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Related to miscarry: miscarriage


To have a miscarriage.
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


(mĭs′kăr′ē, mĭs-kăr′ē)
v. miscar·ried, miscar·rying, miscar·ries
1. To have a miscarriage.
2. To go astray or be lost in transit, as mail or cargo.
3. To fail to attain an intended goal, as a plan or project.
To have a miscarriage of (an embryo or fetus).
The American Heritage® Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2007, 2004 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
"This research has, for the first time, offered us a robust tool to begin to attempt to rescue pregnancies threatening to miscarry, when, currently, all we can do is fold our hands and hope for the best," she said.
He came back three months later saying he wanted his family again but he started to beat me and tried to make me miscarry. I reported him and a judge put a restraining order on him.
The study found that women with a body mass index of more than 25 - the equivalent of a 5ft 5in woman weighing 11 stone - were more likely to miscarry a healthy baby than lighter women.
WOMEN under 21 who have an abortion or miscarry are three times more likely to fall prey to drink and drugs addiction, new research shows.
Women who were not married or living with a partner were found to be at greater risk, while those whose pregnancy was "planned" were 40% less likely to miscarry than those for whom it was an accident.
Until now, doctors have denied simply being stressed could cause a mother-to-be to miscarry.
Among 622 women who said the measuring period had been a "typical day", those who experienced high peak fields were three times as likely to miscarry as those exposed to lower levels.
To miscarry was an awful thing to happen but then to lose the baby.
Not only are they up to four times more likely than nondiabetic women to miscarry, but their babies face three times the normal risk of congenital defects.
Stacey began to miscarry during a visit to McDonald's for lunch on Monday.
Measurements of anandamide hydrolase activity in lymphocytes purified from peripheral blood showed that the activity of the enzyme was significantly lower in these seven women than in the 43 women who did not miscarry
For one thing, it fails to adjust for the 15 percent of all diagnosed pregnancies that miscarry spontaneously.