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Crawford Williamson (1815– 1878). American physician, born at Danielsville, Georgia, who in 1842 administered ether to a patient before removing a neck tumor, the first recorded use of an anesthetic in surgery.
Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.


John H., U.S. physician, 1856-1927. See: Long coefficient, Long formula.
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012

Patient discussion about Long

Q. how long should rehab be? if someone has been alcoholic for only a few months, how long should rehab take?

A. i'm not an expert but i had the chance to work with drug addicted. from what i know it really depends on the patient. You can be an addict for 12 years or 12 months- you need to go threw phases in order to go on. some time you move a phase very quickly and sometimes you get stuck in one phase…

Q. How long does Viagra's effect last? My Husband got Viagra from his Doctor and wants to start taking it. How long does the effect last?

A. Here is a link to a video that answers your question:

Q. Are long flights dangerous? I'm flying next week to my vacation, and the flight is going to be rather long (almost 16 hours non-stop). Several years ago, my 75 years-old aunt had blood clot in her lung after a flight of similar length. I also heard that during flight the blood in the legs clots and that it can cause after that problems with the lungs and breathing. Does this mean it's dangerous for me to fly? Should I change my ticket to shorter connection flights?

A. Do other relatives of yours have blood clotting problems too, like your aunt? You should tell a doctor about the problem your aunt had and ask if it's genetic.

More discussions about Long
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References in periodicals archive ?
Valued not long ago north of PS1bn, the company has not yet made a profit
Any pretence that the BBC intended to adhere to the terms of its charter as a fair and impartial news service evaporated long ago, and after June 2016 it became blindingly obvious that it had become an EU mouthpiece, funded generously from Brussels (with British taxpayers money) in order to prevent the Brexit that 17.4 million of us voted for.
To cite an example which is relevant, not long ago, the Lahore traffic police increased the amount of fine manifold for motorcyclists not wearing a helmet and who violate traffic signals.
| Life Long Ago Workshops and a dinosaur assembly were held at Oxley Primary School in Shepshed.
The stories that comprise "Not Long Ago" are, however, more personal than partisan.
"(But) the minister knows very well that Russia proposed a joint investigation long ago and that this proposal was on the agenda.
He was playing non-league not long ago. It just goes to show they're still out there, these diamonds.
The Photo ARTHRITIC fingers carefully clutch the tattered photo Invoking a painful memory from those days so long ago The gloss on the hair of the girl Like the down on a raven's wing Soft brown eyes look trustingly Though they cannot see a thing Tortured things of that terrible place They'd shared together so long ago "Why was I allowed to live" he cried When she was sacrificed and died Just because of her Jewish faith Now, old, crippled down at heel Nowhere warm to lay my head A cardboard box for my nightly bed No longer her lover, her blue-eyed boy by Lil Bordessa
IT'S so long ago since I read the Paddington Bear books that I had no idea their creator Michael Bond was still alive, let alone giving interviews to newspapers.
SIR Michael Caine says he would have been dead "long ago" had he not married Shakira Baksh.