lazy eye

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lazy eye

The American Heritage® Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2007, 2004 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
A visual disorder that affects 1-5% of the general population, which is characterised by poor vision in an eye that is either physically normal, or not as bad as eye tests suggest
Segen's Medical Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.

lazy eye

Suppression amblyopia Ophthalmology Subnormal visual acuity in the non-dominant eye despite appropriate correction of refractive errors, due to an early visual defect/amblyopia–eg, strabismus, farsightedness, myopia, astigmatism, or cataract; with time, the stronger eye dominates and retains good vision; neural connections between the brain and nondominant eye fail to develop normally, and the brain eventually ignores visual information from that eye; LE vision thus lacks depth perception. See Strabismus.
McGraw-Hill Concise Dictionary of Modern Medicine. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

laz·y eye

(lā'zē ī)
Central suppression of visual impulses from an eye with a severe refractive error or in strabismus.
Synonym(s): amblyopia.
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012

lazy eye

A lay term applied both to an abnormal inturning of the eye (convergent STRABISMUS or esotropia) and to the defect of vision often resulting from untreated squint in young children (AMBLYOPIA).
Collins Dictionary of Medicine © Robert M. Youngson 2004, 2005
References in periodicals archive ?
Doctors can successfully treat children with lazy eye before they reach the age of 7, said Vaughan, who has advocated for mandatory preschool vision screenings since 2003.
Amblyopia - lazy eye - affects around 4% of the population.
In an interview for the Bulgarian daily "Trud" (Labor), Guguchkova insisted the MP has used her influence to slate separate funds for the condition known as "lazy eye" in children while the Health Insurance Fund (NZOK) already pays for it through another insurance path.
On a totally different level, two entrepreneurial suppliers have met the challenge of children who have to wear eye patches because of amblyopia, or "lazy eye." Eye-Lids, a Canadian company, produces non-adhesive, reusable and wash able patches made of flannel sporting colorful, fun designs.
The Question: Does in utero exposure to maternal tobacco use and consumption of alcohol, coffee, or tea increase the chance a baby will develop lazy eye (strabismus)?
Summary: A split tongue and a lazy eye may sound like some sort of ailment but for sorcerers in Morocco such attributes are a sign someone possesses supernatural skills that allow them to contact the spirit
A new product is on the market for the treatment of amblyopia or "lazy eye." The reusable eye patches from DrPatch are designed to fit all eyeglasses, and come in six full-color varieties.
An innovative set of eye exercises enables people with amblyopia, or lazy eye, to improve their vision, researchers report.
"The Patch" is children's author Justina Headley's 32-page picturebook story about Becca, a little girl who must deal with a condition known as Amblyopia or 'lazy eye', and whose eye doctor prescribes new glasses and the wearing of an eye patch over her good eye to help her lazy eye grow stronger.
Catching those problems--including "lazy eye," or amblyopia, eye muscle imbalances (strabismus), or even a retinal tumor, which affects about one in 20,000 infants--early may enable them to be corrected.
Smith was awarded the GBP1,000 prize for the Eurasia region, while the award for best first book went to Donna Daley-Clarke for her novel Lazy Eye.
Amblyopia, or "lazy eye," is another condition found in children.