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Abbreviation for toxic epidermal necrolysis.
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


1. Total enteral nutrition.
McGraw-Hill Concise Dictionary of Modern Medicine. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.


Abbreviation for toxic epidermal necrolysis.
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012

Patient discussion about TEN

Q. How does a Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) unit help fibromyalgia. My aunt was suggested to go through TENS. Will that really help? How does a Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) unit help fibromyalgia?

A. ‘TENS’ units are prescribed for chronic pain sufferers and fibromyalgia patients. What is a tens unit? Tens stands for Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation. A tens unit is essentially a stimulation device consisting of electrodes that are attached to the skin, the unit itself, and a battery to provide current. A Tens unit uses electricity to block nerves from sending pain messages.

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References in classic literature ?
And what were the ten reconciliations, and the ten truths, and the ten laughters with which my heart enjoyed itself?
The child's education in the sordid anxieties of life was completed already at ten years old!
He was planning upon compelling them to drive the ten goats to the mouth of his cave when Momaya returned.
The old man took the spear and threw it, but his hand was weak, and he cast so clumsily that it fell among the sons of Jikiza, who stood before Umslopogaas, causing them to open up to let it pass between them, and drawing the eyes of all ten of them to it.
Now in its way, the spectacle of ten men walking together, all blind of the right eye, is as uncommon as that of a copper castle, and I was turning over in my mind what could be the meaning of this strange fact, when they greeted me warmly, and inquired what had brought me there.
They are most at rest between three and four o'clock in the morning, although even then there are usually ten calls a minute.
And the ladies-in-waiting placed themselves in front and then spread out their dresses; so the Swineherd got his ten kisses, and she got the pot.
"Ten kisses from the Princess, or I keep the kitchen-pot myself."
The first prize was to be twoscore and ten golden pounds, a silver bugle horn inlaid with gold, and a quiver with ten white arrows tipped with gold and feathered with the white swan's-wing therein.
I have ten thoats, John Carter; you may take your choice from among them, and I will accompany you to the nearest waterway that leads to Helium.
I've set that old regulator up faster and faster, till I've shoved it clear around, but it don't do any good; she just distances every watch in the ship, and clatters along in a way that's astonishing till it is noon, but them eight bells always gets in about ten minutes ahead of her anyway.
Billy, strong fella too much ten fella three times."