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1. any tissue or organ for implantation or transplantation.
2. to implant or transplant such tissues. This term is preferred over transplant in the case of skin grafts. See also implant.
allogeneic graft allograft.
autodermic graft (autoepidermic graft) a skin graft taken from the patient's own body.
autologous graft (autoplastic graft) a graft taken from another area of the patient's own body; called also autograft.
avascular graft a graft of tissue in which not even transient vascularization is achieved.
bone graft bone transplanted from one site to another.
bypass graft an autograft consisting of a segment of vein or artery grafted into place in a bypass.
cable graft a nerve graft made up of several sections of nerve in the manner of a cable.
coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) see under bypass.
cutis graft dermal graft.
delayed graft a skin graft that is sutured back into its bed and subsequently used after several days.
dermal graft (dermic graft) a skin graft of dermis, used instead of fascia in various plastic procedures.
epidermic graft a skin graft in which a piece of epidermis is implanted on a raw surface.
fascia graft a graft of fibrous tissue, usually taken from the external investing fascia of the lower limb (fascia lata).
fascicular graft a nerve graft in which bundles of nerve fibers are approximated and sutured separately.
filler graft one used for the filling of defects, as the filling of depressions with fatty tissue or of a bony cyst cavity with bone chips or dried cartilage.
free graft a graft of tissue completely freed from its bed, in contrast to a flap.
full-thickness graft a skin graft consisting of the full thickness of the skin, with little or none of the subcutaneous tissue.
heterodermic graft a skin graft taken from a donor of another species.
heterologous graft (heteroplastic graft) xenograft.
homologous graft a graft of tissue obtained from the body of another animal of the same species but with a genotype differing from that of the recipient; called also allograft and homograft.
inlay graft a skin graft or mucosal graft applied by spreading the graft over a stent and suturing the graft and mold into a prepared pocket.
isogeneic graft (isologous graft) (isoplastic graft) syngraft.
lamellar graft replacement of the superficial layers of an opaque cornea by a thin layer of clear cornea from a donor eye.
mesh graft a type of split-thickness graft in which many tiny splits have been made in the skin to allow it to be stretched to cover a larger area.
Ollier-Thiersch graft a very thin skin graft in which long, broad strips of skin, consisting of the epidermis, rete, and part of the corium, are used.
omental graft a segment of omentum and its supplying vasculature, transplanted as a free flap to another area and revascularized by anastomosis of arteries and veins.
pedicle graft pedicle flap.
penetrating graft a full-thickness corneal transplant.
periosteal graft a piece of periosteum to cover a denuded bone.
Phemister graft a bone graft of cortical bone with cancellous bone chips to enhance callus formation.
pinch graft a small piece of skin graft, partial or full thickness, obtained by elevating the skin with a needle and slicing it off with a knife.
porcine graft a split-thickness graft of skin from a pig, applied to a denuded area on a human as a temporary dressing for treatment of a severe burn.
sieve graft a skin graft from which tiny circular islands of skin are removed so that a larger denuded area can be covered, the sievelike portion being placed over one area, and the individual islands over surrounding or other denuded areas.
skin graft a piece of skin transplanted to replace a lost portion of skin; see also skin grafting.
split-skin graft (split-thickness graft) a skin graft consisting of the epidermis and a portion of dermis.
Diagram of a cross-section of the skin, demonstrating split thickness and full thickness skin grafts. From Roberts and Hedges, 1991.
syngeneic graft syngraft.
thick-split graft a skin graft consisting of the epidermis and about two thirds of the dermis.
Thiersch graft Ollier-Thiersch graft.
Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.


(graft), Do not confuse this word with graph.
1. Any tissue or organ for transplantation.
See also: flap, implant, transplant.
2. To transplant such structures.
See also: flap, implant, transplant.
[A.S. graef]
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


v. grafted, grafting, grafts
To transplant or implant (living tissue, for example) surgically into a bodily part to replace a damaged part or compensate for a defect.
1. To make a graft.
2. To be or become joined.
a. Material, especially living tissue or an organ, surgically attached to or inserted into a bodily part to replace a damaged part or compensate for a defect.
b. The procedure of implanting or transplanting such material.
c. The configuration or condition resulting from such a procedure.

graft′er n.
The American Heritage® Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2007, 2004 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.


Immunology Any tissue taken from one part of the body of the same or different person and used to replace diseased or injured tissue in another part of the body. See Allograft, Bone graft, Bypass graft, Corneal graft, Coronary artery bypass graft, Dermagraft, Endovascular stent graft, Endoscopic coronary artery bypass graft, Fetal brain graft, Hair graft, Hemi-homograft, Hemobahn endovascular graft, Irradiated chondral graft, Isograft, Micrograft, Minigraft, Skin graft, Split thickness graft, Standard hair graft, Strip graft, Test graft, Tissue graft, White graft.
McGraw-Hill Concise Dictionary of Modern Medicine. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.


1. Any free (unattached) tissue or organ for transplantation.
2. To transplant such structures.
See also: flap, implant, transplant
[A.S. graef]
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012


A tissue or organ, taken from another part of the body or from another donor person, and surgically implanted to make up a deficit or to replace a defective part. To be successfully retained, a graft must quickly establish an adequate blood supply and must be able to resist immunological rejection responses.
Collins Dictionary of Medicine © Robert M. Youngson 2004, 2005


the transfer of a small part of an organism to a relatively larger part where it is transplanted. This may take place from one part of an organism to another part (see AUTOGRAFT), or from one organism to another (see ISOGRAFT, HOMOGRAFT, HETEROGRAFT). Many embryological studies have involved grafting, and from a medical point of view, skin grafting, particularly after serious burns, is commonplace. Organ grafts such as heart transplants are now much more common, though rejection by an animal of the tissues of another is still a serious problem (see IMMUNE RESPONSE). In animals the graft comes from a ‘donor’ and is transferred to the recipient. In plants, grafts are used often in horticulture, where a scion, the plant to be cultivated, is attached onto a STOCK (1), the rooting portion.
Collins Dictionary of Biology, 3rd ed. © W. G. Hale, V. A. Saunders, J. P. Margham 2005


To implant living tissue surgically. In coronary artery bypass graft surgery, healthy veins or arteries are grafted to coronary arteries.
Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.


1. Any free (unattached) tissue or organ for transplantation.
2. To transplant such structures.
See also: flap, implant, transplant
[A.S. graef ]
Medical Dictionary for the Dental Professions © Farlex 2012