master patient index

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mas·ter pa·tient in·dex

(MPI) (mas'tĕr pā'shĕnt in'deks)
Database of all patients ever treated at a given health care facility.
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012
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The platform's sophisticated algorithms normalize and map data into a standardized schema, providing users with a master patient index and error-free records.
The creation of a master patient index enabling reconciliation of patients with a high degree of confidence is essential for making imaging data available at scale.
In June of 2018, healtheConnect (formerly the Alaska eHealth Network) contracted with NextGate to use its Enterprise Master Patient Index for care collaboration and patient identity management.
The product will offer an integrated master patient index with linking capabilities.
Effective immediately, the extended agreement now includes NextGate's Enterprise Master Patient Index, Provider, Relationship and XDS Registry products IT solutions.
So the moment we pick up that byte of data to the moment that we have it ready to be analyzed in the data warehouse." What's more, operating the master patient index to identify duplicate records and linking patient names and birth dates across the different organizations used to be an eight-hour process.
In the meantime many health systems have adopted an Enterprise Master Patient Index (EMPI), in which the patient has the same identifier regardless of which hospital or service within the health system the patient originates.
The company has expanded to offer a line of services for HIM professionals that includes master patient index clean up and affordable remote coding solutions.
We've automated those solutions and systems and are able to gather information through an enterprisewide master patient index. We are able to get metrics and dashboards that have helped drive the quality improvement and efficiency gains.
The three most commonly integrated modules were the automated electronic laboratory reporting module, the web-based manual electronic laboratory reporting module, and the Master Patient Index module.

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