A three-year and 5-year
rankings are based on weighted average performance over the performance horizon and only include those funds which have completed the full term.
The University is ranked 24th in the world, ninth in Europe, and sixth in the UK, in the CWTS Leiden
Ranking 2019, which offers key insights into the scientific performance of major universities worldwide.
"We take great pride in this
ranking not only for ourselves but for Pakistan, and will work to use it as an opportunity to enhance clinical care and access to life-saving treatments in the country."
The University of the Philippines further climbed international
rankings, appearing in the top 33 percent of the 2020 QS...
Although, no Nigerian University ranked 800th or below in the CWUR andWebometric
ranking but two Nigerian university fall between 601-800
ranking in the Times Higher Education World University
Rankings, which made the claim PARTLY TRUE.
When the 2018
rankings were announced, MAHE had moved up seven notches to the 11th position.
ranking aims to evaluate and rank universities all over the world according to their current condition and policies related to green campus and sustainability activities.
It provides the definitive
rankings for UK universities and the most comprehensive overview of higher education in Britain.
ranking: 5 Ryder Cups: First appearance Rory McIlroy (N Ireland)
Releasing the first"delta
ranking"of the most backward districts in the country -- which the NITI Aayog has dubbed as aspirational districts -- the government's premier think-tank said the purpose of the
ranking is to spur a sense of competition among them.
The IMD Swiss business school that recently released it World Competitiveness
Rankings in May, placing Taiwan as the 17th most competitive economy, recently released their annual Digital Competitiveness
ranking for 2018.