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1. unwanted variations in a signal that result from imperfections in transmission; see also signal-to-noise ratio.
2. any disturbance in a visual signal being recorded in radiography; see also mottle.
Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.


1. Unwanted sound, particularly a complex sound that lacks a musical quality because its various frequencies that comprise it are not whole-or-partial number multiples (harmonics) of each other. Compare: harmony.
2. Unwanted additions to a signal not arising at its source; for example, the 60-cycle frequency wave in an electrocardiogram; largely eliminated from machines after 1980 (includes visual noise on imaging studies).
3. Extraneous uncontrolled variables influencing the distibution of measurements in a set of data.
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


Random variation in signals of the electromagnetic spectrum that carries no useful information from the source.

A term defined in MRI as an undesirable background signal interference or other disturbance, which affects image quality.

Occupational medicine
OSHA requires that anyone with occupational exposure to greater than 89 decibels should wear ear protection.
Segen's Medical Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.


Electronics Random variation in signals of the electromagnetic spectrum that carries no useful information from the source. See Cymatics, Music therapy, Sound therapy Technology Poisson noise Fluctuation in the number of information carriers–photons, electrons, which appears as 'snow' in a cathode ray tube, a function of the statistical variation of the rays received by the detector and number of electrons produced by the photomultiplier. See White noise. Cf Chaos, Pink noise.
McGraw-Hill Concise Dictionary of Modern Medicine. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.


1. Unwanted sound, particularly complex sound that lacks a musical quality because the various frequencies of which it is composed are not whole or partial number multiples (harmonics) of each other.
2. Unwanted additions to a signal not arising at its source; includes visual noise on imaging studies.
See: signal:noise ratio
3. Extraneous uncontrolled variables influencing the distibution of measurements in a set of data.
[M.E., fr. O.Fr., fr. L.L. nausea, seasickness]
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012

Patient discussion about noise

Q. what causes the sound of cracking noises in the head all the time it was said i had acute sinusitis but honestly i think it is more . I don't know why i have cracking noises in my head . I am very concerned about this also my neck is always stiff feeling and aching all the time. . My eyes are very tired and i see blue spots and they hurt behind the eye very badly . I have headaches very often

A. wow...that really sounds serious...i have chronic sinusitis and i can tell you i had horrible headaches but nothing like you describe now. i would strongly consider going to a hospital and checking it out...
tell us what was the result!

Q. Tinnitus (Ringing and Other Ear Noise) Anybody have this problem? Urrrrrrrrrrr, I think I want to shoot myself,you know what I mean. It is worst than the chinese torture. Someone, please send me a good tip how to stop it. I have this for 4 yrs and it is driving me crazy. You cannot enjoy total complete silence. They say silence is golden but not when you have this ringgi in your ears. It gets worst when there is no noise. The only remedy I have is eating hot spicy curry, it helps for 2-3 wks and then it comes back again and then eating spicy food again. Listening to classical music helps to. Oh well.....just have to suck it up.

A. I've read that lipoflavinoids can help.

Q. what can cause a migrane other than light, noise, andno sleep? Well its been 4 days n 3 nights that I have it n it dont go away it was bad at first but then my right ear hurted as well as my right upper wisdomteeth It seems to be in only the right side and its been movin down towards my neck... Please if u have any info on wha the fuck is goin on with me let me know asap...

A. A migraine attack can be triggered also by caffeine consumption, alcohol consumption, certain medications, allergic reactions, physical or emotional stress, smoking, skipping meals, menstrual cycle fluctuations, menopause, and certain food containing-
1) tyramine- red wine, aged cheese, smoked fish, chicken liver, figs and some beans.
2) nitrates - like hot dogs, bacon and salami.

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References in classic literature ?
There was a pattering noise and an old woman rat poked her head round a rafter.
'You've had law,' he said, crossing his legs and elevating his eyebrows: 'laws have been made a' purpose for you; a wery handsome prison's been made a' purpose for you; a parson's kept a purpose for you; a constitootional officer's appointed a' purpose for you; carts is maintained a' purpose for you--and yet you're not contented!--WILL you hold that noise, you sir in the furthest?'
Then the noise, if there were any, would have ceased, and Mr Flintwinch would snarl, turning upon her as if she had cut him down that moment against his will, 'Affery, old woman, you shall have a dose, old woman, such a dose!
Then came the loud ringing of a bell, mingled with the noise of fire-arms, and the shouts of men, and the sensation of being carried over uneven ground at a rapid pace.
It was not a large one, but it made noise enough for a panorama.
"Sire," he said, in a low voice, "do you know who these workmen are who are making so much noise?"
Rocinante took fright at the noise of the water and of the blows, but quieting him Don Quixote advanced step by step towards the houses, commending himself with all his heart to his lady, imploring her support in that dread pass and enterprise, and on the way commending himself to God, too, not to forget him.
It lasted nearly three hours; he then heard a noise of something falling, and all was silent.
One night, not long after, a loud noise and rumbling was heard under the castle.
"A drop of water falling off the ceiling would have made ten times as much noise!"
Where solitude endeth, there beginneth the market-place; and where the market-place beginneth, there beginneth also the noise of the great actors, and the buzzing of the poison-flies.
The words, "Oh, nonsense," never passed my lips, because I could not cheat myself into denying that there had been a noise; and that the noise was in the fencing-room.