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incision into the nose.
Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.


1. Any cutting operation on the nose.
2. Operative procedure in which the nose is incised along one side so that it may be turned away to provide full vision of the nasal passages for radical sinus operations.
[rhino- + G. tomē, incision, cutting]
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


Incision into the nose, especially incision along one side to allow viewing of the nasal passages for radical sinus operations.
The American Heritage® Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2007, 2004 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.


1. Any cutting operation on the nose.
2. Operative procedure in which the nose is incised along one side so that it may be turned away to provide full vision of the nasal passages for radical sinus operations.
[rhino- + G. tomē, incision, cutting]
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012
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A dorsal rhinotomy allows the surgeon full access to the sinuses, but has a high likelihood of altering the cat's appearance (this is less severe if the bone is able to be replaced).
Three of the patients in the lateral rhinotomy group had epiphora and two patients had numbness in the cheek.
Some cases of huge rhinoliths may require lateral rhinotomy. But in our case as the rhinolith was not so big and it was present in anterior part of nasal cavity we preferred endoscopic removal.
Concerning the nasal involvement, lateral rhinotomy, midfacial degloving, transpalatal surgery and endoscopic surgery are some surgical approaches depending on the localisation and tumour size.7,8 There are few cases of intranasal pleomorphic adenomas which were removed by endoscopic approach.4,8-10 We also had the opportunity to use endoscopic approach owing to the incidental diagnosis at a relatively early stage.
al[26] (case 6) True hemangiopericytoma Compagno and 1976 42-79/ Nasal cavity, 20-70 Hyams[10] 9M, 14F n = 13 (23 cases) Ethmoid, n = 7 Sphenoethmoid, n = 3 Batsakis et 1983 79/F Nasal cavity 30 al[24] Eichhorn et 1990 50/F Middle 21 al[26] (case 8) turbinate Present case 1 2001 78/F Nasal cavity 25 Present case 2 2001 60/M Nasal cavity Source Spread Treatment Soft tissue--type hemangiopericytoma Stout[3] Orbit Excision Murashima[12] Nasal septum, Incomplete nasopharynx excision Lnczyk[15] Cribriform palate Local excision Craniotomy Benveniste None Partial and Harris[19] ethmoidectomy Cryosurgery Gudrun[22] Nasopharynx, Lateral rhinotomy frontal sinus, Radiation nasal cavity, anterior cranial fossa Tsuneyoshi ...
All the cases were treated surgically by one of the following surgical methods--Functional endoscopic sinus surgery, Intranasal endoscopic assisted excision, Lateral rhinotomy, Weber-Ferguson approach, Caldwell-Luc approach, combination of the above approaches or external excision.
An open rhinoplasty approach along with a lateral rhinotomy was used to expose and then resect the tumor en bloc.
Lateral rhinotomy was the most frequently employed (n=13; 68.42%) surgical approach in the 19 surgical procedures conducted at the AKUH.
A Weber-Fergusson lateral rhinotomy with total excision of the mass by craniofacial approach was performed 3 months after biopsy.
Patient underwent wide excision by lateral rhinotomy approach as the tumour was localised.
After embolization of the tumor-feeding vessels from the ECA, surgery was performed through a previous lateral rhinotomy. During separation of the tumor lobule in the sphenoid sinus, bright-red blood spurted from the lateral and inferior walls of the left sphenoid sinus.
A right lateral rhinotomy and maxillectomy was performed and the tumour was excised.