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(rē-lēv'),To free wholly or partly from pain or discomfort, either physical or mental.
[through O. Fr. fr. L. re-levo, to lift up, lighten]
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
1. To lessen or alleviate something, such as pain or a symptom.
2. To free from pain, anxiety, or distress.
re·liev′a·ble adj.
re·liev′er n.
The American Heritage® Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2007, 2004 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
(rĕ-lēv')To free wholly or partly from pain or discomfort, either physical or mental.
[through O. Fr. fr. L. re-levo, to lift up, lighten]
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012
(rĕ-lēv')To free wholly or partly from pain or discomfort, either physical or mental.
[through O. Fr. fr. L. re-levo, to lift up, lighten]
Medical Dictionary for the Dental Professions © Farlex 2012
Patient discussion about relieve
Q. how can you naturally relieve a minor asthma attack in a baby don't have albutoral on our trip what can we do
A. P.S---there are NO natural meds for and asthma attack after it has started,one of the things that i find is that natural meds work to pre-vent disease,IF you take it right,for long period of time.--the active ingredients in natural meds are in very small amounts,therefore you have to take alot of fruit,veg,ect---coffee can stop an asthma attack--but you cant drink coffee in that large amount,and then you will be hyperactive--and your heart rate will go up--headach can acure.mrfoot56
Q. What is a natural way to relieve my stress and depression without drugs? I am diagnosed with depression and taking Anti depressant drugs. What is a natural way to relieve my stress and depression without drugs? It makes me sick to my stomach.
A. Any kind of physical activity will help with stress and depression. It doesn't matter what kind of exercise or physical activity it is either. Try to find the one you enjoy doing and stick with it. Another good way is YOGA. It is more effective for people with depression.
Q. Does anyone know how to relieve chronic back pain due to inflammation and arthritis? I have tried OTC arthritis pain meds they don't offer much relief for me. I have had surgery for herniated disc. My doctor says that there is a lot of inflammation and arthritis in my back. You can't get Vioxx anymore. Is there an alternative?
A. there also is a drug called diclofenac(cataflam) ask your DR.
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