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a stainless steel wound closure device, usually removed 7 to 10 days after the surgical procedure.
Removing staples. From Lammon et al., 1995.
Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.


A basic dietary item, such as flour, rice, or corn.
The American Heritage® Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2007, 2004 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.


Surgery A wire-like fastening device composed of steel-based alloys, used to close operative wounds, especially of skin, which minimizes infection by not introducing a foreign body that would connect external and internal body regions. See Surgical closure.
McGraw-Hill Concise Dictionary of Modern Medicine. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Patient discussion about staple

Q. hemorroid stapling dose any one know about this first hand,or had it done themself? mail me if you have!Thanks Hi, I will have this done on 8/4 . I do need to have some info. about it from someone who has had it done what I need to know before hand!HOW MUCH PAIN, BLEEDING ect. Drs can only tell you so much because they do the surgery but not had it done themself. Please let me know soon, Please!

A. I haven't had it done first hand but I do know from people who have done it that it can hurt in the first few days after and there will be slight bleeding, however that is expected decrease dramatically and make the bleeding eventually stop.

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References in periodicals archive ?
I refer to paragraph 6 of your article, "Newspapers clamped with staples inconvenience and annoy readers", (Daily Nation, August 16, 2019).
Sycamore Partners, a private equity firm that specializes in retail and consumer product investments, announced at the end of June that it had agreed to acquire Staples, Inc.
Yesterday, Paul McGowan, of HMV owner Hilco, said: "We are pleased to have concluded a transaction with Staples, Inc and look forward to working with the UK team.
Staples has struggled with years of falling sales as demand for traditional office basics such as ink cartridges has fallen and shoppers hunt for bargains online.
Staples is the kind of guy to cheekily accept a check from Spotify to play a show, then use said performance to point out the perceived unfairness of the company's streaming model.
The advantages of staples include rapid speed of closure, (2) a decreased risk of infection as there is less chance of bacterial migration into the wound and also the capillaries in the sub-cuticular layers are not damaged during placement of staples, (3) improved wound eversion without strangulation of tissue and result in minimal cross hatch scarring (4) and less foreign body reaction (5).
"The best way to maximize value for Staples' shareholders is through exploring and completing a business combination with Office Depot,'' Starboard CEO Jeffrey C.
Each Staples store features an immersive 3D printing experience center that lets consumers and small businesses create personalized products and use 3D printing hardware.
Staple gun STEP 1: Lay the pin board face down over your wadding and chosen fabric and cut around, leaving enough space either side to fold over your board.