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[fās]1. the anterior, or ventral, aspect of the head from the forehead to the chin, inclusive.
2. any presenting aspect or surface. adj., adj fa´cial.
face lift popular name for rhytidectomy.
moon face the peculiar rounded face seen in various conditions, such as in Cushing's syndrome, or after administration of adrenal corticoids.
Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
(fās), [TA]1. The front portion of the head; the visage, including eyes, nose, mouth, forehead, cheeks, and chin; excludes ears. Synonym(s): facies (1) [TA]
2. Synonym(s): surface
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
1. The surface of the front of the head from the top of the forehead to the base of the chin and from ear to ear.
2. A contorted facial expression.
3. Facies.
The American Heritage® Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2007, 2004 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
(2) The exposed surface of a structure
Segen's Medical Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.
Facies Medtalk1. The frontal portion of the head, which includes mouth, nose, eyes, forehead, cheeks, chin.
2. The exposed surface of a structure. See Battered prize fighter face, Bird face, Chipmunk face, Cow face, Dishface face, Dogface face, Doll face, Elfin face, Fat face, Flat face, Fish face, Frog face, Gargoyle face, Hatchet face, Heart-shaped face, Hippocratic face, Mask-like face, Mitral face, Monkey face, Moon face, Orphan Annie face, Peter Pan face, Porcelain doll face, Sagging face, Shrewmouse face, Triangular face.
McGraw-Hill Concise Dictionary of Modern Medicine. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
(fās)1. The front portion of the head; the visage including the eyes, nose, mouth, forehead, cheeks, and chin, but not the ears.
Synonym(s): facies (1) [TA] .
Synonym(s): facies (1) [TA] .
2. Synonym(s): surface.
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012
(fās)1. [TA] Surface between two lateral surfaces that converge to form a cutting edge; portion of dental instrument working-end opposite its back. On sickle scales and curettes, face is bounded by cutting edges.
2. Front portion of head; visage, including eyes, nose, mouth, forehead, cheeks, and chin; excludes ears.
Synonym(s): facies (1) [TA] .
Synonym(s): facies (1) [TA] .
3. Synonym(s): surface.
Medical Dictionary for the Dental Professions © Farlex 2012
Patient discussion about face
Q. Can scabies be on the face? About a week ago, several bumps, red and itchy, appeared on my face. I have had scabies on other parts of my body and although it feels quite similar, it doesn’t really look the same. Can it be scabies? Is it other thing?
A. If you indeed have scabies on your face, it may come from two sources: either from your scalp, where it hides when you treat the rest of your body, or your pillow. First you should be sure it's scabies (have you seen a doctor?) If it's scabies, try to wash all your pillows and change them, and then treat your face.
Q. Is there any way you can lose weight on your face? I am a male and I got chubby cheeks like girls and I don’t like it...is there any way you can lose weight on your face?
A. Hi Christopher, I’m not sure if there is, but you should like your face just the way it is, try some make-up and see how it goes, or rub your cheeks in a circular motion with your hands for about 45 seconds a day. Chubby cheeks can also come from liver problems, water retention from a high salt diet, excessive toxic buildup in the body, and of course poor choices in diet. Try exercise, facial massages, ice packs can help, or natural diuretic herbs like dandilion root extract.
Q. how i can have afat face? after loosing weight my face has lost weight and is thin how can i treat it?
A. You want to make your face look fuller? Except for the obvious (although not the most recommended...) way to gain wait, you can use make-up,
You can try to draw attention to the center of your face: use some blush on your chick's apples, a little on your chin and add a little touch to the end of your nose. It'll shorten your face.
You can also see the tips in this movie (http://www.expertvillage.com/video/14409_lips-full-makeup.htm there are other movies in this site).
More discussions about faceYou can try to draw attention to the center of your face: use some blush on your chick's apples, a little on your chin and add a little touch to the end of your nose. It'll shorten your face.
You can also see the tips in this movie (http://www.expertvillage.com/video/14409_lips-full-makeup.htm there are other movies in this site).
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