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[tīp]the general or prevailing character of any particular case, such as of a disease, person, or substance.
type A a behavior pattern characterized by excessive competitiveness and aggressiveness. See type A behavior.
asthenic type a constitutional type marked by a slender body, long neck, long, flat chest and abdomen, and poor muscular development.
athletic type a constitutional type marked by broad shoulders, deep chest, flat abdomen, thick neck, and good muscular development.
blood type
1. blood group.
2. the phenotype of an individual with respect to a blood group system.
body type (constitutional type) a constellation of traits related to body build.
phage type a subgroup of a bacterial species susceptible to a particular bacteriophage and demonstrated by phage typing. Called also lysotype and phagotype.
pyknic type a constitutional type marked by rounded body, large chest, thick shoulders, broad head, and short neck.
Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
(tīp),1. The usual form, or a composite form, that all others of the class resemble more or less closely; a model, denoting especially a disease or a symptom complex giving the stamp or characteristic to a class.
See also: constitution, habitus, personality.
See also: constitution, habitus, personality.
2. In chemistry, a substance in which the arrangement of the atoms in a molecule may be taken as representative of other substances in that class.
[G. typos, a mark, a model]
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
1. A number of people or things having in common traits or characteristics that distinguish them as a group or class.
2. A person, thing, or model having the features of a group or class.
3. The type specimen, type species, or type genus, which serves as the basis for the name of a species, genus, or family.
1. To assign to a category.
2. To determine the antigenic characteristics of a blood or tissue sample.
The American Heritage® Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2007, 2004 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
A simple way of classifying practically anything is to divide it into 2 or more 'types'; in general, typing keeps the number of subgroups to a minimum, while satisfying those with obsessive-compulsive neuroses who are driven to classify diseases, objects, people and mechanismsMcGraw-Hill Concise Dictionary of Modern Medicine. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
(tīp)1. The usual form or a composite that all others of the class resemble more or less closely; a model, denoting especially a disease or a symptom complex giving the stamp or characteristic to a class.
See also: constitution, habitus, personality
See also: constitution, habitus, personality
2. chemistry A substance in which the arrangement of the atoms in a molecule may be taken as representative of other substances in that class.
Synonym(s): typus.
Synonym(s): typus.
[G. typos, a mark, a model]
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012
(tīp)Usual form, or a composite form, which all others of the class resemble more or less closely; model, denoting especially a disease or a symptom complex giving the stamp or characteristic to a class.
[G. typos, a mark, a model]
Medical Dictionary for the Dental Professions © Farlex 2012
Patient discussion about type
Q. how many types of cancer are they?
A. There are over 200 different types of cancer. You can develop cancer in any body organ. There are over 60 different organs in the body where you can get a cancer.
Each organ is made up of several different tissue types. For example, there is usually a surface covering of skin or epithelial tissue. Underneath that there will be some connective tissue, often containing gland cells. Underneath that there is often a layer of muscle tissue and so on. Each type of tissue is made up of specific types of cells. Cancer can develop in just about any type of cell in the body. So there is almost always more than one type of cancer that can develop in any one organ.
Each organ is made up of several different tissue types. For example, there is usually a surface covering of skin or epithelial tissue. Underneath that there will be some connective tissue, often containing gland cells. Underneath that there is often a layer of muscle tissue and so on. Each type of tissue is made up of specific types of cells. Cancer can develop in just about any type of cell in the body. So there is almost always more than one type of cancer that can develop in any one organ.
Q. What types of arthritis are there? I am familiar with several types of arthritis, for instance R.A or ostheoarthritis. Are there more types?
A. Arthritis is a symptom that can occur on its own as part of a known disease such as RA, osteoarthritis or Gout, and can also happen as a part of other complex of symptoms involving the joints in other diseases such as: Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, psoriasis and so on. Other diseases can mimic arthritis for instance: osteoporosis or multiple myeloma.
Q. Types of Bipolar I like to know that how many types of bipolar is there and what are its symptoms? Can any one please explain?
A. The DSM-IV (bible of psychological disorders) recognizes two disorders within the category of Bipolar disorders. Bipolar I Disorder is the characteristic cycling of depressive lows and manic highs (the extent and length of these extremes differ from person to person). Bipolar II disorder is cycling between depression and less intense hypomanias. So in a way, Bipolar II is less fun than Bipolar I. Manias and Hypomanias are not just being really happy. They are merely a period of intense energy and activity. The patient often has little control over what they say or do during this period.
There is something in Bipolar disorder called a "Mixed Episode". They are not very common but this is a very distressing period in which a person experiences symptoms from both a mania and a depression at the same time. Dark, disturbing thoughts and intense anxiety and lowered inhibitions--even panic attacks. In the words of my professor: "Mixed episodes suck".
More discussions about typeThere is something in Bipolar disorder called a "Mixed Episode". They are not very common but this is a very distressing period in which a person experiences symptoms from both a mania and a depression at the same time. Dark, disturbing thoughts and intense anxiety and lowered inhibitions--even panic attacks. In the words of my professor: "Mixed episodes suck".
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