, mouthwash.
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
An acronym for Warfarin-Aspirin Study of Heart Failure
Segen's Medical Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.


A solution used to clean or bathe a part.
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012
References in periodicals archive ?
Parents can receive either a pounds 30 voucher towards the cost of buying washable nappies or a pounds 30 pack of real nappies.
Unotron's washable mice are designed to support restrictive cleaning/disinfection procedures without any detrimental effect to the exterior or the products' internal components, the company said.
From washable rope and knots to racier sexual discussions, Wiseman's frank survey will appeal to those on the kinky side of sexual habits, and offers many practical considerations.
All feature removable and washable shades, extra-heavy outdoor components and encapsulated bulbs, and are UL-listed for wet locations.
While some companies "machine washable," garments fade, Bernardo Fashions first perfected the technology to prevent fading five years ago.
The covered rollers resemble paint rollers with removable, washable sleeves.
Alevio cushions use Recovery 5[TM] high polyurethane covers that are incontinent-proof, antibacterial, latex-free, antifungal, flame retardant, and machine washable.
Holoshape Products, a company best known for its washable holograms, is taking a plunge into the security arena with a new arrangement with the security printers Sekuworks involving, according to Holoshape president Robert Sherwood, a major state-of-the-art new facility in Ohio.
Who else but the Japanese would have come up with the inimitably-named "CoolOne"--not a new digicam from Nikon, folks, but a washable keyboard.
A plush, velvet-soft Polartek[R] velour cover complements contemporary office and auto fabrics, and is easily removable and washable. The detachable elastic strap keeps the roll in place on most chair backs.
The Sit Up & Go[TM] seating positioning system consists of a rigid but lightweight foam padded plastic back and bottom, covered in a removable and washable soft quilted fabric.