traditional healer

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Related to traditional healer: Traditional medicine, spiritual healer

traditional healer

A person in a primitive society who uses long-established methods passed down from one healer to another to treat a person suffering from various illnesses, many of which have psychological underpinnings. Methods used by traditional healers include the use of roots, fetish dolls, voodoo dolls, and the smoking out of a possessing spirit or spell.
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Some cultural perceptions such as perceived etiology of illness and faith in traditional healers contribute toward low health-care access.
In some cases the names of the alleged healed patients are provided as these patients identify themselves by name before providing their narrations about the attributes of the traditional healers. For instance in Appendix 2 Mama Safina's advertisement employs the agency of Sakala Morgan who claims to have been helped by this traditional healer.
Both allopathic and traditional healers agreed that one of the most important things that can be done to improve maternal and neonatal health outcomes is to implement more education, both directly to the mother and community-wide, on issues related to pregnancy and childbirth.
In African society, healing, through the instrument of the traditional healer, symbolizes the hope of the society with regard to good health, protection, and security.
In addition, they should be involved in interactions with traditional healers that are facilitated in such a manner that accurate diagnoses are achieved and there is respectful awareness of the toxicity of many herbal medications.
Fourteen respondents (1.0 percent) chose the traditional healer opt out for all eight choice tasks (4.2 percent of choice tasks).
Two traditional healers (waganga) from both genders perform spells round the clock.
Traditional healers in Sudan perform many valuable services and social benefits to the community; nevertheless, traditional healing is not formally institutionalized, as there is no responsible government entity that guides and supervises the delivery of traditional healing services.
Early this week, the cobra bit him after which his family members took him to a local traditional healer who suggested them to let the cobra bite him in the same place it had bitten earlier.

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