standard lead

standard lead

1. Any of three standard bipolar limb leads of an electrocardiograph, designated I, II and III. Lead I records potential difference between the right and left arms; lead II, the difference between right arm and left leg; lead III, the difference between left arm and left leg.
2. A record obtained from such a lead.
The American Heritage® Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2007, 2004 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
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The soap bar picture shown was shot with a standard lead RN .22 LR.
Manufactured by high density compaction process, custom, high watt density heaters include industry standard lead wires, lead exits, connectors, mounting flanges, and thermocouples.
Despite the large size and extremely bespoke nature of the room, Connect 2 Cleanrooms installed the cleanroom within their standard lead time of 2-3 weeks from approval of drawings and the cleanroom now plays a significant part in Calypso's strategy to produce healthy, fun and refreshing drinks.
Commercial availability of the XLamp XM LED is scheduled for this autumn and samples are available for order with standard lead times.
The Total Power Solution for material handling features PowerEdge, a fuel cell hybrid system that replaces standard lead acid batteries in forklift trucks, and PowerTap, a hydrogen generator and hydrogen station that provide cost effective on-site refueling.
We will also ensure that the supply of products meets the standard lead time," he added.- TradeArabia News Service
The May website question asked, "How do you reduce your standard lead time to deliver castings to customers more quickly?" Use Rapid Prototyping 46.7% Interrupt Regular Production 33.3% Standard Lead Times Are the Best We Can Offer 13.3% Maintain inventory 6.7%
The results of the analysis show also significant increase of specificity of the TCRT parameter in control group in case of the 61 leads set in comparison to 12 standard lead set.
Standard lead screws include the low friction torque M1 2 x 0.25 mm, extra fine M2 x 0.2 mm and M3 x 0.5 mm, all available in various lengths and with optional self-lubricating nuts.

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