

an inactive precursor of gastrin.
Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.


Precursor of gastric secretion in the mucous membrane of the stomach.
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


Precursor of gastric secretion in the mucous membrane of the stomach.
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012
References in periodicals archive ?
For instance, in a colorectal cancer study, progastrin secreted by colorectal tumors was shown to activate Wnt signaling and result in expression of Wnt target genes including Jagged-1, one Notch ligand.
Delaunay et al., "The Wnt target jagged-1 mediates the activation of notch signaling by progastrin in human colorectal cancer cells," Cancer Research, vol.
M2 PHARMA-April 29, 2014-Cancer Advances gets US patent allowance for monoclonal antibodies to progastrin
29 April 2014 - Cancer Advances Inc, a fully-owned biotech portfolio company of US Cato BioVentures, said Tuesday it had received allowance for a US divisional patent covering monoclonal antibodies to progastrin, the unprocessed precursor to the gastrin hormone.
Singh, "Functional crosstalk between [beta]-catenin and NF[kappa]B signaling pathways in colonic crypts of mice in response to progastrin," The Journal of Biological Chemistry, vol.
Insulin-like growth factors are more effective than progastrin in reversing proapoptotic effects of curcumin: critical role of p38MAPK.
In gastrinoma cells, progastrin is processed less efficiently than in normal gastrin cells (8,25).
A few gastrinomas, however, may process progastrin so poorly that the concentrations of bioactive amidated gastrins in plasma periodically fluctuate into the reference interval [104 pg/mL (<50 pmol/L)] while the concentrations of precursors are increased (27, 38).
PIA was first applied to progastrin and procholecystokinin (7-9), and recent reports illustrate its diagnostic advantages (5, 6,10-14).
These results are in accordance with reports that PIA analyses have increased the diagnostic accuracy for progastrin (6,10), probrain natriuretic peptide, and rat epidermal growth factor (11, 24).
As a result of the elaborate cellular maturation process of progastrin, the antral G cells release a mixture of different acidstimulatory gastrins and other precursor fragments to the circulation (2).
As previously and originally described for progastrin measurement (6), enzymatic treatment of plasma with trypsin was performed before measurement to cleave all proBNP peptides to the 1-21 fragment.