The Congo virus patients suffer from fever, hunger, weakness, and
swelling of eyes. The patient can also develop white cells deficiency immediately and start bleeding, which may cause death.
The patient of Congo virus suffers from nuisance, fever, hunger, weakness and
swelling of eyes. He or she also falls short of white cells immediately and starts bleeding which causes death.
The Congo virus patients suffer from fever, hunger, weakness and
swelling of eyes. He or she acan also develop white cells deficiency immediately and starts bleeding, which may cause death.
The symptoms of the problems include white reflex, squint, redness,
swelling of eyes and change of colour of iris.
Principal PGMI pointed out the symptoms of the Congo patients and told that they suffer from nuisance, fever, hunger, weakness and
swelling of eyes and their white cells decrease quickly and start bleeding which ends on death of the patient.
The patient of congo virus suffers from nuisance, fever, hunger, weakness and
swelling of eyes, and also falls short of white cells immediately and starts bleeding which causes death.