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The fruit of the papaw (pawpaw), Carica papaya (family Caricaceae), a tree of the tropic Americas; it possesses a proteolytic action and is the source of papain.
Synonym(s): carica
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Papaw, or papaya, grows in tropical countries and is available in supermarkets all year round.
The papaw tree is one of the wonders of nature - it can grow from seed to a 20ft fruit-bearing tree in less than 18 months.
Papaw can be cubed, pureed, juiced and frozen and is best eaten just before the very soft ripening stage.
Ripe papaw can be eaten straight away or stored in the fridge for up to a week.
When preparing papaw, peel, cut in half lengthwise and remove seeds.
Abbreviations: AFO = ankle-foot orthosis; AT = assistive technology; ATP = AT professional; FES = functional electrical stimulation; HFAO = hip flexion assist orthosis; LOE = level of evidence; MAT = mobility AT; MS = multiple sclerosis; PAPAW = power-assist pushrim-activated wheelchair; PHAATE = Policy, Human, Activity, Assistance, Technology, and Environment (model); QOL = quality of life; RET = rehabilitation engineering technologist; SCI = spinal cord injury.
Scientists at the Human Engineering Research Laboratories (HERL), VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System, conducted a study to examine PAPAW use in the "real" world and to describe manual-wheelchair users' driving habits.
For Phase I, the amount of energy required to push a manual wheelchair will be compared to a PAPAW. In Phase II, wheelchair users will evaluate the PAPAW over an activities-of-daily-living (ADL) course to determine its usability and acceptability.
As initial testing reveals, a PAPAW operates much like a traditional manual wheelchair but requires less effort to propel.