Barfoot, for his explication of the 'treachery of trading' in Troilus's metaphor of the Indian pearl, especially with respect to the 'pun on the homophones "sail" and "sale," and the structurally more incisive near-homophone "selling", "this sailing/selling
Pandar" (1.1.103)' ('Troilus and Cressida: "Praise us as we are tasted"', Shakespeare Quarterly, 39 (1988), 45-57 (p.
And on this principle is grounded the first narrative move in their love story: "I cannot come to Cressid but by
Pandar", Troilus acknowledges (1.1.93).
He has some of the New Historicist problems with historical accuracy: among others, the Scottish king James V was the half-brother of Lady Margaret Douglas herself, not of her (and his) mother, Henry VIII's sister; Sir Anthony Denny could not, even in the most distorted sense, be considered a
Pandar in the Tudor court; and the evidence for Sir Francis Bryan should be examined carefully for actual instances - Chaucer's original
Pandar would never have written a text like Bryan's final one; the Pope never came to Calais but to Marseilles in 1533; and it will be a surprise for David Starkey to see his work on the formation of courtliness set in conjunction with that of Elton's.
NEWMARKET: 2.10 Luna Moon, 2.40 Raven Ridge, 3.15 Global Leader, 3.50 Long Cross, 4.25 Glorious Empire, 4.55 Zain Empire, 5.25