saddle sore

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saddle sore

1. A sore on a horse's back caused by an improperly fitted saddle.
2. A sore on a rider caused by the chafing of a saddle.
The American Heritage® Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2007, 2004 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
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SADDLE SORE n Wu on deck as shaken star Nicole recovers her balance, right
"I expect a few of us will be pretty saddle sore afterwards, but it's a great cause."
Saddle sore: Pcs Robert Maxwell, Neil Shuter and Adrian Mills and back-up driver Paul Shuter arrive at the Eiffel Tower.
"I can tell you we were more than a bit saddle sore when we'd finished cycling and left the station."
However if he would like to join us we will be holding a 1,000-mile saddle sore ride on June 19-21, 2010: for more info JR Owen (ex WO2)
ECHO worker John Hunt was today setting out on a journey certain to leave him saddle sore in aid of Liverpool Unites.
She said: "I am a little saddle sore today but it was good fun.
Practice nurse Sue said they were feeling saddle sore but thoroughly enjoyed the challenge.
Still nursing my saddle sore rump I limped onto court at Vagabonds Tennis Club on Queens Drive last week expecting to be serving by lunchtime and hitting backhands like Agassi by dinner.
SADDLE SORE: Round-the-world cyclist Mark Beaumont with his mum Una PHIL DYE
Saddle sore Kellaway said: "It was my seventh attempt to crack 400 miles in a 24 hour in the last six years, so I am delighted to finally achieve a personal ambition."